Chapter 7 part 7 The demon killing blade

The 5 of us were seated and the emperor proceeded to start the meeting.

The emperor suddenly pulled up a map and began saying "This is the current region we are in and the red markers show where the enemy rode in from, the blue marker is our current frontline.

The enemy however has not formed up, as a result we have been struggling to plot an attack that could stop the demons entering the battle.

The enemy got spooked around 3 weeks ago and suddenly pulled back however their only escape route is through the side passes.

The side passes became unpassable when Rameses and his company entered the battle so the enemy is stuck.

3 demons failed to take the pass from his units so they held their demons in reserve to stop us.

Around 15 days ago the enemy started falling into a rotation pattern for camping and stopped engaging us.

When we try to attack they send out demons as a defence so we can't stop them however we now have the greatest warrior in the world so we can cut them down…."

The emperor looked to me as I put up my hand to interrupt his line of speech and then I said "I may have killed 2 demons but from what I have heard there are 8 demons left if I fight more then 1 at a time I doubt I could help and should I be defeated in combat they will likely press the advantage.

I suspect the enemy is camping the bridge from Hiroshima with demons in hopes of stopping me should an attack occur.

If you wish to use me in combat you will need to force the enemy to defend 8 fronts while I kill 1 demon then we must pull back hold and wait for me to recover."

At this point the emperor seemed to be reconsidering his tactics then he suddenly replied "Very well we will keep up our current pattern of attack using you only in the correct situation. Rameses organize your forces to form up 8 holds for the demons then we can suppress the enemy and bring them back into our society."

I once more put my hand out to interrupt and said "We must kill them all as they were effected by a great evil, mercy would only serve to cost you more lives."

The general interjected saying "They are our people how bad could mercy be for us."

Rameses replied this time saying "A long time ago mercy was shown to a single traitor, the traitor repented their sins and then went about stabbing people in the back. Time passed and all of a sudden the kingdom was destroyed from the inside as the enemy was hiding among us. Lives were lost and people were tortured then finally we defeated this enemy however if we had not accepted the traitor back many lives would have been spared."

Rameses seemed to cut himself of and then the emperor spoke "There is wisdom in your advice so we shall work out a strategy to eliminate all of the enemy."

The room seemed filled with a morbid tone from what was said and finally I pulled up the blade of the general I had defeated.

The sheath of the sword was a pure white and as I drew the blade a bright red hue was seen in the steel, the blade only bore numbers in Japanese reading 8/13.

The general seemed to be stunned at the blade in my hand and then he suddenly burst out, "The legendary blade of the sage, where did you acquire this katana?"

The emperor had lost his composure and looked at me with a look of shock then I said "This was the blade of the enemy general I defeated at the Hiroshima pass, I wanted to ask if it could be bestowed on the man who accompanied me from Hiroshima."

Kaguya suddenly spoke in an ever so soft tone saying "The blade is a holy relic and may only be passed on through combat 13 of these weapons exist and you have the only confirmed blade forged by the sage. No matter what you may not pass on this blade, not even to the emperor who desires this blade."

The emperor seemed to be ensnared by the blade and examined it ever so closely.

It was at this moment that I asked "Who is this sage and how old are the blades?"

The emperor spoke in a reverent tone and said "The blades are around 7000 years old and we believe the sage was called the incarnate, the blade was made to help a saviour. The legend says the saviour would bare a white blade on demons and in his greatest moment of need his blade would be insufficient, he is then to find this blade won in battle and use it slay his enemy. The legend says the man who wields this blade would be immortal."

Rameses turned to look at me in shock then I responded while looking at the blade saying "Impossible if this blade were 7000 years old it would be cracked or dull, this blade is extremely sharp and has never been sharpened."

I suddenly found myself deeply examining the blade as well and at that moment Rameses spoke saying "This seems to be the work of Amun I notice the sheath design. Is too simple so it likely is 7000 years old. The only thing I have a problem with is the prophecy they gave us seems incomplete. Amun would have normally left a lesson to be learnt from his words."

No one said another word for several minutes as we stared at the blade.

The room had emptied after seeing the sword, no body had spoken any further after Rameses spoke.

The sword was now in my hands and after drawing my titanium blade I had noticed that my blades had a sharp white hue, I had struggled to cut through the giants head during my last battle however the only advantage this blade offered me was several inches of length for cutting.

I swung both swords for several minutes and noticed a second unique feature of the katana, the blade accelerated much easier compared to my broadsword.

The katana was a weaker weapon and lacked many combat advantages of broadswords.

The true advantage of a katana was close quarters rapid combat, meant to deal quick deadly blows. I looked at the katana and finally realized the blade was my best hope for decapitation of the giants.

My blades were magnificent however the time I took to decapitate a single giant was far to long as the flesh of the giant slowed my blade whilst the katana would hardly be effected due to its slim profile.

The emperor had finally returned to the room and 5 of us once more took our seats.

The emperor had a scroll in his hand this time and laid it open on the table for us to read, most of the words had faded away however 3 statements were discernible, 1 when the scarlet hue of the blade touches both sun and demon shall they burn, 2 read 4 demons of the cliff face shall be slain by this blade and 3 read the master of demons shall die by this blade when he meets the 1 he wronged.

Rameses looked at the scroll and kept trying to make out the faded words, the rest of the room seemed to be waiting for his final reading.

Finally Rameses seemed to give up and sat up straight the emperor once more started the conversation saying "We have been charged with guarding all 13 prophecies and we were told to only show the prophecies to those who bare the weapon or serve the weapon barer.

The prophecy before us is 8 we were also told that all 13 weapons would 1 day be held by a single master. Now that this has been revealed I hope we all prepare for battle."

Rameses suddenly replied "We shall prepare for battle however Horas shall accompany me for training and treatment on this night. Till he is ready my men are at the ready and will keep the enemy at bay."