Chapter 10 part 5 Hathor Cronos revived

I didn't want to admit it out loud but I truly felt pity towards Hathor Cronos I didn't want to revive her and worse still I knew this feeling all to well.

I looked at Cronos and asked "Did she tell you she wanted to be put in stasis?"

Cronos looked at me with a look of horror and said "You think Zeus put her into stasis. No it can't be."

I stopped Cronos and replied "Hathor built at least 2 crypts both were medical based technology meaning she was aiming to build resurrection technology. I suspect the structure I found in Rome was Hathor's second crypt and it seemed like a war facility meant to take down a great 5 immortal."

I had a map display the location and Cronos looked at me weirdly and asked "What makes you think it was her crypt?"

I replied "The architecture was plain and simple despite that the technology was high functioning and made for military deployment, your facility in China was large and lavish stating you knew who you were. The other immortals all had similar tastes as you can see the lavish design in the main facility in Mount Fuji. So with all that in my head I gather the immortal in Rome was much younger and had war plans in motion since Alexander had a large supply of power cells. Lastly the healing pods and armour shared the exact same design for power supplies. The other reason I believe it to be Hathor's crypt is because Rameses tried using the red spider lily."

Cronos seemed agitated and said "Complacency has made me blind to the truth, Horas we need to halt all plans, you may need to devise a way to incapacitate all the great immortals."

I was stunned at that statement and replied with "Don't be absurd why would I have to incapacitate all of you?"

Cronos replied "We may all have been manipulated to fight a war and you threw a spanner in the works."

I sighed and said "I can incapacitate any immortal provided they put on the armour I gave you. Secondly you wondering about the war technology Hathor held, the army of Ra were planning a suppression of all the immortals if they attempted to destroy the world. I suspect Hathor was grief ridden over the loss of her loves body. That's why she planned to suppress the great immortals. If we revive her now she will be an asset to our war against Alexander and I suspect you have a personal war now."

Cronos looked at me with a glint of anger in his eyes and said "I'm going to torture Zeus for what she has done and to do that I need you to take Rank 1."

I was confused something was off Cronos had shifted his behaviour and I knew this would not be something he would tell me.

The room had been filled with an intense atmosphere and every topic I broached seemed to infuriate Cronos.

It had been almost a day later when I asked Cronos "Where is Hathor's stasis chamber?" Cronos put his hand to his chin and said "Hathor wasn't in a single chamber. We had 25 small containers that each contain a piece of her unfortunately Alexander moved it just before he surfaced to start this recent war. So we will have to manually search for the pieces each chamber emits a jamming frequency that we can't scan through so you may be able to pin point out several kilometres at a time to search for an item about the size of your hand to elbow."

I almost instantly opened the computer database and displayed the item I recovered from the Roman sewer.

Cronos was silent for a second then he said "That's it you found a stasis piece."

The problem was I had recovered nearly 50 of these by now and I didn't know how Cronos would react to that knowledge.

If he was right 25 pieces were Hathor's body but what were the rest and what had Alexander and Zeus done.

I secretly ordered my facility in Hiroshima to bring over the pieces, I had barely taken a minute when Cronos said "Why did I not see my child's suffering? Was I that easy to fool or did I simply not care enough."

These were likely his internal monologs being made vocal.

I had to have my nanotechnology technology investigate the stasis pods before they arrived.

I suspected their may have been some kind of horrible surprise in the second set of pods.

The ship had finally landed and the analysis had been completed all 50 chambers contained a piece of a book while 25 held the pieces of Hathor.

I had walked down my base to the training room and found Cronos training intensely following his combat drill.

I had to have him present at Hathor's resurrection it only felt right.

I was feeling like emasculating Cronos so I powered up my first Chakra and headed into the training room intercepting Cronos.

Cronos instantly seemed to drop the training as I pumped a punch into the air knocking him back with just the compression of the air.

I continued my little prank and Cronos had powered up to evade the heavy air blasts locking him in the room finally Cronos seemed to have had enough and entered full power state.

Despite his full power Cronos struggled to get out of the room and finally he made it past me and said "Okay enough with this prank please explain to me what you up to?"

I dropped the game and replied "I have all the pieces of Hathor upstairs in my ship however I felt that you would like to be present at the resurrection."

Cronos started running towards the ship all giddy and excited my nanotechnology had organized everything ready for reassembly.

Hathor's body had been placed in a resurrection pod and the books had been reassembled however the accelerated healing from the pod was not activated.

Cronos had got into the ship ahead of me and suddenly realized he didn't know where his daughter was.

Cronos stood back and I lead him to the resurrection pod, the room seemed unbelievably still then I spoke saying "Cronos don't stress too much it should take no more then 5 minutes to revive your daughter in this pod so let me activate it."

Cronos turned about in the room and noticed the books scattered about him and said "Amun's books of the immortal tales. There are said to be 12 of them in a language that no one knows but Amun. All I know is the titles are Ra the first immortal, The tale of Ra meeting Isis, the war of Eden, the emergence of 5, the forbidden tale, love war and death, the last immortal, the revival of immortal and lastly the end of the immortals tales. Those books are said to hold all our history and coming tales."

I looked over to the books on the floor and realised that 3 had not been named each book held a symbol on the cover and as I put my hand on the book I heard the resurrection pod beeping basically stating regeneration complete. The pod opened and Cronos shoved his hand over my eyes, this was unnecessary as I had already placed an armour in the pod to form around her.