Chapter 1 part 1 Back to the world

It had been several decades since I had been out in the world Cronos had been hammering me with training drills and as a result the base had full power shielding up.

Hathor was still an absolute mess as she would flip out and hit me almost every time we spoke it was extremely hard around her at first but now I could at least control myself and not kiss her.

Entering into high power states was easy and the enhancement was easy but manifesting the power was impossible for me.

If I tried to make a black orb the gravity went insane and everyone faced the power.

If I tried to generate pure power waves of heat emitted from me and if I tried to control the energy around me lightning appeared.

The manifestation of my power was absolutely insane and yet the white space inside me had started to expand now I could enter the place effortlessly however my power refused to pass through the white place which I knew would allow me to manifest power.

The problem was Cronos was at his wits end considering that my imperfect manifestation had enough power to blow up a sun.

Hathor was still struggling to enhance her Chakra and the special cheat method we had only increased the difficulty she had concentrating.

My power allowed me to regulate another person's energy flow so while enhancing her power I'd kiss her and calm the raging enhancement in turn her emotions would go crazy and drive her power flow wild, I did try holding her hand and absorbing the excess energy however the energy diverted oddly and caused minor damage to her arm each time.

Horas had been a handful to train so far his not just a monster but an incredibly dangerous being with the effortless power to destroy solar systems.

Despite his young age he has shown an aptitude to control earth, fire, lightning and even gravity elements with relative ease.

The training had been extremely long thus far and the entire crypt was sealed tight, soon I had to talk Horas to complete the enhanced level trail to earn the rank of great immortal so I could teach Zeus a lesson without Ra stopping me.

If Zeus touched a hair on Hathor's head Horas would likely trash her and even if Isis and Ra tried to fight him they would be crushed with his current level of manifestation.

Zeus was 1 of my wives for the longest time despite this she constantly tortured and murdered members of our family and in the end I didn't marry her for love but to help grow humanity.

I may seem like scum for saying this but I did love my second wife and had no option but to stay with Zeus because she murdered our descendants when I spent time with my other wife.

To prevent problems for our children each immortal had a set limit to who their partners could be.

Time had flew outside this crypt and it was now common Era 2022 in the month of June our grace period was ending soon so we had to enter back into the world and I knew exactly where to suggest our new start.

My life was a total paradise accept that my father kept up his pranks and had been escalating them till he came up with this absurd idea that Horas could regulate my power.

Every time I tried to enhance my Chakra the power started swaying wildly and Horas would kiss me destroying all my concentration I do admit that he can draw my power out of me but it was insane to have him kiss me in training.

Horas drove me a little crazy some times and I'd end up hitting him, firstly he never lost control with me and only ever kissed me on my cheeks or lips secondly the man couldn't bother to try and even make a move on me, I'm married for decades and still a virgin this is so humiliating.

The worst thing that Horas does is simply not look at me when I dress up sexy for him, he literally walks to another room so I'm pretty justified for beating him up, despite all his terrible acts I still love him from the way he smiles or carries me to bed when I fake sleeping in odd places, I only forgive him not making a move on me because he kisses me on the cheek and says the most loving things.

Judging by my father's plans I think we preparing to fight my mother the bitch who stunned me cut me into pieces and put me in stasis.

Horas intended to confirm Alexander is dead and then help my father since the 2 of them seem so close, the world outside has changed so much yet it still is nothing near the world I lived in the last time I was out and about.

A second great 5 will resurrect by the end of this year so we need to get out of this base and get our selves adapted to this world.

My father had called the 2 of us up to the control room in Horas's base, Horas had caught me in the room and grabbed my hand.

Horas was a little feisty and pulled me close to him, he kissed me gentally pushed my hair away from my forehead and kissed me on my forehead, I looked up into his eyes and he kissed me on the lips.

Horas was extremely passionate and as I tied both my arms around his neck and pulled up onto him he stopped kissing me, this was so infuriating I want the passion not this.

Horas dropped his head down and said "Sorry I got carried away again!"

He was an absolute ass I had enough of this teasing just get it over with already.

I balled up a punch in my right hand and punched him in the face, does he not get how much I love him and want him in every way imaginable.

I was totally pissed and I sat on his stomach and kept punching at him for several minutes finally I was done with the punching so I got up kicked him in the side and walked of to my father.

I loved Horas he was a stellar man overall on most nights he would lay in bed with me and talk about how he used to hunt animals or what the bottom of earth's oceans were like he even told me how he loved looking at the stars and promised to 1 day take me to space watch the stars for a few days.

I couldn't wait for that day because I was going to have sex with him no matter what excuse he came up with.

I had walked into the control room and my father was busy with the base computer plotting some kind of mission.

I knew my father would be planning a mission that would reintegrate us with society and judging by our apparent ages it likely would be going to school.

Horas entered the room and said "Ranking time! Japan here we come!"

Horas was overly cheerful then my father said "Yup we going to school in Japan then we going to finish up your ranking."

Horas seemed mortified as he replied "School! I don't want to go to school!" it was adorable to see Horas suddenly sink to a boy in domineer, I had gone straight over to him and put my head on his shoulder.

My father gave a sly smile and said "I got our identities ready and thanks to your setup we can go to a prestigious school where we won't have our cover blown. Hathor you and Horas will be set to get married in 4 years time so 1 year after you finish school. Next I hope you 2 can keep it in the pants because if you get caught in the act you will get expelled, though that's the only way it would be acceptable for you to leave school."

My father was messing with Horas again as he knew we hadn't had sex yet to top it of my father likely knew what happened before we arrived here.

I got up all of a sudden as I was pissed at Horas again for earlier and smacked him across the face, then I grabbed his face and kissed him on the lips and returned to putting my head on his shoulder.

My father was laughing hysterically in his seat and then he said "I think I have a line on Alexander his elderly and looks feeble we may just end up crashing in on him and killing him by the end of this year so you may well be enjoying the passion and love you 2 desire."