Chapter 8 part 1 The grand trap

The meeting had concluded and Rameses walked over to his camp.

The camp was erected with bamboo and leaf tarps, in the centre was an opening with 3 pillows.

Rameses had finally entered the camp site and had me sit on a pillow.

Rameses then instructed "Your Chakra will need to be healed after what we did to it, so we will start of with concentrating your power and strength however be warned you will pass out if you rush it."

I replied "My strength is flowing through my Chakra already and I have healed the first Chakra completely using the idea of facing, overcoming and surviving my fears. On that note my second Chakra is open however I can't clear the second Chakra completely."

Rameses started his instruction once again and said "The second Chakra would be difficult for you after all your passion and guilt make up the bulk of this Chakra. You likely hold immeasurable guilt from resisting urges of passion and the way in which you lost past lovers. You need to learn to accept these parts of yourself and let go of your guilt, now focus deeply inwards and see your past passion and love remember your guilt and short comings then resolve to not repeat these mistakes."

I closed my eyes and fell deep into my subconscious and the white place opened once more.

Suddenly as I focused, my memories flowed through once again and I had to face every moment of passion I had guilt over along with any remaining guilt.

My Chakra was still blocked by just 1 memory and then I decided to just go on ignoring Rameses instruction.

I went further releasing my disappointment in myself, then I went on deeper releasing my sadness however at this point the white place seemed to be ringing with alarm.

I had opted to ignore it and went on even further to open the fifth Chakra I looked deep into myself seeing the truth of myself unravelling the lies I tell myself.

The white place suddenly turned red and I saw it, the reality of the situation we were facing, Alexander had escaped through America.

I had to open the last 2 Chakras fast and I quickly looked through the illusions I had given to myself and suddenly my strength flowed up my Chakra.

I instantly released my earthly attachments however all 6 upper Chakras had at least 1 unresolved memory slowing their efficiency.

I opened my eyes and scream to Rameses "Alexander escaped get everyone into battle we need to crush the enemy now and have Jackie wipe clean the coast of every city in China now!"

I had complete control of my Chakra then as quickly as I could I mixed my power to my strength and a huge burst of energy flowed out of my body creating a huge blast of wind, the power only climbed up 3 Chakras.

My power was now nearly 100 times greater then it was normally I had grown my power to an alarming level then I ran towards the enemy.

My plan was simple kill them all like a wave of devastation and then chase after Alexander.

If I chased after Alexander and left his servants behind he would double back into the chaos and vanish, however if I let him run he would have to restart his actions and lose any chance of returning to a place that was my domain.

I was furious in a way that was not very normal and my mind wasn't clouded instead my mind was crystal clear.

I was running so fast that the air started rippling around me and then I finally came up on an enemy scout party and attacked them, to an observer the man and horses simply had their heads popped off, I had pulled out my swords and cut the heads of the horses and men so quickly that 6 men had died in an instant.

I had no time to take it easy and I killed anyone in my sight.

The enemy base came in range extremely quickly and the death was extremely quick and intense before the army tripped an alarm nearly 700 men died.

The army attempting to assemble cost them nearly 10000 lives and I knew that any giant who arrived would be an easy target as my rapid attacks moved in random patterns.

The army had been decimated by me and nearly 40000 men had been killed when suddenly 3 giants appeared.

The army started pulling back as the 3 giants charged me head on.

I charged in hard and dodged all 3 with ease and as I ran up an arm I was trapped, two punches caught me from the back and my blades went flying as I lost my balance.

Unlike last time I could counter and withstand their strength so it didn't break me to pieces.

I had believed this would be easier however the 3 before me seemed to have higher intellectual capabilities despite being slower then me they realized they could trap me into taking attacks.

I had grabbed two more swords from my sides and ran in once more, as I got close I jumped up to get them to attack and instantly kicked their punches away opening 1 giant for attack.

I had already started running up the giants arm when he suddenly jumped and spun in the air crashing into the ground, this time my blades got lodged in his arm.

I tried to pull out the blades however the other 2 had already started attacking me, I jumped back looking at the ground and realised I was now down to my last titanium blade and the katana 8/13.

I was stuck with only 2 options however I feared the katana would shatter like the blade of Mitiyoshi.

I grabbed my titanium blade and ran in once again, this time I cut the fingers of a punch from 1 of the giants and jumped over the giants arms however the enemy had given me no quarter and forced me to be way more defensive.

I jumped back and the giants pulled back as well, in this moment I realised my first strike would land then I'd be forced to defend so my attack had to incapacitate 1 giant so I could fight 2 on 1 and repeat the strategy.

I took a deep stance and forced my way in charging straight at the giant this time I swung hard and impacted the giants knee as the blade went through it slowed rapidly till I was stopped halfway through.

I struggled to pull my blade out and the giants struck me again I was now in absolute trouble with no weapon to use against the giants.

I ran up the giant once more and punched him in the face and as I landed I charged up the next giant kicking him away however the giants seemed to take me much more lightly without a weapon and they were right to do so.

I had just 1 option at this point and it seemed pointless from my point of view however it may get me a chance to recover my sword from the giants knee.

I was now moving around rapidly and the giants didn't seem to want to back away so I had to wait to use the katana.

The giants attacked me going all out and I dodged and weaved between their attacks till finally I had them lined up to strike me from 3 directions, as the attack came in I rolled under the punches drew the katana and as I reached the knee I slashed with a wide circular strike to the back of the giants knee. The katana sliced right through the giants knee like a hot knife through butter, the giant suddenly stumbled into the other 2 giants and I managed to pull my blade from giants knee.

I was shocked at the katanas power and had been conflicted as to whether I should keep using it or change back to my blades.

I looked up and 2 giants were now about to strike so I sheathed my titanium blade and swung the katana this time I sliced through both punches effortlessly and had both giants now down to just 2 deadly punches.

I kept pushing and had mounted up the giant and in a single strike the giants neck was almost completely sliced off, I had dodged a hit from the second giant and the giant I was standing on was beheaded by the blow.

The giant had finally fallen over and I ran up the next giant taking it on and sliced through the neck kicking it at the same time to ensure the giant was beheaded.

Finally 2 giants were dead and I had to simply take on the last giant, as I turned to face the giant I noticed the giant katana had been drawn.