Chapter 7 part 4 Overwhelming power

I sat on the rubble blocking the part and hoped to finally find a few scouts from Hiroshima once more updating their information.

I had considered using the nanotechnology to contact the others however there was a strong possibility they were busy.

I had been out here for almost a day now when suddenly a communication came through on the channel saying "Lord Horas evacuate Hiroshima now 2 red spider users are in bound. Lord Rameses will finish the report in 20 minutes for now just note those monsters are 1 day out."

I looked out into the ridge and saw nothing however a stamping sound could be heard.

It was odd to hear such a load stamp with this distance and I figured I had about 10 minutes before it arrived.

I started to jump of the wall when I noticed a scout from Hiroshima waiting for me.

I looked over to him and asked for a report on the city.

Fortunately for the city the horseman were extremely out numbered and slaughtered before they left the path.

I was about to show the scout the battlefield when I noticed 2 men enter the ridge they were huge around 4 times taller then a regular man and so muscular that you could tell they were deadly powerful.

I turned to the scout who had made it to the ridge opening and said "Get to Hiroshima and evacuate them those monsters are coming, I will delay them for as long as I can so ride!"

The scout sped of and I decided that I could defeat these monsters.

I jumped down from the wall and lifted 2 boulders up and aimed at the 2 giants and tossed them.

The boulders flew at them and in the next second both boulders were shattered like they were nothing.

I took up a combat ready stance and held 2 swords ready however the monsters were faster then I realized and before I could even strike at 1 of them a punch 3 quarters my size impacted me.

The impact was terrifying I felt my bones shatter and organs explode with the impact and in the next second I was launched into a Boulder.

I had barely regenerated when a giant knee splattered me once again.

I wasn't simply overpowered, I was totally out of my depth these giants were so powerful that my full power could barely stretch their skin.

I was desperate to find a way to stop this beating and finally I dodged a punch however the ground beneath me had totally caved in and I started to run away.

In the next moment I caught a glimpse of the giant passing me and then I was kicked across the ridge once again.

I had no way out from this horror finally I rolled my chi and tried to swallow a punch however the hit only seemed to get harder as I got launched up into the air.

The battle was a 1 sided beating and I could do nothing to stop it.

I had managed to dodge hits but I could not even budge these giants.

My attacks were pointless every time like the wind blowing lightly of a rock.

It had been only 5 minutes of combat when I realized that the giants were somewhat berserk, they didn't speak or employ strategy instead they just overwhelmed and beat me down.

The fighting style reminded me of fighting bears, in the start I had been beaten like this and once the bear had grown tired of tearing me limb from limb it would toss me aside.

The beating was now about to reach an hour when I heard Rameses on my channel asking "Horas are you and the people from Hiroshima safe?"

I jumped away pulling off a few consecutive dodges and replied "Hiroshima is safe I'm just trying to hold theses monsters till they die."

Rameses sighed as I was kicked across the ridge again and then he said "They are not going to die apparently the this is the red spider lily mixed with several herbs that slow growth so the users grow into giants. Another problem is they are way more powerful as the red spider lily doesn't stop growing you it bonds to your blood and makes you infertile. You need to get away somehow or kill them you have no other option."

I had been caught in yet another beating as the 2 giants kept pummelling me and this time I needed to know what I could do to counter these monsters.

I was outmatched and nothing was helping even using my intellect had no effect.

Rameses finally communicated again saying "Horas there is a technique you could use to increase your strength, the catch is that it's not easy to use and if you mess up you will not be able to easily recover from the side effects. If you pull of this technique you will be hundreds of times stronger."

My hope was revitalize and I dodged the next few blows from the giants and countered their punches with punches to get pushed back as I pleased.

I had an opening to talk and scream "Rameses teach me this technique fast I can not escape!"

Rameses replied "Very well its called the Chakra well death method. There are 3 steps to start this process first you need to pull all your strength down till it feels like a point and concentrate it, since you have an immortal power make sure you don't mix it into your power. Second you need to learn to open your energy path down your Chakra till you force it to flow. The third path is the hardest once all 7 Chakras are flowing you need to force your energy to surge. Now let all energy you use flow from a single point in you and concentrate your power now."

I pulled at my strength and suddenly my agility and speed improved.

I could sense the attacks coming at me almost effortlessly, however my dodging was now full out and the monsters attacks kept barely missing me.

The technique was working then out of nowhere my chi started stirring the energy started making me dizzy and it felt like eye sight was fading.

I quickly took a hit to bounce of further away from the giants and called to Rameses saying "What do I do with my power its stirring wildly and making it hard to see!"

Rameses seemed to respond anxiously "Pull it down and concentrate it but force it away from your strength or you will be in a huge spot of trouble!"

I started pulling the power to concentrate it and my head started to clear but the concentration I had to keep was insane.

The giants started attacking and once again I started dodging the attacks I was not faster at this point but my mind and body felt burdened.

I kept dodging trying to keep my focus it was like trying to balance on smooth ice on a rough ocean while dodging obstacles.

My mind was intensely focused on these actions and finely I called out to Rameses "What do I do next this isn't exactly smooth sailing!"

Rameses calmly replied "You have to learn to hold this concentration or in the next stage you won't be able to hold the concentration."

In that instant I realized that this technique may have been easily described but it was only going to intensify.

I had been keeping my strength and power concentrated for almost 50 minutes when suddenly the entire task of concentration felt effortless.

I felt that white place flowing into me as I suddenly mastered the technique.

My speed improved marginally and my strength improved ever so slightly, I felt light as if I had no exhaustion.

I suddenly reopened the channel and said calmly "Rameses let's go further I can keep up the concentration."

Rameses replied "You need more time no one could master this control so quickly."

I took a deep breath and said "Rameses trust me I can do this."

Rameses gave in and instructed "Clear your mind of all thoughts and focus on what you truly fear then allow your fears to fade away and as you do this empty yourself of your fears but remember it has to be a complete release.

If you release fear you should feel a place asking for energy at that point concentrate your strength to flow into that spot and hold it. Whatever you do keep your power out of that point."

I started the concentration and felt my fears when all of a sudden every emotion I suppressed came pouring in.

My concentration on the condensed strength and power held up and slowly in my mind I drew out only my fears.

My surface level fears surfaced and I struggled to face my fears till finally I came to the realization I had nothing to fear and suddenly I felt this sucking force pulling at my power and strength.

I dug deep and pushed down the strength to a fine string leading it to the vacuum like feeling.

The energy had entered and I felt nothing at first then suddenly I felt bursts of speed and strength spreading into my body, the speed was a massive improvement allowing me to escape the movements of the giants and even now I could tell I still couldn't hurt or escape these monsters.

I delved into my fears once more and started facing more and more of them, slowly yet surely the strength improved.