Chapter 9 part 6 Cronos

This was my second voyage through space despite my age I felt like a child enjoying a brand new toy.

The last time I was in space was not really a good experience after all I had been knocked out and sent to earth in a blazing fireball then again it was the start of my life of adventure.

I switched the panels in the ship to allow me to look out at space and it was incredible unlike the night sky on earth the dark of space radiated with countless bright spots, this was only the sight due to the shadow the earth cast over the ship.

As the ship crossed out of the shadow of the earth the stars seemed to fade away as the bright light of the sun graced the ship.

Space was an incredibly scary place if any disaster occurred there were no places to gather replacements.

In space there were no other people to worry about immortality was no curse out here just a way to reach the next adventure.

The ship had cruised along moving to Venus the earth was now shrinking rapidly till it appeared to be nothing but a pea in the background.

My instruments had started expanding their scan capabilities and to my surprise I found 4 technology signals in solar systems no more then 200 light years away, it seemed to me that they were being terraformed by immortal technology.

This was clearly a secret to the immortals children, earth had secrets and soon I'd have someone who could answer these questions with me however I had to regulate the power of the scan so my technology wasn't exposed.

The ship had taken 4 days to reach Venus due to my eagerness to sight see instead of heading straight to the planet.

I stood above the huge planet and opened the door of the ship the planet was a violent swirl of acid and heat so I used a suit to appear like a normal immortal.

I jumped from the ship and all I had to ease my landing was the shielding, my sensors had pin pointed the immortals body walking across the surface of the planet.

The clouds were tinged yellow and as I fell through I could tell this was pure acid, the ground started coming into sight and I braced myself for a super Hero landing.

I had hit the ground about 50 meters away from the immortal I had started to gaze upwards and I saw the immortal, it couldn't be the blazing lava skin and it clearly was a male it had to be Cronos of Titan.

My mind was racing the entire plan had been ill informed from the start if Cronos was on Venus who was on earth.

I was stuck in a terrified stare as I looked at Cronos and then Cronos spoke saying "Son of Ra and Isis I guess you here to meet more of your kind. Well I know I'm likely a real weird person to have met first so follow me so we can talk kid."

I instantly handed him the armour and he started putting it on within several seconds he looked at me with awe in his eyes as the shield protected him from the planets harsh environment.

Finally I managed to speak saying "Lord Cronos of the great 5 why are you on Venus I heard you were in polar ice caps on earth. My name is Horas by the way."

Cronos had a look on his face that scream I'm shocked, despite his young looking face Cronos was actually extremely old his hair had turned brown and his eyes too were brown yet his skin was pale white like he had never been in the sun.

Cronos walked on leading me towards a mountain while remaining absolutely silent not saying a word. My mind had already been perplexed with the information on the immortals whereabouts when it dawned on me that Cronos had called me Son of Ra and Isis they were my parents ironically that meant that the army of Ra would have been my families army.

We had finally reached the mountain when I realized this huge mountain the size of mount Everest was the terraforming machine I read about in the reference library.

This machine was present on every solid planet or moon in the solar system it was the greatest machine made by the immortals and took nearly a decade to build after sourcing the materials for its construction.

Cronos touched the side of the mountain and a door way suddenly appeared blowing out clean air as the top of the mountain began sucking up the atmosphere.

I had started walking into the mountain when I noticed that this place had an odd feeling, the inside pressure didn't decrease from the outside all that had changed was the chemical composition of the air.

Finally the passage had ended with 4 rooms to enter, Cronos had opened the third door and we seemed to enter some kind of control centre. Cronos had dropped into a seat and he said "So you're Horas Ra I'm honoured to have met you kid. This is bound to be a little odd at first but I already met another man named Horas who looked just like you so don't mind me calling you son of Ra. Before you start all that elder or lord crap with me please note that we are all given a rank based on our combat standing. Feel free to pester me with questions kid."

I started to think hard about my response and said "Very well Cronos I do know that I hold a resemblance to a man you once knew after all your son Rameses told me all about him. For now let me explain the circumstance that brings me here to you after all it may be important. I had come to Venus to acquire help in stamping out the mess Alexander had left in his wake you see your son has kind of been at odds with me and at current he has gone into hiding with something precious to me. Rameses had suggested that you and your daughter Hathor could help me track down and stop Alexander once and for all…"

Cronos seemed to cut me of mid sentence and replied "Alexander has always been a problem so I will handle him however his sister Hathor is set to be entombed for eternity as she went insane along time ago. I don't know how much Rameses told you but let me explain exactly what happened to his sister. Hathor fell in love with a man named Horas a very long time ago and then he was killed by a blade that pierced her heart. My daughter went insane with avenging her lovers life and started murdering every man who resembled Horas in the end I lied to Rameses that she was set to be entombed for only 10000 years. If my daughter met you she would likely go straight at you and repeatedly try to kill you due to the resemblance you have with her lover. Just in case you think you stand a chance against her note that she was ranked number 6 in terms of combat capabilities. She basically was several lessons away from ascending to the rank of great 5, her mind however was totally fractured while holding power."

I knew at this moment Cronos was not my enemy so I decided to tell him the truth.

I took a deep breath and said "Why don't we have a fight so I can prove my power is up to the task, according to everything I understand I to have reached a level before ascension to great 5."

Cronos got out of the suit I had given him and said "Very well let's return to the planets surface and fight."

I took of the armour and walked out following Cronos to the planets surface soon I would test my metal against a great 5.

Cronos had started walking towards a wall of yellow air and as he passed through he took on his lava form.

I to walked through the yellow wall and before I could even brace Cronos leapt forwards throwing a punch at my gut.

I instantly countered the blow blocking the punch and returning a punch towards the immortals face, Cronos struggled to intercept my punch and was struck in the face pushing him back about a meter.

Cronos had been staring at my punches and finally started to fight me a bit more seriously.

The fighting stance Cronos used was now intended to inflict great damage and his speed nearly quadrupled.

The attack came in quickly head on yet I barely needed to use the power of my first Chakra to counter the attack, I blocked 5 rapid attacks and then I brushed away Cronos's last strike which was a roundabout kick by kicking Cronos in the gonads.

The man made of lava bounced backwards cartwheeling of to safety and they his body started to brighten up as the heat Cronos was giving off climbed to the point that even the land seemed to yield to his power.

This time I rushed in before Cronos could take the initiative, I had pressed a punch forwards and Cronos attempted to block the attack however I continued through my strike landing a solid blow to Cronos's chest.

The immortal seemed impressed till finally he drew out the ground making himself a giant ball of lava and tossed it towards me.

The large ball of lava was a bit large so I reached out my hand and the huge ball got sucked into a point in my hand at that very moment Cronos had made contact with a punch landing a direct face blow.

Cronos seemed to stop dead in his tracks as his punch could not even ripple the skin around my face.

I countered the attack and Cronos seemed to be outpaced by my fast blows when he suddenly put up his palm signifying that this was enough.

The man walked back through the wall of air and suddenly powered down and said "I can't wait to have ranked combat against you Horas you undoubtedly have great potential."

Cronos had been staring at my arms where the attacks he had unleashed made contact and exclaimed "You didn't as much as take a scratch from my attacks! Colour me intrigued!"

I put on a big smile and replied "Ow yeah my regeneration and healing are instantaneous so injuries don't last more then a few seconds."