Chapter 10 part 6 Love and pain

Cronos pulled his hand down allowing me to see the beautiful women in the pod, my heart raced as my feelings surged for my Hathor.

She slowly opened her eyes looking up at the 2 of us before her, in the next moment I detected her power spiked to the same level that Cronos displayed and a wave like energy was being edited by her.

I dropped back engaging my first Chakra and Hathor Cronos had charged me head on, I blocked the attack and had her open for an attack however I could not strike her to knock her down.

Hathor turned about on the spot and struck me in the face, Cronos noticed that I was having difficulty but he did not jump in.

Hathor continued to hit me and all I did was soften the blows she had landed on me to make sure she didn't hurt herself.

My body and soul refused to have her hurt while my mind struggled to gain any type of control.

I had no choice but to drive my Chakra even further hopping that an instinctive reaction would cause Hathor to pull away.

I was about to drive up my power when Cronos grabbed her punch and held her stiff, in that instant I entered enhanced mood and grabbed Hathor's arm.

I felt energy being pulled out of Hathor carrying the memories of a girl crying in agony, Hathor fell to the floor in an instant and I dropped my powered state.

Cronos backed away from Hathor and I picked her up to carry her down to a bed, as I was walking Hathor opened her eyes and this time she gently place her left hand on my right cheek.

I shivered on the spot as I suddenly wanted to embrace her and kiss her, I couldn't even pull myself to move when she grabbed me by the back of my head and pulled her face to mine.

My mind had gone blank as I felt her lips on my lips, I had no idea what had come over me but I kissed her back.

Cronos stood a few steps behind me and said "Hathor this is the son of Ra and Isis he isn't the Horas you think he is."

Hathor pushed me back dropping to her feet and gave me look of anger then she smacked me hard across the face and grabbed Cronos's arm telling him to get her away from me.

I dropped on the staircase sitting dumbfounded wondering what had just happened.

The kiss had caught me by surprise but the emotion I experienced was not a replication of my love for Hathor of Phoebs.

This was a stronger emotion it was far greater and even more intense then my first love, the emotion consumed me and had me confused.

Cronos had returned from leaving Hathor on a bed and he sat next to me saying "You seriously are smitten hard."

Cronos was chuckling as he said this and my blood hard started to boil I was suddenly furious not understanding what had happened.

I didn't even bother saying anything instead I headed down to my room.

Cronos snickered and grinned at me as I walked down finally I reached my room and opened the door, I had not noticed that Hathor was laying in my bed as my head was still processing the incident from earlier.

I had got into my covers and as I started to close my eyes I was being kissed again this time I pushed away the person kissing me stumbling around in the dark.

The computer had understood my command to turn on my lights and I looked at Hathor stunned on my bed and scream "Get out of my bed this instant. What are you doing."

Hathor was plush in the face and said "Go find another bed to sleep in I'm staying here."

I have no idea why but in the next second she jumped out of the bed kicking me in the face.

Her hits were being cushioned by her this time as she pounded on me drawing her face ever closer to mine and I kissed her this time.

I was furious why had I kissed her I kept telling myself I didn't love her.

I pulled myself away from her and exited the room flustered and agitated.

Cronos stood outside the door and as I walked out he said "Enjoying yourself!" the smirk was spread wide across his face.

I was unbelievably flustered as I walked into a room and gave a command to the computer saying "Erect a barrier between me and that women computer I don't want her to touch me again!"

I was intensely craving to rush back to her my mind was in turmoil when Cronos entered the doorway and said "Remember what Alexander does to those you love and know that with her you will never experience that pain."

I dropped to my knees as tears flowed down my face, I wasn't alone anymore my heart needed no armour.

I had just revived from stasis and before my eyes was the love of my life Horas.

I knew he couldn't be my Horas but I was drawn to him something about this man appealed to me.

I have no idea why but the moment I touched him I craved to kiss him so I forcefully kissed him.

I was happy when suddenly kissed me back and this feeling was so intense I almost forgot the heartache I had suffered for loving Horas.

I was locked in the first kiss of my life when I heard my father say "Hathor this is the son of Ra and Isis he isn't the Horas you think he is."

I knew that but I pushed him away from me and smacked him, my heart was racing like crazy and I wanted to kiss him again.

I grabbed my father's arm and said "Please take me away from him!" my father had taken me down to an area with rooms and he asked me "How are you feeling my dear?"

My father was the most kind hearted person I know and for some reason he stood before me with a look screaming out I'm sorry for the pain I caused you.

I wrapped my hands around my father in a hug and said "Daddy thank you for saving me from that suspended animation."

My mind was a mess overflowing with feelings and ideas, tears rolled down my face and then my father asked me in the most gentle whisper "You want me to bring Horas Ra to you again?"

My father was a kind person but he also tended to be incredibly childish when the opportunity presented itself however I had just been restored to life so I doubted he would try any kind of pranks on me.

I nodded and suddenly a smirk spread across my father's face he put his mouth next to my ear and whispered "You want him to be passionate with you?"

My head was screaming don't say yes your dad will pull some crap.

My father opened the door of a room and said "Get ready he will be here soon."

I crawled into the bed and the clothing I wore turned into a beautiful revealing dress.

I got comfortable on the bed but I suddenly felt bashful and got in under the covers.

Suddenly the door opened and I could tell it was Horas Ra who just entered the room, my head started to gain some reason and I wondered what the hell am I doing in his bed.

Horas got into the bed next to me and I suddenly lost all control once more as I kissed him again, he pushed me away and dropped out of the bed.

Horas stood up as the lights turned on and I was seriously embarrassed and then he scream "Get out of my bed this instant. What are you doing."

I went plush in the face and said "Go find another bed to sleep in I'm staying here."

This man had me at his mercy was I not beautiful, did he not want me, could he not love me, these thoughts went threw my head and suddenly I was kicking him however I pulled back all the force as I landed the kick.

Then I started punching him in the chest and I simply wanted to kiss him again.

He kissed me this time and I instantly stopped hitting him as I could tell he loved me but he was in pain.

He pulled away and stormed out of the room, I now knew my mistake I needed to know his pain.

I walked out of my room to apologize to him and I heard my father talking to him saying "Remember what Alexander does to those you love and know that with her you will never experience that pain."

My mistake had hurt this immortal who I fell for at first sight I didn't even know how I knew he was an immortal but I knew that the small brother I raised to be a loving young man had turned into a monster and inflicted great pain on me, I had to undo my mistake before I could be with Horas.