Chapter 8 part 3 True power of the last immortal

It was a miracle suddenly I was back in my body at the moment I had lost control.

I tried to feel out my bodies motion however it refused to budge or respond I was just a helpless observer in my own body suddenly I noticed my body exploding with power.

My right had grasped the katana this whole time and in the next instant the blade was drawn however this time my blade was no longer red instead the blade had taken on a black glow.

I could tell that my power was at the seventh Charka with full power and strength bursting forth, something was weird internally I felt no condensed strength or power instead it seemed as if all the Chakras had the condensed power within them.

My muscles seemed to be exploding and reforming multiple over as they improved countless times in an instant, I was now tens of thousands of times stronger then a regular man.

I was already running towards the battlefield and all around me the darkness of night seemed to have vanished as it looked like day time through my eyes.

The ground beneath me started to compact around me as if my power made my weight increase.

The world had almost completely frozen and my footsteps were incredibly fast the army was now right before me.

I swung my katana in a wide motion and all that I could see was a blast wave slowly expanding towards the army however it seemed to slow for me so I charged in once again lobbing of the heads of soldiers in the enemy army.

Suddenly I heard a deep roaring cry escape my throat and I felt my eight Chakra open, in that moment my power transcended to the point that the ground started caving in beneath me for meters.

My power suddenly entered my eight Chakra and the time dilation that had held the world frozen seemed to break suddenly the ground caving in beneath me spread like glass cracking, the enemy army could be seen falling into the pit that had been made and the slow slash I had released took of like a rocket causing the squashed bodies to explode.

The air had a spray of clothing and weapons and I finally saw my main prey the last 5 demons, in that instant a loud painful roar escaped my throat as if screaming out Curse you Alexander.

Blood had burst into a mist as almost anything insight had been engulfed by it any remaining soldiers had been crushed by the huge gravity.

The sea around Japan had risen up due to this power up and a tidal wave 300 meters high was now being pulled in.

My senses seemed enhanced so far that I could sense every planet in nearly 100 light years.

The ground quaked violently and suddenly I was floating as if the air itself was solid ground.

The sensation was incredible yet I still had no control, on the back of my hands 2 black orbs had formed however the huge mass of energy exerted no force.

I had charged into the giants and cut through them so easily it had been like a fully grown adult killing an infant.

The last giant had his sword pointed forwards and the katana I swung cut through like a hot knife through butter.

In the next instant the blade gave of a flames as it sliced through the giants head.

The four giants bodies burst into flame and I took off into the sky.

I stood above the world as if it were nothing then all my power flowed from places unseen and formed yet another orb of that was no larger then a hand.

I dropped the orb to the ground yet I still controlled every aspect of it and in the next moment the orb pulled the land and pushed it perfectly releasing all tension then it exploded pushing the sea back down to level and releasing a wave of energy.

Suddenly my I was back in my body this time I was totally drained not a drop of power or strength absolutely nothing seemed to remain.

Rameses had rode his horse as fast as he possibly could when suddenly a violent wind blew through the army.

In the next instance several loud explosion were heard along with a roar.

The night suddenly erupted with light and the entire place illuminated as a sudden force pulled everyone towards it.

The ground was quaking and the bright light didn't seem to fade, in the next instant several bands of fire seemed to shoot of into the night when suddenly Horas flew into the air.

The army around started proclaiming that Horas was some type of god and the entire army stood in-tranced.

A tiny orb dropped from Horas's hand and suddenly the earthquake stopped followed by a blast of energy that dropped every person to the ground.

A rain of body parts descended onto the battle field and slowly yet surely so did Horas.

Horas had landed pretty close so Rameses rode towards him and found Horas screaming in pain as he held firm to the katana in his right hand.

Rameses dismounted his horse and started to pull the katana from Horas's hand however the hand seemed to be welded to the katana so Rameses grabbed hold of the katanas guard and pulled as hard as he could.

The blade was tough to remove and finally after several minutes of pulling the blade had been pulled free.

Horas did not move an inch as his right hand slowly healed from what seemed to be extreme burns.

Horas did not stir at all instead he lay there lifeless as if he had just died.

Suddenly Horas took a deep breath and had started breathing once again.

I was back in the present and my body had no strength or power so I felt out my body for the slightest trait of energy.

1 single drop of power had returned to my body and I instantly diverted it to the first Chakra, the tiny black drop of power swirled around violently and then a drop of strength fell into my body once more it was dedicated to the first Chakra.

Suddenly slow trickles of power poured in increasing in size with every passing second.

My body suddenly regained feeling and my lungs had taken a deep breath of fresh air, my body had not yet recovered so I kept my power low and contained my consciousness.

It seemed hilarious at first but my power rose at an alarming fast rate yet the power and strength seemed to have grown greatly.

The vast amount of strength and power being restored felt like rain drops in the sea, not only had the total body energy increased so vastly but so did my bodies durability.

I could hear the conversation occurring around me now as I had been tossed into a horses saddle and left there for this trip.

Rameses seemed to be talking to the emperor saying "He is not a God pleased don't you dare call him a God he will kill us all for that trust me lord Horas is as far as you can go with the name any further and you will taste his wrath!"

The emperor replied "That will be nearly impossible trust me what he did could be seen for kilometres on end even if he disapproves people will worship him. I understand he is not a God but he is extraordinary to the point that I have to call him divine."

Rameses sighed deeply saying "When he returns to consciousness ask him what to do. If we do that little he may keep calm unfortunately if he gets angry you may get to see that power again and we will all die."

The emperor seemed to shudder and replied "Very well considering that Lord Horas can likely destroy everything if the ideal isn't right."

Rameses replied "Horas didn't kill your people for no reason trust me his far to gentle a soul, he has no choice but to stop your people from the disaster of Alexander. Many years ago he killed an army Alexander had made and left a kingdom in disaster, when he returned to the enemy nation its people were sick and dying from multiple problems brought on by Alexander's teachings. Worse still Alexander destroyed all who could rule wisely resulting in more chaos… looks like Horas is regaining consciousness."