Chapter 9 part 3 To war

Finally the robot made a move to escape flying up into the air.

I jumped up however Alexander used the light weapon to push me back down and this stalemate was how he intended to evade me.

I was still getting comfortable with the alarming amount of power I had on display when I noticed I could fly.

As I started flying up I noticed planes flying over Hiroshima and the American flag on their sides.

I was closing in on Alexander when suddenly the air seemed to rumble and as I turned to see what was happening I noticed the huge explosion spreading over Hiroshima.

I instantly turned away from Alexander and grasped a sword at random I drew it out and tossed it at Alexander in hopes it would kill him.

The robot glanced the blade and it pushed straight through Alexander's gut and exploded, tiny sparkles of steel spread across and out from him.

I had no time to confirm his death I dashed towards Hiroshima as fast as I possibly could, the blast had expanded and white mushroom cloud started to form.

I was still flying as fast as I possibly could and then the computer flashed 4 messages to me that broke my heart, "Revival Rameses Cronos failed! Revival Helen Horas failed! Revival Kaguya Lee failed! Revival Jackie Lee failed!"

I could not believe it my only friends were gone, I arrived in Hiroshima as the cloud seemed to settle then the horizon lit up as a second explosion went off.

I had failed to protect these people due to my petty choice of torturing Alexander had I finished him instantly and returned home I could have saved these people.

I walked through the devastation from the blast and the main blast point was totally obliterated, as I walked out I saw the bodies of people burnt to a crisp.

I looked around for survivors when I came across the burnt bodies of the 6 teenagers I had helped out of trouble just yesterday.

My heart was burdened by the loss of all this innocent life, I looked up into the sky and a plane was circling over head on the side it read United States Air force.

My blood was boiling and in the next moment I flew up grasping my blade 8 of 13 and released an invisible slash, every plane in sight suddenly exploded.

I flew out across the sea and there I came across the naval fleet left in secret to finish of Japan I swung my blade several times and huge blasts spread across the fleet as the ships sunk. I pushed on with my power my next target was America itself.

The air roared as I flew to America the ocean had become turbulent my power emitted a sound that rang the air as a warning.

The coast was now in sight I drew a blade and descended into a naval base, in mere minutes the base had been obliterated every soldier and every shell of ammunition had been destroyed.

There were no explosions to be heard my power had sucked up the blasts in the instant they went off fuelling my power to reach all new heights.

This was simply retribution for touching my home the retribution for harming those who lived under my protection would make the explosives used seem like drops of water in the ocean and the price for harming my friends would be total destruction.

I had taken to the air once more and as I pushed forward to the next military base planes appeared before me peppering me with bullets.

I grasped the blade named Hashirama and as I swung the blade a long fire stretched out burning the planes from the sky in yet another shocking display of the katanas power the explosions and planes were sucked up into the blade.

I started descending onto the base when bombers dropped their bombs on me, I didn't even bother evading I merely pointed up my index finger and poked the bombs forcing them to explode and be sucked up by me.

I sheathed Hashirama and drew Mitiyoshi the blade bore a pattern of waves and as I swung this blade a mist covered the ground instantly and then the sound of metal dragging through concrete could be heard.

The blade generated a magnetic like effect in its wake and had yanked the planes on the field into the ground breaking them to pieces, the screams of people dying didn't even phase me in the tiniest bit.

The ground had been stained red and suddenly a man ran up to me screaming "We have a message for you Horas!"

I stopped my rampage and waited as the man ran up to me he looked me in face and said "We hereby demand your presence in the white house to discuss your surrender or your precious country shall face this punishment 100 fold."

I sliced the man's head off as he uttered his last statement and took of to the next base this time it was an artillery base.

I descended into the base then grabbed a tank and slammed it through the base ripping it to shreds.

A man once more walked up to me this time he held a radio in hand and asked for me to speak to his president.

The radio crackled and the voice said "I'm president Harry Truman if you don't stop your actions against my nation and surrender I will obliterate every inch of Japan!"

I grabbed the transponder and replied "I shall rain down hell on you and those who have alliance with you should you dare strike a grain of sand in my country.

You may have some power but I have even greater power still!"

President Truman crackled on the radio and said "Very well come face me like a man you coward then we shall talk about standing down."

I replied in anger saying "What man attacks children! What man fights the non combatants in war! What man claims victory through murder of the innocent!"

The radio crackled once more and all I heard was "To the great are the rules and to the inferior are our laws!"

The radio went dead and I took flight once more this time I would enter and storm my way to Washington.

I had been flying when suddenly a plane had flew by me and dropped bombs over me these were nuclear bombs like the one dropped on Hiroshima.

The bombs detonated and with just my left hand I sucked up blasts like they were nothing I turned around and this time I decided to teach the pilots a lesson.

I flew up to the front of the plane and punched out the windows then I pushed the plane higher up into the atmosphere the pilots started suffocating as the air got thinner finally I put them out of their misery and stung a screw from the front windscreen into a missile on board all the rubble had been sucked up in the explosion.

The planes attempted to stall me but in 3 days I had progressed to Washington to the white house.

The building was loaded with armed personnel and I busted through the roof of the building killing dozens of soldiers.

Screams were heard in the building as I practically smeared bodies all over the place.

Men ran at me with guns and knives ultimately none of them as much as touched a hair of mine before dying to Mitiyoshi.

4 loud thundering footsteps could be heard running away from me, I knew who was making that sound, soon I would slay them.

The room I was in suddenly roared with an order saying "Stop fighting show the immortal the price he will pay if he keeps this up!"

The men in the room stood down and gestured for me to move forwards to room inside I saw yet another horrific site the city of Nagasaki had been bombed by another nuclear weapon.

I started growling with anger and in a voice that sound like an earthquake I said "Truman you better prepare for death your entire country will be a blood stain for this!"

The men around me tried to subdue me but once more I fought them off and now I marched on to the presidents office, I was capable of killing every individual in the white house in mere seconds however the terror I instilled was the main objective.

Even with my power and technology I could only defend a small amount of space and would only ever be able to inflict damage on opponents.