Chapter 8 part 5 The nightmare begins(warning contains descriptions of extreme violence)

I had been forced to remain in Japan being treated as a God of sorts however we managed to reduce the rank to demon lord instead.

I had been granted dominion of 2 cities in Japan the first was Hiroshima and second was Nagasaki, apparently it was necessary to promote the evil demon lord.

The emperor was on good terms with me however most generals shivered with fear at the instant I spoke, the regions that herald the rebellion were slaughtered to the point that only children remained.

My heart was a mess just thinking of the pain those kids would be forced to endure the sins of the parents inherited the children pain.

The army assembled to counter Alexander dispersed to the winds hunting for Alexander and my life was a consistent battle as I tried to regain my energy to fuel my Chakra again.

The white place no longer granted me entrance and the energy was so insignificant compare to my bodies demands that the energy could no longer flow to higher Chakras.

I remembered that in the start of my uncontrolled state my power and energy had been pushed to make 7 orbs of power and were merged them to each Chakra then it infused the power and caused the flow to go rapid.

Separating my strength had already been far to hard to achieve it felt like growing extra arms when the orbs separated and the balance created was chaos.

I had set out in the open, day after day trying to just create the second orb and hold it, finally I could hold the second orb and as I pulled it to the second Chakra the flow of strength to my body seemed to erupt.

The large flow of power was dozens of times larger then my previous energy flow and worse still the strength was insignificant to hold the Chakra if I moved while holding 2 Chakras I'd instantly grow light headed as the Chakra pulled on all power and strength to circulate it.

It had taken me several months and at long last my strength could be divided 7 times and merged to my Chakras the energy flow was ridiculous to say the least however the energy still barely touched the never ending demand of my first Chakra.

The power I held was not the same it was utterly ridiculous to split the power it demanded 10 times the concentration of holding 7 strength flows.

After 6 months I finally achieved the splitting of the power the moment the power merged with the 2 Chakras the strength seemed to flow much faster and the progress to split the power further sped up.

Within 2 months it had been completed all 7 orbs could be placed in the Chakras the energy now flowed so quickly it was as if a raging river attempted to fill the sea despite the huge flow of energy it would take months to fill just 1 Chakra with enough energy.

3 years had passed and Alexander had vanished to winds my power was now restored however the usage of the 7 Chakras was prohibited due to its ridiculous level of capabilities.

I was now trillions of times more powerful then a regular man however the increased strength came with huge down sides like extreme drain due to destroying my own body using the strength.

My power refused to reignite like the day I destroyed the giants so the increased strength and power were all wasted on me.

I had started improving Hiroshima ever so slightly to become a better defence without all the draw back.

The port now had a boarder wall so moving up to the city for an invading army would be a death sentence.

The red spider lily was a rare flower and only 10 had been left to grow as a sort of bait for Alexander.

It was a bright red sunset as I sat in the middle of the town of Hiroshima, looking over the mountains towards the sea.

The red glow was almost a foreshadowing of the events to come.

I was starring at the sky when a channel suddenly opened and Rameses spoke saying "Horas we have bad news. Alexander has managed to steal Cleopatra's pod and he also managed to abduct Jackie and Kaguya!"

I instantly replied "I'm on my way to Egypt keep on his trail so we can kill that son of a bitch!"

Rameses seemed to tremble as he answered "Well… uh well this happened… uh about 3 months ago so we don't have his trail."

I replied "Why the hell did you lot keep this from me we need to find them quickly. Activate the suit detection system we need to find them!"

Rameses took a deep breath and said "We have their armour, we suspect Alexander forced them to drop the armour and before you think of tracking the neural implants we tried already! The closest we got to them was a wide range signal detection from the East of Europe unfortunately we can't pin point them."

I dropped the channel and requested to the computer to send the nearest ship over.

The ship rushed over as fast as it could, I had already rushed over to the designated departure area.

The ship had arrived and at the entrance stood Russell who seemed terrified as I walked up to the ship, in the next moment I grabbed Russell by the collar of his shirt and pinned him to the wall saying "Tell me everything!"

Russell shivered and quivered as he explained what had happened, apparently Jackie and Kaguya had guarded the crypt everyday then Kaguya lost contact 1 day and nobody helped Jackie to find her.

The story worsened as the others decided to track the 2 missing individuals when they realized they were several weeks late to finding the trail, the group decided not to incur my wrath so they attempted to rectify their mistake by finding Kaguya and Jackie.

However the mess intensified and Russell fought to stop Rameses calling me in as they feared I would kill them all.

I had resisted my urge to attack anyone and headed to the main controls of the ship.

The scans had thrown up the exact same results as had been explained and finally I decided to open the memory log from Kaguya at the crypt.

Alexander stood where Cleopatra's pod once was and stood still as Kaguya charged in.

Alexander suddenly spoke saying "Do you want that little bitches body back? If you attack me that body will lie lost to eternity."

Kaguya slowed and looked around then she said "What have you done to that sweet girls body you monster?"

Alexander let out a laugh and replied "Well I put the pod on a ship destined for the open sea, choose carefully if you want the pod to remain take of your armour and tell me if anyone else is coming?"

Kaguya removed her armour and in the next moment Alexander beat Kaguya to the ground and tied her up.

The horrible monster tortured her for a complete day before Jackie arrived, my heart shattered as I heard Jackie scream for his wife in an agonizing tone.

Alexander spoke again this time he said "Is the bitch I'm torturing your wife? Take of your armour and fight me if you beat me I will let the 2 of you go if not you lose the pod and your wife's life."

Jackie took of his armour and prepared for the fight, in the next moment the 2 engaged in combat and Alexander pulled a blade in the fight.

Jackie had barely managed to fend of the attacks from Alexander as Alexander was at least twice the warrior he was.

Jackie had unfortunately been cut several times by Alexander and then in a rapid turn Alexander punched Jackie in the face and had him face planted into the ground, in the next moment Alexander castrated Jackie and the agonizing screams could be heard from Jackie.

Kaguya closed her eyes as Alexander kept torturing Jackie.

Finally Alexander had stopped his torture as 2 more voices could be heard in the background then Alexander clearly said "Take these 2 to Rome and make sure you find a way into that pod I want immortality! Leave that fucken armour that immortal can track those suits or even have them kill us so don't touch it! Just load my new toys on the wagon and make sure they in place I got a game to play with that immortal freak!"

The recording cut out and those around me had started to tremble.

I was extremely angry and I turned around looking for Russell, Russell had been near the door and this time grabbed him in a choke hold pinning him to the wall and said "The next time I give a fucken command obey me! If you had listened to me we would have caught Alexander and 2 of our rank wouldn't have been tortured by Alexander!"