Chapter 1 part 2 Hathor and Horas

Cronos had planned the entire trip and had the nanotechnology produce us clothing, uniforms, books and even had our bags made.

Everything had been packed and our trip was planned we made our way to the airport in Turkey and from there our newest adventure would begin.

I had never sat in an aeroplane in my life despite having airships of my own.

Cronos had taken advantage of the fact that I owned large parts of the world economy and used 1 of my identities to enter me in to the world.

I was now Miyuki Miyazaki and Hathor was Lino Mitsubishi while Cronos was John Black.

Our middle names were kept as our true names but it was pretty odd to have such a name.

I was still fluent in Japanese so I thought Hathor and Cronos to read and write the language.

I had never been to an international Airport before today and Cronos had me dress in a suit and carry my bags.

Hathor wore a knee height short sleeved black dress and tied her hair with 2 hair ties making each into bow ties.

Hathor's hair was extremely long reaching to her knees unfortunately for her, her hair was naturally multi-coloured with hints of blond and brown running down its length this was undoubtedly beautiful but most people would likely think she sucked at dying her hair.

Cronos oddly enough had cut his hair short, wore a black suit with no tie and put on a pair of spectacles, Cronos had the most jet black hair you could imagine and with his current get up looked like a total nerd.

Hathor had been behaving terribly odd and smacked my hand away every time I tried to take her hand or even play with her hair.

The alarms in the metal detectors went of each time we passed through them, honestly Cronos had thrown tantrums at each station and 2 large bulky security guards had escorted him of.

When he returned the guards couldn't look anyone in the eye telling me that Cronos beat them senseless and due to his nerdy appearance they were extremely humiliated the tattoos on their arms truly showed who they were, it was a USA navy seal super elite tattoo.

I wanted to also get in on the fun so I pretended to struggle carrying my bags and went on a rent with the security this time they pulled me into the room and I stung them lightly when they attempted to hold me down to pull my pants down.

Both man had tears in their eyes as I walked back to the line and I decided to add more salt to the wounds in public saying "You 2 weak imbeciles better stop trying to touch children inappropriately after all you shit weak if I smacked you you'd pass out."

The men flared up in anger and I smacked each one off them knocking them out after which another guard came up to me and attempted to rough handle me and I smacked perfectly to make myself look weak.

The third guard let me go and burst out laughing at the 2 men on the ground saying "Elite soldiers my ass you 2 should be ashamed to have tattoos like that."

Cronos grabbed my arm and asked "What the hell did you do that for?"

I looked back at Cronos and said "I just wanted to torment them like you did."

Cronos whispered in my ear "They saw what I packed between my legs that's why they looked so miserable."

I laughed out loud while pointing to the 2 men who just got up and as they glimpsed at me a look of fear spread across their faces.

The 2 men started screaming and making fuss about punishing me when the third guard pulled out his baton and smacked the 2 men in knees scream at them and had other members of security arrest them.

We were escorted through the rest of the airport skipping all security and then we finally boarded the plane.

I had got into character and sitting in first class was pretty boring since I sat alone.

The flight had finally reached a point where the seat belt sign had turned off so I went over to Hathor and said "Lino care if I join you?"

Hathor had an angry smirk on her face and said "Miyuki be my guest."

I got into her little chamber and picked her up onto my lap and kissed her.

I could taste the lip stick on her lips and as I kept kissing her the door opened, a waitress had been staring at us and said "Go any further then this and I will separate you 2 got it."

We nodded in obedience and placed our order for our in flight meals, Hathor slid of my lap and sat next to me placing her head on my arm.

We may have been married for almost 40 years but the romance never died, then again it never actually progressed.

Hathor leaned over and asked me "Tell me about all your experiences in Japan?"

I looked into Hathor's eyes and passed my right hand over her face gave her a kiss and said "1 of my best friends loved Japan her name was Kaguya, I resurrected her from the dead for her husband who was also a very dear friend of mine. Japan as I remember it was a reflection of Kaguya, the people are sweet, kind and considerate but some people ruin the atmosphere. I was on good terms with the royal family and to be honest I was considered royalty since my friend Kaguya was like a goddess to the people and I was her master in a way. The people have celebrations in every season and just wait till you experiences their summer festivals. My home in Japan was destroyed by Alexander and on that day he killed my 4 best friends Rameses, Helen, Jackie and Kaguya… I'm sorry I can't tell you more my heart is a little heavy with my past."

Horas was undoubtedly saddened by the incidents in Japan and I had some idea of what happened.

My father had managed to learn a lot about Horas and he was extremely unusual for an immortal.

When he had company he no longer desired death and he generally didn't enjoy killing unless there was purpose to it, he only held regrets for failures in terms of protecting his companions.

Horas didn't share our general aptitude of ruling over mortals, he would advise and assist but never take over as a ruler.

My husband's life was filled with pain and no comfort till he met my father, that much was made certain when 1 day in deep meditation my father asked Horas why he made the nanotechnology when he had no use for it Horas answered to extend the time I had with my friends.

My life was kind of the opposite in the start I had Jupiter and he raised me for most of my life around the age of 6000 I desired death greatly and I only ever stopped desiring death around Horas.

I felt guilt in my heart for loving him as much as I did but I just could not resist him it wasn't about the physical relationship it was the feeling of being with him, I loved every expression he made and every time he frustrated me I enjoyed it because I loved something greater then anything that could be seen or described.

The human flight technology was extremely slow and inefficient taking several hours to arrive at its destination.

Horas had made the extremely comfortable and spacious seat I was in very cramped yet I didn't mind it because if he hadn't come to me I'd have gone to him.

The hostess entered the mini cabin again and looked at the 2 of intently since she suspected we were getting up to some heavy stuff.

Our food was laid out for us and the hostess told us "I will only be back in 2 hours so don't stress and know that the shower is usable for 10 minutes a person."