Chapter 9 part 2 Vengeance and torture(warning contains the description of extreme violence)

I had to prepare for tonight Alexander was set to sneak out at 4 am in the morning and he was arriving around noon.

Currently Alexander had 14 power supplies left 1 was in his suit and 1 was in his robot, this simply meant if I depleted his armour and robots power supply he had 10 more pod regenerations.

If I pushed him hard enough he would be down to 8 power supplies unfortunately for Alexander I knew his current escape route and would corner him in Hiroshima then head over to his new country by that afternoon.

I walked through the administration building into a small room at the back of the place and opened out my secret draw, in the draw lay my swords more importantly 5 of the 13 blades were here.

I pulled out the sword and strapped them on as my clothes changed to into a long black cloak, with a heavy jeans like pants and am armoured vest the outfit was completely black and in the next few hours vengeance would be mine.

I walked out the back of the building and headed towards the port Alexander would arrive at soon I had no intention of fighting him in the open instead I planned on confronting him around 20 kilometres away from the city.

I had finally made it to my hiding spot in the harbour and the large freight ship had finally landed.

I watched as the ship was emptied and finally I found Alexander, the scoundrel had been pretending to be a doctor on the ship and was set to depart the next day on a ship that was being loaded.

I had used the stealth feature of my armour to make me invisible and followed Alexander as he seemed to rush towards the train station.

Unfortunately for Alexander this had already been considered by me so I sabotaged the train to break down halfway through the track causing major delays of up to 2 days.

Alexander now only had 1 option and that was to fly to the red spider lily using his armour, if he chooses not to act it would be decades before the opportunity would present itself again.

Alexander ran up to the train station and showed his papers to the soldiers guarding the station at which point he had been allowed to buy a ticket.

The station had not yet been informed of the delays on the track, the station was slightly a buzz as the punctual train was now 30 minutes late.

I had snuck into the station and was no more then 50 meters from Alexander, he seemed to be paranoid as he looked around worryingly thinking of what to do.

The speaker system at the station boomed loudly saying due to unforeseen difficulties the train will not be arriving and will be temporarily out of service till repairs can be completed.

Alexander got up from his seat and marched out the doors of the station heading straight to the airport in Hiroshima.

The airport was only used locally and had a total of 12 stops unfortunately for Alexander my company had fully booked the airport for the next few days and every private plane was active for deliveries.

Alexander arrived at the airport and struggled to convince people to talk to him let alone assist him finally he seemed to give up and he walked of to a distant corner of the city.

It was late already nearly 9 pm when finally Alexander was far enough from the town, I took up a stance to pounce and Alexander started flying.

I leapt of the ground so hard that it was almost like I had flew.

In the next moment I was above Alexander and I struck his shield as hard as I could, Alexander spat out blood as my alarming blow had struck through his side injuring the organs on his right hand side below this rib cage.

I didn't strike carelessly or miss I intended to torture him as I made his body collapse on him before killing him.

I started falling back down to the ground when it caught my eye the robot was inbound to help Alexander.

Alexander had crashed into the ground almost instantly as my punch was utterly destructive, I uncloaked myself as I landed and rushed towards Alexander.

A look of utter terror covered Alexander's face as he looked at me realizing I had him in my sights, Alexander fired a light beam at me and I instantly absorbed it in the next moment the robot came in hard attempting to land a blow however I simply blocked the blow and punched the robot back.

Alexander released another light beam and I absorbed it however the delay allowed the robot to close in once again, this time I grabbed the robot by the arm swung it around and tossed it as hard as I could.

I ran towards Alexander absorbing the beam he sent my way and despite this I had barely made enough head way to catch him once more.

The robot had recover and was inbound once more this time I attempted to condense the light beam like I had done before and turned towards the robot, nothing seemed to happen as I released the energy in the next instant the robot punched me flat in the face however the robot went flying back and I lost no ground.

I turned back to Alexander and tried to release the energy again however nothing happened, my huge power increase had made the light based energy insufficient to be used this way I had no option but to draw a blade for the fight from this point forwards.

The blade was sapphire blue and the titanium around the blade was almost pure white in contrast.

My energy flowed over the blade and then I swung the katana, the robot had closed in and was attempting to land a punch on me when my blade blasted him backwards.

I turned and pushed towards Alexander and with 1 hand I pulled in the light energy in the next instant I pressed a hard stab out of the blade from this distance and it landed through Alexander's armour.

The bright crimson of blood spread down Alexander's leg as I had pierced his right thigh, the robot had recovered again and despite my swing this time the robot landed its blow shooting me off several meters.

My mind raced a mile a minute trying to figure how this blow had landed and as the robot attempted to land a follow up blow I unleashed my eighth Chakra and kicked it flat across the chest.

The robot bounced and skipped along the ground like a stone tossed across water, this was my first time using this power perfectly.

I ran towards Alexander and as he attempted to fly I gripped his left foot and crushed it in my hand then I slammed his backside into the ground and spun on the spot kicking the robot as hard as I could in the chest sending the robot off once more.

A blast of light hit me at point blank and to my surprise it had no effect, my body absorbed it like it was nothing I drove another punch into Alexander this time I bust his knee on the left hand side.

Alexander was screaming in agony as I had him at my mercy and clearly this time he was snared in my trap.

Alexander looked up and started begging me saying "Spare me please I will give you back your girl! Please don't hit me again great 1 I swear I won't try anything against you ever again! Please have mercy!"

I looked over Alexander and smiled saying "Very well I will show mercy and only repay you with the same treatment you gave my friend and his wife."

The colour drained from Alexander's face and a shrieking scream of terror escaped his throat, I swung my blade this time and cut of his right leg from the wound down.

The alarming speed of the blade had burnt his wound sealed I looked at the blade and noticed it had heated up a bit from passing through the shield.

I sheathed the blade and as I was about to punch Alexander in his groin his robot kicked me in the neck sending me flying almost 500 meters.

I rushed towards Alexander however the robot was now running through a forest evading me.

I kept scanning the region however my power up was interfering with the scan making a 5 kilometre blind spot around me, this kept up for nearly 8 hours.

The robot had identified the interference from my power and likely choose to hide in the interference hiding its master and waiting to escape at the optimal moment, I thought to myself what a perfect victory Alexander would torture himself to death.