Chapter 8 part 4 Prophecies of nightmares

I had started to stir as my energy was now substantial enough for me to move and get more comfy in the saddle.

I opened my eyes and looked around, ropes had been used to tie each foot to a foot hold and my hands were tied to the front of the saddle.

It was no leather mid west saddle instead it consisted of several blanket like materials with metal foot holds and some basic internal pieces.

With myself unconscious both myself and the horse were in pain with metal grinding on us.

I pulled my buttocks forward getting of the metal and looked up it was now day break.

Rameses had fallen back slightly and opened up the bindings on my hands, I looked at his face and a look of fear seemed present as he untied me.

I had been completely focused on restoring my energy however even with all 7 completely open the energy flowing into my body was utterly insignificant.

The energy I held now was at present 40 times the requirement I had on the seventh Chakra before the battle but even this paled in comparison to what my first Chakra demanded at this point even if I tried to burst my power previously the power didn't measure up.

I looked over a Rameses now and said "We need to wrap things up and get moving before Alexander causes more problems.

I'm tired of hunting him I need to have him gone before he causes more people to suffer, I wish I could show restraint in killing those he effects but I always remember what that monster did to my heart."

Rameses seemed terrified as he answered "We may need you to stay in Japan while the rest of us hunt him. You caused a huge mess the people of Japan may see you as some kind of god now. So please stay behind and fix the mess before the people destroy this entire place looking for their new God!"

I replied with a tone of agitation saying "I likely won't be able to fight for a while my strength and power aren't restoring completely instead it feels like my body has grown beyond my limits after that craziness."

Rameses pulled the katana 8/13 and tried to hand it over to me in that instant I pulled away from Rameses and said "That blade drew out all my power and caused my Chakra to run wild I'm not using it unless it's absolutely necessary or likely when I kill Alexander."

Rameses sighed and said "You craved death for a split second so the eight Chakra likely pulled your will through memory and exploded your Chakra so you likely just grew a few times over the limit and entered full power mode."

Rameses suddenly noticed the blade tugged towards Horas like it had a life of its own and the handle had 2 bright gems as its pins, previously the 2 pins were made of wood.

Rameses took a deep breath and said "Well you won 4 more of the 13 blades however 3 were completely broken. They may be resonate weapons made by the sage. I don't understand them but I could try to explain it…"

I cut him off mid sentence saying "You need material made with a perfect structure to the one who wields it, in the end the most common resonate materials are wood and gem stones. The blade I held was not just a good match to me it was a perfect match and once it had its fill of my power it ignited my Chakra giving my power a boost and gorging itself on my power. To control resonate weapons the wielder must have a clear body and mind or the power will flow to memory and consume you into it. Amun made this weapon to destroy a demon so he likely choose the pieces all to match my power, the steel and even the sheath."

The emperor suddenly burst in saying "Sorry lord Horas however the blades made by the sage had no sheaths they were sheathed by my predecessors. We also replaced the handles however the blades, guards and pins were made by the sage."

The 3 of us continued to talk about the blades explaining the plain white wood used in the sheath and handle plus the reason why they had no decorations.

Finally the horses had reached the palace and Rameses had all 5 blades in his arms as we walked in.

The three broken blades had been wrapped in cloth to be brought forwards in the palace with their prophecies.

The emperor had scurried of as Rameses and myself walked over to the meeting room, the guards and servants of the palace bowed every time I passed 1 of them and kept calling me a God.

The small meeting room was now a retreat where no one dared to enter, after 5 minutes the emperor came in with 4 scrolls in hand.

The scrolls were listed 1 to 4 meaning I had the first 4 blades, the wrapped blades were now unwrapped and left on the floor I looked over the blades and the blade still had the numbers visible. The scrolls were opened and shocking as it may be scrolls 1,3 and 4 were a prediction of destruction and for the blade and instructions to repair them however each blade had a unique set of instructions the first had all the pieces forge welded together then folded in on itself 432 times.

The blade listed 3 of 13 had instructed me to forge welded with the wielders favourite metal then forged out and folded the blade in 100 times.

The blade listed 4 of 13 instructed that it be re-forged as the wielder pleased however he would have named his previous 2 forged swords with the names Hasirama and Izumi with this blade holding the name of a friend and had to be given to the friend till his death.

Scroll 2/13 was not so light instead this scroll made the heart shiver as if it were just as nightmare.

The scroll read "This blade will be drawn on the one who holds a piece of your heart, the sky shall burn as 2 sun's appear. Those you care for shall perish never to be seen again. This blade shall be thrown and shatter slowly poisoning your enemy to death. Be warned to the company you then seek for betrayal shall follow as the head of your enemy rests at your feet."

The sage had stated something I believed to be impossible since my technology would grant immortality to the wielder.

A fear had crept into my heart and despite my logical arguments I instantly let the fear flow out of me, these things happen and mortals die however in the next 1000 years I was sure to meet the immortals.

Rameses looked at me with a look of confusion and said "I wonder who holds your heart and if no one does how will you fall in love this time."

My face twisted in pain all of a sudden as I let out a whimpering statement "I love Cleopatra… Alexander is going after her resurrection pod."

Rameses instantly opened a channel asking anyone to head to the crypt and check for her body, the emperor seemed dumbfounded as Rameses called orders to the open air.

The others had remembered that I had placed 1 of my armour units around Cleopatra's pod so that no one would dare wake her.

They all insisted on hunting Alexander directly, eventually I too gave the order and 2 individuals obeyed the order Jackie and Kaguya.