Chapter 1 part 4 Hathor’s past

The royal party left the house and the attendants entered the room, Horas looked at them and said "I hope that you are all looking forward to service for verily illumination is power. I am the founder of the organization you are part of, the service you are now in will earn you rights to my knowledge. Our purpose is to allow Alexander to enter this home through bribery and then to corner and destroy him, for those who succeed will be 50 extra years of youthful life."

My father had been using Horas to set a trap in Japan however the plan was set to use the Illumanati to help Alexander get his attack lined up making a huge force converge on Horas while my father pulled of a capture mission in secret.

The plan was simple and had to be made complex as situations arose, Horas had to stand out and become the object of pointless chatter hence why I pushed for him to marry a princess.

The attendants dropped the respectful act and interacted casually with Horas now all 6 of us headed to the dinning room and sat at a small 10 person table.

The 4 kitchen staff pulled in with the food and all 10 of us ate together, Horas was extremely discontent with the ideals that surrounded his extremely high class status so he broke the ideal by doing as he pleased.

I had lived my life in much the same way for my first few hundred years but after I met my mother I learnt pain and abuse so I resigned myself to the norms, my mother was a ruthless bitch she would cut of my face saying I don't have right to a beautiful face and cut up my body parts as well.

Her torture didn't end at dismemberment it went on in many ways, in the end I became nothing more then her puppet and she cut me up into pieces leaving me in stasis.

My day had been quiet a Rollercoaster since Hathor had pushed a marriage on me, despite my unwillingness to do as she said I knew that nothing good would come of fighting her choice.

Hathor had been slowly becoming more filled with fear you could see it in her eyes, every step we took to neutralize Alexander likely reminded her of how her heart was broken last time.

I had some idea of what actually happened to Hathor when I absorbed her power after revival her memories flowed into me and the only clear memory was Zeus saying "With this I can finally have him all to myself" the memory then faded with a blast of electricity.

All I knew was that Hathor was betrayed by Zeus, Cronos had no idea about this and I had no intention to have Hathor cross examined.

Tomorrow would be our first day of school and I would have to treat Cronos as a stranger in school so it would be pointless to bring it up.

Night had finally come and everyone had retired to their own rooms except myself and Hathor who shared the royal suit.

The room was nice and spacious almost like a lavish apartment.

I had just finished changing clothes when I noticed that Hathor had become slightly distant so I instantly asked "Hathor is something bothering you, you seem to be rather distant thoughtout the day. Is the mission weighing down on your past or is it what comes after we deal with Alexander."

Hathor seemed to be cornered by that question and she answered "I made the red spider along with 3 accompanying spiders the blue, black, and green. They were made by me in hopes that I could take away my immortality and die. Instead I only ever enhanced my development and improved my power the 4 spider plants were failures to me but were weapons for my mother. After I destroyed the plants my mother vowed to make me pay for messing with her plans and killed Horas using Alexander. After that my mother found me and tortured me vowing to forcefully impregnate me and have the babies killed in my hands after birth. So I remade the red spider lily for my mother and was then put in stasis."

This was no minor development this made things way worse regular mortals became thousands of times stronger in a month if they took the red spider lily if an immortal took the red spider lily their regeneration factor would sky rocket then it likely would allow them to expand their power much like myself expect they would already understand how to overload their Chakra.

This may have been a pointless guess but if someone like Cronos took the red spider lily he would rival Isis or Ra possibly even surpassing them.

The problem was now only intensified if Zeus had power enough to destroy a solar system only I could stop her however if there were 2 great immortals at that crazy class of power I'd be forced to fight them together.

Horas seemed puzzled by what I had just told him and clutched his head tightly, the information was important however it seemed Horas didn't understand a critical factor in immortals was the power source we held.

I put my hand on Horas's lap and said "You likely believe my mother could enhance her power further with the red spider lily, however that's not possible or I would have surpassed the great 5 already. Our power sources limit our maximum potential in order for my mother to grow more powerful she would need a new power source and that's impossible. I only gave my mother the spider lily to stop her forcefully impregnating me."

Horas looked up to me and said "I found a way to enhance Chakra power beyond where your father instructed me to where there would be a limit and if it had been discovered by Zeus or anyone else their potential would explode."

I looked at him all worried and said "Okay teach me the trick then!"

Horas folded his legs and started by saying "Find your position of no movement then link your Chakras together create a direct line for every Chakra to the next Chakra."

This did seem extremely complicated considering the concentration required so I just made a single flow from the eighth Chakra to my first Chakra and suddenly the power overwhelmed me growing and collapsing rapidly however I could not sustain the power so I had to relinquish the new loop.

I broke the stance looked at Horas and said "My mother couldn't do it trust me our power sources can't withstand growth like that maybe Ra or Isis could do it using primordial power and the red spider but they 2 would find it hard to control."

Horas was surprisingly capable considering that he managed to do this, as he sat in meditation I stood up and walked over to him then I kissed him on the lips and said "Come to bed."

Horas got up out of his position and said "Sorry about that sweetheart I'm just worried it feels like the calm before a storm. With the plan left so open for adjustment I'm stressed out, plus you threw me a huge curve ball today."

Horas had got into bed and I had slipped into bed facing him then I said "It's a political marriage you don't have to love the girl. Maybe give her 1 or 2 children that's it."

Horas then replied "I don't want to rob that girl of the bounties of life I want her to live a happy life and with me life is pain."

Horas clearly understood the situation from the political aspect however he seemed a bit dense in terms of seeing her emotion.