Chapter 1 part 3 Princess Yuri

This flight was merely a tool in my plan to uncover exactly what Zeus put into motion, knowing her and her antiques high class energy pulses would be searched for to activate her cloaking technology.

I needed Horas to become an easy target for Alexander along with dangling bait in the form of Hathor.

Alexander would likely flip out and throw a tantrum which would mean he will deploy an assault against Horas giving me enough time to reach him, capture and torture him.

The secret bases Zeus had around the world would then be easy pickings and allow me a chance to find out what the hell she had planned plus I could possibly find her accomplice.

I knew in my heart that Gaia was not her accomplice after all Gaia hated Zeus more then anyone and was only her subordinate due to Zeus killing our kids if she found them out.

That left only 2 possible people neither of which made any sense to me Ra and Isis didn't have anything in common with Zeus but I knew 1 of those 2 monsters were part of this mess.

If Ra was Zeus's accomplice it would have become a stalemate as Isis would hold of Ra while myself and Gaia dealt with Zeus.

If it was a Zeus and Isis plot it was doomed from the start because Ra would hold Isis away while myself and Gaia took down Zeus.

With Horas now in the fight neither Ra nor Isis could stalemate the fight so Zeus was screwed.

Horas had mentioned that a variant of the red spider was on earth and that it had long lasting effects that expanded people's power and life span, if it was part of the strategy then Alexander screwed up the plan by vaporizing the plant with his attack on Japan.

If Zeus could find a way to enhance her powers with the red spider plus her accomplice it was possible that the only hope for surviving the fight was Horas.

10000 years to stabilize the effects of the red spider and then what could follow, Hathor also held key information but I had no intention of ripping away at her happiness buy pulling up so cruel memories.

The flight had finally come to an end, in the back ground I could hear a hostess shouting Horas back to his seat.

The plane had landed and Hathor was fixed to my side as we left the airport, Cronos had distanced himself from the 2 of us and headed of using public transport.

Hathor was waiting with me for a limousine to take us to the estate I owned in Tokyo, unfortunately the limousine had ended up late.

My company had gotten extremely flustered with the 2 month notice on getting my house cleaned up, as they had been ignoring it for the longest time.

I knew my estates were generally ignored but the 1 I was going to was extremely neglected.

The outside looked extremely beautiful while inside the house hadn't been cleaned in 20 years some of the furniture had been eaten by bugs and the paint was stained or pealing.

The company had started rushing the cleaning in the first week then in the second week then repainted the house which ended up ruining the floors and then had to redo the floors.

At this point they had to fix plumbing and redo wiring of the house overall they had barely finished maintaining the house and were still busy outfitting several of the 150 rooms.

The estate was a gift from the emperor 500 years back when I assisted with minor problems he was facing as a result the mansion was more of a palace.

The grounds were so large that I could easily host several sport events in it, yet it was left unused for decades now.

In the past I'd have invited my school to host a festival at the estate or use the grounds for sports events however I hadn't done that since 1945.

Tokyo had never been a true home for me but merely a place where I had to deal with the royal family.

I fully expected the king to send me an invite to discuss issues at his house however as we pulled up to the house the king was at my door with his family.

The royal family knew the truth about who I really was and would normally offer me up a marriage to their princess at the time, I had managed to evade getting married thus far by saying I wasn't interested in relationships this time the royal family would know I had a fiancé with me.

I got out of the limousine with Hathor on my arm and the entire royal contingent bowed to me at a glimpse I noticed the princess they brought with them and she undoubtedly would be a problem for me as she wore the uniform of the school I would be attending.

The king stepped up to me saying "Lord Horas we are honoured by your visit to Tokyo could you please grant me an audience?"

I looked back smiling and said "Yes I am willing to grant you an audience but please note that in our presence today is a far wiser immortal, my wife the lady Hathor Cronos."

Rameses had been a good friend of the royal family and explained to them tons about immortals including naming the great 5 and his sister.

