Chapter 8 part 6 The labyrinth of traps

The ship had gone silent as no one knew what to do or what could be done to stop Horas after all they had witnessed or heard what had happened in Japan.

I released my grip of Russell's neck and backed away walking back to the main control panel.

The ship had already had its course set and now I started refining the search, I had been busy for several minutes when I heard someone say "He wanted us to protect the husk of that silly little whore Cleopatra?"

My anger flared and in the next instant I punched the man in the face, his teeth had broken out of his mouth and fallen out.

He looked up at me and said "You loved a whore who gave herself to Alexander so she deserved her faith, she took her own life because she knew she was worthless and you are spineless…"

Before he could finish the statement I punched him again rendering him unconscious.

I felt like killing every person on the ship for that statement however for now I could still keep my cool the armour the man wore had deactivated when I attacked but reactivated when I walked away.

The armour had these features in the case that a traitor was found among us, the memory recall was limited to Kaguya who had given me permission to view any memory she had at my whim.

Rome was no longer as great as it once was, time had been very unkind to city and many of the great centres of the civilization had been turned to public areas.

I had personally killed many members of the society as well leading the state to crash and reform, 2 new powers had risen around Rome and conquered the territory.

The crusaders and the church had taken hold of the territory resulting in a very religious state.

Alexander had weaponized the church to be used as a weapon for his own purpose despite this the faith didn't truly fall apart.

I had arrived at Rome with a giant flying ship and got off in the public eye.

People had awed at the ship and we had sparked some rebellion just by arriving, the reason for the odd placement was to enhance the scan and close in on the location of Jackie and Kaguya.

Knights poured through the streets to arrest me as I ran around the streets hunting for access to the lower levels of the city and possibly even the sewer system.

I had clashed with several knights and instead of killing them I kicked them in such away they wouldn't be able to walk.

After nearly 40 minutes of running around we came up on a wall in Rome that had a chip in it, apparently the wall was a door to a hidden labyrinth beneath the city.

I put my hand to the chip and it instantly opened, as I walked in the door sealed itself.

The labyrinth was a set of rooms and long corridors, the walls were plain with no markings making it nearly impossible to identify the builders.

The entrance I had used was sealed so perfectly you would never believe it was an entrance instead it was a perfect wall with no noticeable seam.

Spider webs had draped the entrances to rooms and despite this several spots showed faded webs indicating the rooms had been used more then the others or at least that they had recent interactions.

I had started walking towards a web that was faded leading into a neighbouring corridor, pealing away the web from the entrance I could tell that the corridor was used recently as there were broken webs over doors and passage ways.

I had opened a channel with the ship and the computer was leading me to the strongest signal in the labyrinth unfortunately it seemed that there were 2 separate locations.

My nanotechnology had been scanning the internal layout of the labyrinth and it was a huge expense that stretched nearly 40 kilometres.

Several entrances and exits existed along the labyrinth, looking at the ground it was clear that no more then 8 people had walked through the labyrinth.

With the tunnel dark and gloomy you could barely make out the grey walls or grains on the wooden doors.

The corridor was empty with no one insight and then a light ignited from a room with the spider webs intact.

I crouched near the door and what I heard made me rage with anger, it was some kind of recording of my torture at Alexander's hands the memories were as clear as daylight to me.

Finally I decided to storm in and hold the individuals inside down, as I jumped into the doorway a blast of shrapnel came flying towards me.

The trap was a clever way to lead enemies in then neutralize them, despite the shrapnel being more then sufficient to blast a person to pieces if you survived you'd be badly injured.

My body was covered in dust but I had suffered no injuries from the shrapnel, I looked into the room and on the wall was written "Welcome to hell!"

There were no foot steps in this part of the labyrinth instead several loud sounds erupted from the corridors they were the sounds of Jackie being tortured.

Suddenly a message entered my communication channel this time it was Alexander and he said "Well looky looky here a filthy immortal in my labyrinth! No more communication line for you so find your companion in the next 50 minutes or his dead but be warned finding him is only the first part of your torture!"

My communication channel was not hacked by Alexander's control device instead it had become clear to me we had more traitors in our midst.

The Illumanati had not been informed that I had surpassed that technology as yet so they likely believed they would not be found out.

I already figured out how to catch Alexander thanks to this however my plan needed to be rapidly drawn up in my head.

The ships computer could secretly connect me to my nearby crypt and feed me all the data on the labyrinth allowing me to trigger several traps and reach Jackie.

I had a channel open to the ship and I had the channel hidden from detection on top of that I had the channel encrypted so no one could see what was going on.

The computer pulled up the labyrinth scans and found that the lack of detection and scanning was being generated by a tiny piece of technology in the sewer system.

Instantly I knew what I needed to do and I despatched a set of nanotechnology robots to retrieve the piece of technology.

Jackie was pretty far down the corridor and approximately 20 rooms further out then the initial scan had said.

I started running towards the initial location and as I ran I started plotting out my plan to catch and kill Alexander.

In the first part of my plan I'd have to keep up my angry act and start to stumble in my pursuit of Alexander this act would be the first part in locking down the traitors.

The second part of the plan would be to have the computer locate all the traitors to allow me eliminate them in a swift action while I lock down the final part of my plan and corner Alexander.

The plan would take a considerable amount of time and would look like a complete loss till the last moments at which all the small skirmish victories would not matter as the war ends.

Running through the labyrinth was now a matter of pulling of a believable act and not actually failing or winning.

I turned about a corner to head towards the original location and suddenly I got jolted by a blast of electricity.

The traps were now more impressive and the stakes were rising at a fair pace, if the weapons were this advanced I clearly was not meant to advance to Jackie easily however the traps also only intensified heading towards Jackie making them very easy path to follow.

The labyrinth was a rushed piece of work, all the major traps were set in 1 direction meaning if you didn't see a trap you were heading in the wrong direction.