Chapter 9 part 5 The next immortal

The immortals body pieces had been united over the slow passage of time each united set lay in a resurrection pod as I tried to locate more pieces of each body.

The countries of the world had each held several pieces of the immortals, I had retrieved them however I now had 2 countries to raid and retrieve the last found samples.

The country of China had several pieces of the immortals and demanded a price of nearly 100 times their weight in gold unfortunately the problem was that my last trade was not honoured.

They had demanded that I pay double for the item next time so I had opted to destroy them, my deal with Russia was much more interesting since Russia wanted me to aid them in a defensive against the USA's demon squad.

The major catch was that I had to forcefully raid the bank where the pieces were and retrieve my prize.

I had started planning my actions but there was 1 more huge problem the immortal on Venus was now capable of moving despite not being completely formed in the next few years I knew I had to go take this immortal down.

I had to sabotage the space programs in USA and Russia if they managed to make it to another planet and a great 5 immortal was present the space ship would turn into a short cut to society worse still if it were Alexander's allies it would just make the fighting accelerate.

My plans were being laid carefully first I would head over to Russia and help in their defensive battles with the USA demon squad, I suspected it would be the forefathers against me.

The second part of the plan was robbing the bank locker for all the immortals pieces after that I would rain down vengeance on China for the violation of our deal and I would take both the gold and immortals body pieces.

Following all the sorting and filtering out of the immortals body parts I would leave to Venus despite all this planning I knew the set action would take me no less then 12 years to complete with the possibility of the war in Russia lasting up to 20 years.

Stealing from China would take no more then 10 years at maximum while going to Venus could take a maximum of 30 years depending on the type of structure I put in place for my return.

Russia and the USA were locked in war for many years and as unfortunate as it seemed the demon squad always attacked counter to my presence.

I had cost both USA and Russia lives in their respective space programs forcing them to down grade technology.

The USA space program had landed astronauts on the moon already, the war was over in terms of its official status however America kept attacking with their demon squad.

Today it seemed my mission would be completed due to a terrible storm the flight path for my squad had been blocked and all communications were down.

The enemy had started an all out assault and I held back waiting for their backline to cross into ambush territory.

Once the enemy made the mistake I would circle around them and slay them from the back to the front.

Finally my moment arrived, I opened all my Chakra and suddenly like the strike of thunder I darted through the men the pure white snow was now stained red and as expected I had encountered George Washington the first of the forefathers.

I could have easily killed him but instead I would kill him slowly to make him suffer like his victims.

Chunks of flesh could be seen around his mouth as he had been eating the fallen soldiers now he stood before me facing me like he actually stood a chance.

I didn't draw a blade or take on a weapon instead I charged at him and ripped of his jaw, before he could even try to defend the attack it was complete and he looked at me with horror in his eyes.

Ripping out his jaw had caused him to lose his throat and tongue at the same time before he could even turn to run I was in front of him.

Fear crept into his eyes and I drew 8 of 13 and cut of his head then slashed down the centre of his body.

I turned and walked away from his corpse and his body caught fire.

I charged in once more this time I cut down everyone save 2 monster Thomas Jefferson and Theodore Roosevelt the 2 monsters attempted to surround and attack me once more my objective was fear then death.

Thomas jumped in first and in the blink of an eye I had ripped his body apart and snuck behind Theodore, despite the enhancements of the serum all Theodore saw was a blur of colour then his companion ripped to shreds.

Theodore had started quivering with fear and as he turned around I drew my blade and cut off both his legs and his dominant arm.

Soldiers had started pushing back and opened fire on me however I simply cut them down in a flash and returned to the 2 demons.

I kicked both bodies into the air and a blood curdling scream of fear could be heard from the 2 monsters as I decapitated and sliced them in half.

The cold snowed in area suddenly had an avalanche as the screams dislodged the snow from the nearby mountain peaks.

I rushed through enemy soldiers slaying them as if they were nothing but the air finally I reached Abraham Lincoln and punched him in the jaw sending him flying up into the sky.

The snow covered the battle field and in the next instant I gripped 8 of 13 the blade suddenly turned black and pulled my consciousness into my white place this time the place cried out to me that I had made a mistake and I still had perfect control to pull my consciousness back to my body.

Abraham Lincoln was being excessively and brutally tortured as my body dislocated his joints and cut him in sensitive areas, Lincoln scream begging me to end his torture yet my body seemed to be punishing him even more.

The level of torture he suffered was undoubtedly due to my emotions over losing my friends, finally my body released a black orb and this time Lincoln was spaghettified and sucked into the orb at which point my consciousness was shot back into control.

The black orb was still in my hand however it was unusual the orb felt ridiculously powerful like it could change anything I wanted it to change it was similar to the white place but a physical representation of it.

In terms of power the orb likely held more power then the entire universe it was unique in everyway, something about this power struck a nerve within me if this was unlimited power then the white place was unlimited knowledge however neither power had been mastered by me so both were beyond me.

The orb faded in my hand and I landed back on the ground, the soldiers came crawling out of the snow celebrating their victory and at long last my service was complete.

The bank was pretty simple apparently the government just had me take the goods without officially checking them out my intricate plan of robbing the bank had been rendered pointless.

Finally China had to brace itself as I planned to come in with vengeance, over my years I had set up an organization in China that operated in its backbone strengthening the country but now that backbone would vanish and punish the country.

My hidden subordinates in China were called Law and they maintained every aspect of the country I simply left a message for them to leave the country and in a few years the development of the nation fell to pieces.

The country had been brought down to all time lows, the police could barely function and poverty spread rapidly.

Retrieving my gold was so simple it was like stealing candy from an embryo, the police couldn't stop any planned heist and to add insult to injury the time and plans of each robbery were painted on the police station the day before.

The pieces of the immortal had been united and added to the resurrection pods despite this not 1 body was together enough to function.

Unlike me normal immortals regenerated only once their hearts healed so none of them could talk till the heart connected their bodies the great 5 were also special however according to Rameses they were only like me in their powered states.

Now was the time to prepare for Venus soon I would be face to face with an immortal vastly more experienced then myself and far older.

I planned to have a special armour made to contain the great 5 member on Venus then I would have them join me and if they were the traitor I would lock them in the armour.

My ship was prepared for the journey and now all that was left was hiding my technology advancements to see if they still had their control devices.

The complete transformation had taken me several long days and the armour had been made special so that the nanotechnology would not activate unless the command was given to top it off the armour had to seem out of date.

The ships were unbelievably fast in space and finally I had left earth's orbit on my way to Venus.