The king dropped to the ground in subjugation and his family followed, as the king lifted his head he said "Forgive my rudeness lady Hathor, we are extremely sorry to be interrupting your first visit to our city. If there is anything you may need ask and it shall be yours."

Hathor was unaware of her impact on the people of Japan several hundred years ago a prince had been born lame and blind.

Rameses had tried to assist the child with treatments in his arsenal of techniques and fell short in the end I healed the child with the healing technology and it gave the child use of his limbs and sight despite this his health still perished and 1 day Rameses had me synthesis a chemical Hathor had made and it saved the child.

The child grew strong and healthy and gave birth to multiple heirs, ever since Hathor was a revered name to them.

I looked over at Horas in surprise as the respect I received was equal to his respect.

Horas led us all into the mansion and then turned into a large area that looked like a reception area.

Horas scream out "Attendants please come in!" the door on the right swung open and 4 individuals rushed out with a rolling table.

The attendants poured out tea for each individual and had cake sliced and placed on each plate, Horas had given a second set of orders to the attendants however I could barely hear what he said however I could tell that he was extremely polite with them.

Finally the king spoke saying "Lord Horas, Lady Hathor I have to beg your guidance with regards to 2 things firstly Alexander has threatened to lay a full scale assault on us if we don't get him a red spider Lilly secondly my daughter has stage 3 cancer and has a heart disease so could you please heal her?"

Horas seemed surprised and happy by the request and then he replied "Alexander is old and feeble if he can muster an assault he will launch it even if there was a sample of red spider lily so negotiating is pointless. Please have your daughter step over to me I will heal her." The princess stood up and walked over to Horas and stood before him, Horas simply put a hand on her shoulder and transferred a small number of his nanotechnology into the girl the he said "Sit down and relax for 10 minutes so that you can heal if you keep your body stressed you will undergo extreme pain."

The princess attempted to say something however Horas gestured with a finger to his lips that she must not talk and pointed to the seat she woke up from.

Horas sat back down on the sofa I was on and said "Enjoy the tea and cake for now your daughter's treatment is currently underway using my nanotechnology."

The king seemed to also want to speak up however he sat extremely silently like a child being forced into obedience.

Finally I asked "Why is it that you fear Horas so much?"

The king replied "Forgive me Lady Hathor but Lord Horas is our nation's greatest warrior and saviour, to be as bold as we are without offering fair tribute would be extremely disrespectful. It is why we had come with 4 offerings for Lord Horas today."

The king had his servant bring out 4 pure white katanas with scrolls accompanying them.

Horas seemed extremely impressed and then the king spoke once more saying "My daughter wished to offer the reward for her treatment directly to Lord Horas herself."

The princess walked over and kneeled before Horas and said "You have saved my life and granted me more time to live so please Lord Horas accept me as your next wife or servant to compensate my life debt."

Horas seemed to get angry with that statement and the king to seemed frightened so I replied "You are accepted as his second wife however take note that I am his first wife and will not allow you to overstep your boundaries."

A look of astonished joy spread across the faces of the royal family and Horas seemed to become extremely gloomy.

I whispered in Horas's ear "We are still married this is just a political marriage to stop this from happening over and over again. The royal family will now become your family with you having proper say plus you can assist them without having to put on a serious act."

Horas sighed and put on a smile for everyone then he said "Princess I told you to relax that pain you experiencing is from the healing of the wounds my technology made removing the cancer. Please sit down for 2 minutes and attempt to relax the pain will be subdued soon."

The princess took a seat next to Horas and said "My name is Yuri Lord Horas so don't call me princess."

Yuri was a bold young lady indeed making such a forceful move to get close to Horas.

Horas suddenly spoke saying "From this point forward please do not call me Horas but by my cover name Miyuki Miyazaki and the Lady Hathor is Lino Mitsubishi."

The king undoubtedly felt that he was being disrespectful and awkwardly seemed to accept the conditions he had received.

2 minutes had passed and Horas stood up and placed his hand on Yuri's shoulder for 30 seconds then sat right back down.

To my surprise Yuri had turned red in the face and was blushing from interacting with Horas undoubtedly she harboured a crush for Horas.