Chapter 9 part 1 Checkmate

The fight lasted for several hours and in the end it was a stalemate the robot had run out of power and my body was running very low on power as well.

I had never imagined that Alexander had such a weapon up his sleeve, the robot had multiple shield layers making any attack from brute force pointless.

The recovery was hard and over the next several hundred years I'd face of against Alexander and slowly concede defeat to him while killing of member by member of the Illumanati.

This slow process had resulted in nearly all of them dying from unforeseen side effects of Alexander breaching the computer network Rameses, Helen, Jackie and Kaguya had been placed in hiding in Hiroshima.

My secret plan was now ready to spring, all the pieces were in place and Alexander was set to lose the long war we had fought.

It was now year 1945 August 4 and Alexander was attempting to sneak into Japan to retrieve more red spider lily.

In the past 500 years Alexander had made himself a home in America he also defeated all who opposed him making him self the true leader of the United States of America.

In the centuries since Rome Alexander had acquired 4 samples of red spider lily and created 4 new monsters however these monsters weren't giants instead they possessed super human strength, power and regeneration making them practically immortal.

The 4 monsters consumed human flesh and drank blood to survive their names were George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt each held great conviction however once infused with the red spider lily concoction they became complete monsters driven by their hunger and their teachers philosophy.

The great War occurring at this moment in time was almost over the great powers were consolidating their last stands to end the war.

In my 500 years I had intentionally lost battles allowing Alexander to take the upper hand my firm grip on the worlds technology had been loosened and humans reached a golden age advancing forwards in technology.

The technology advancements were part of my plan to release Cronos from the polar ice caps, if humans became power hungry they could possibly assist me in retrieving the first partner in truly combating Alexander.

The jamming devices that had been scattered across the world were all retrieved and left in my new crypt in Japan. The new crypt was a super secret base and had only stealth class technology in its use, my list of friends had been cut short to just 4 people and soon it would be made none existent.

The morning was extraordinarily beautiful as the sun was rising in a bright orange glow, my mission for the next few days was to locate Cleopatra's pod and return it to being a memorial.

Once the deception of the Illumanati was made clear I had all my protocols secretly restarted and the resurrection pod was easily found however to give Alexander the false satisfaction of believing I was defeated I had to let him keep it.

Rameses and Helen were shocked when they found out what had transpired and in the end with a bitter taste of defeat Rameses agreed to my plan of killing off all the others.

Only 4 had been actively communicating with Alexander however it was possible that even more were loyal to Alexander so we agreed to exterminate all of the Illumanati.

Hiroshima was a beautiful city and it's people had overcome many hardships overtime yet you could still hear the laughter from children and the screams of joy and bliss from its people.

I had a frequent routine of running around the city every morning and then sitting in solitude on a secret beach to meditate.

My power had grown immensely from my time in Rome and I had completely mastered the 8 Chakra gates, the problem was now figuring how to manifest my power and manage the power draw in combat.

Alexander had deployed his Robot to a distant part of Japan in the city of Nagasaki, the 2 cities were incredible defensive points causing enemy nations to crumble against the defences.

Alexander would find no easy way to unbalance me today no matter the action he took my Chakra would not become unstable as I had come to peace with all the aspects of myself.

Looking out over the beach I trained on, I noticed that several teenagers had opted to skip school and play on my beach, I sat between rocks and listened to the excited screams of the 6 individuals as they enjoyed their little excursion.

After hearing the kids explain to each other how big trouble they were going to be in I decided to come out of my secret spot and help the kids.

I slowly walked up on the spot where the kids had left their clothes and suddenly started screaming out as if I had hurt my leg.

The 6 kids looked at me in alarm and despite the trouble they would be in rushed over trying to help me. The kids panicked for several minutes working out the plan of action and finally decided to get dressed while covered in sand and take me straight to the nearest hospital.

The kids finally reached their clothes and I stopped my act leading them to a place to wash up. The 6 teenagers cleaned up and got dressed while looking flustered at the trick I had played, after they were all ready I had them accompany me to their school.

The 6 kids seemed scared as we approached the school gates and the headmaster had come to find out why they were late.

The headmaster looked at the kids with a stiff glare and asked "Is this the time to come to school? Do you know how fortunate you are to be in this school? Now tell me why you are late?"

The headmaster had a thin stick in his hand and was whipping it into the palm of his other hand at that moment I replied "Sorry headmaster it's my fault I was training on the beach and passed out, these 6 kind souls rushed over and helped me out while I was unconscious."

The headmaster whipped the stick at my arm struck me hard then he said "Do you think I was born yesterday young man you and your friends were playing at the beach in the end so don't lie."

I wasn't confused this tended to happen to me every once in a while and I replied "Sir you seem to be mistaken my name is Satoshi Miyazaki the owner of the estate by the beach."

The headmaster seemed to quiver for a second as he looked over me scanning me top down, the headmaster went over to the security booth and seemed to ask the guard something.

The headmaster scurried back and bowed down in front of me saying "My most sincere apologies young Mr Miyazaki I mistook you for a student. You 6 head to your classes while I talk to Mr Miyazaki."

The headmaster waited for the 6 kids to enter the building and then he said "Now take me to your business let's confirm your identity."

I sighed and reluctantly walked on to my estate.

My estate was vast and held 4 businesses that mainly handled the production of machine parts.

My vast knowledge was my greatest asset and as we reached the estate the guards greeted me by my Surname.

The headmaster seemed to realize his mistake at this point and seemed to be thinking of what to say, finally we pulled up to the administration office and on the wall at the entrance was a photo of me on the day the factory had started operating.

Jackie stood at the door near watching as I entered the room to the left of him was Kaguya.

The headmaster bowed deeply and said "Sorry Mr Miyazaki I thought you were playing me for a fool, I will commend those 6 for assisting you."

I suddenly puffed out my chest and said "Don't judge books by their covers but the worth of the writing! Thank you headmaster."

The headmaster walked towards the door and above the door was a picture of me with Helen, Rameses, Kaguya and Jackie.

The 5 of us were extremely close friends and so we had been partners in business to ensure our transition to the future.