Chapter 10 part 1 Talking to titans

Cronos looked at me with a look of awe as we walked back to the mountain before us.

The air around the mountain was breathable and non harmful I knew the theory behind this monstrous machine and then Cronos asked me "So have you ever been in love boy?"

The question was plain and simple so I answered with "Yes however I never got to enjoy any relationships as my wives to be were taken from me by Alexander."

Cronos made a fist with 1 hand and said "I'm truly sorry for what Alexander did to you but there is 1 thing I should warn you about. If you lay a finger on my daughter before she regains her bearing I will make you wish you were dead."

I giggled at the threat and replied "Alexander has the body of 1 of my loves she is in stasis because Alexander tortured and raped her, I have no intention of loving any other person."

Cronos put a hand on my chest and said "My daughter will love you I hope you understand that please don't reject her before she even has a chance all I ask is that you don't abuse that love to satisfy your desires."

I had completely stopped and replied "I have been in love just 2 times in my life the first was the sister of Horas her given name was Hathor and the second was Cleopatra Rameses your granddaughter. My first love looked exactly like your daughter and I could never truly love anyone who looked like her so I won't touch her. I have never given into desire thus far."

Cronos gave a smirk at that and said "You're a virgin, don't worry compared to a kiss its about 1000000 times more pleasurable."

My face had turned red and I said "I've never kissed a girl in my life either!"

Cronos laughed so hard I felt as if my head would soon explode from embarrassment.

We had reached back into the control room and I looked over all the panels indicating the terraforming progress.

The atmosphere would be safe to enter with a ship in about 6 days and then we could depart the planet heading towards earth.

Cronos had pestered me with silly personal questions and generally would laugh at me terribly however on our last day Cronos asked me "What happened to your first love Horas? I need to understand the chaos that part of your life will bring."

I didn't want to explain what had happened but I had no choice and as we waited for the ship to land I explained the situation around my Hathor.

Cronos didn't laugh or express any kind of comment all he did was listen as I explained how we fell in love and how she eventually died I even exposed what Alexander and Hephaestus had done.

Cronos looked as if he would break down to tears and as the ship landed Cronos punched a blade through my back through my heart and said "I will avenge you heart my brother but please forgive me for this if you meet my daughter you will love her no matter how much you want to resist. I know this sounds odd but your Hathor sounded like a mirror of my Hathor and you sound like a mirror of Horas I will reunite you with your love first then after her eventual passing I will put you back in this state and wake Hathor trying to slowly calm her down then I will introduce you to each other."

I had played along as Cronos lay me on my side on the ground and walked onto my ship at this point I dropped the act and said "Ow yeah just for a by the way I instantly regenerate and for some reason I'm immune to being immobilized."

Cronos looked back at me with his control device in hand and said "That's impossible how are you not immobilized."

I pulled the blade from my chest and the wound closed at which point I walked by Cronos and said "Forgive me elder we have a lot more to talk about my deception was necessary to know if you passed your control device. Follow me on-board so we can talk."

Cronos had followed me to the bridge and as we sat down I ordered the computer "Re-enable all optimisation and plot course for the first crypt."

Cronos looked at me with more awe then would be expected and asked me "Just how much have you hidden from me!"

I replied "Well firstly armour standard operation activate."

The armour around Cronos had changed to comfortable everyday clothing and then I continued speaking saying "I found your crypt on earth where you developed power sources and ships so I upgraded your power supply technology and I mastered defensive technology. I also defeated an army that Alexander had built using a light based technology."

Cronos looked at me with a look of shock once more and asked "How much did you hold back against me on Venus?"

I smiled and said "Well I barely even used my power while we were fighting just by the way I didn't even use 1 Chakra to fight you. I can unlock all 8 Chakras however I'm sill not capable of using my power offensively at free will."

Cronos looked at me with terror in his eyes and said "Well looks like I will have to train you on power usage but the power you say you have sounds absurd to begin with. I suspect you will be the new strongest immortal succeeding your father in power. So you did tell me that you found my daughters technology updates so you extended Rameses life. I really am looking forwards to seeing him."

My head sunk down and I replied "Rameses lived till 1945 and died in an attack planned by Alexander. Alexander and his alias detonated a nuclear based weapon on my city and Rameses died, my resurrection technology could not revive him and I swore to never force immortality on anyone."

Cronos had started to cry as I said this and I could tell that Cronos was an extremely loving father.

My only concern was Alexander and then Cronos clenched his teeth with tears flowing down his face and said "That swine of a child Alexander I'm going to kill him for this!"

Cronos was crying and was extremely distort all I could do was watch as I had no idea of the pain he felt.

The ship raced to earth arriving in less then an hour and we waited in orbit for night to fall on Europe.

Despite my willingness to be honest with Cronos I had no intention of exposing my facility in Japan.

Cronos exercised no restraint as he poked around my crypt and finally he sat on a chair in my main room and said "Since you retrieved me it's time we retrieved the remains of the other great 5 I know where 1 is right now but we need Ra to help retrieve her. So when do we start our trip to Mars."

I sighed loudly and said "Alexander has a helper among the great 5 so once we eliminate him we can retrieve the great 5."

Cronos smiled and said "Ow yeah don't worry about that Alexander had his mother Zeus on his side that's all."

I replied in an instant saying "He had 2 unlocked control devices meaning 2 of the great 5 are on Alexander's side currently only 1 of the great 5 is confirmed to not be his accomplice."

Cronos looked at me with a blank look and said "Okay if you want things to go that way I will take you to 1 of my bases and put you through the immortal ranking if you pass my ranking I will go with your plan but you may still need to pick up Ra within the coming years. 1 last thing before your ranking let me train you to use your power."

Cronos had plotted out his course for mount Fuji in Japan it was at that moment that I realized how close to a second facility I was.

Cronos opened an odd channel on an emitter frequency I had never used before and then a blizzard had started.

The ship flew into the sudden opening and as it set down I noticed the abnormally large facility, this was no crypt it was an immortal communal facility.

The building had no true creature comforts and was extremely haphazardly constructed.