Chapter 1 part 5 Starting school

It was 4 am in the morning and the attendants came into the room waking us from our sleep.

They were in full attendant mode meaning Alexander had already started with attempting to break into the house.

I looked over to Hathor and said "Lino it's a good day today so let's get on the itinerary."

This was a code that the plan was implemented and it also meant we had to distance ourselves from Cronos at school.

In the past I had attended school back in the early 1800s and it was extremely pointless the book knowledge was dated, flawed knowledge was passed from a teacher who could barely be rated higher then the students, discipline was flawed and pointless to the point that the boundaries of right and wrong were drawn arbitrarily.

I was now doomed to attend 3 years of high school and then university.

I had just finished brushing my teeth when Hathor rushed into the bathroom to have a bath, so I walked out to see that breakfast had been arranged.

On the table lay 2 extremely lavish breakfast omelettes with beautiful cappuccinos, I sat in a seat and began eating since I understood that once we were done getting ready it would be of to the school to get orientated with our schedules.

Hathor exited the bathroom and slide into changing room as I finished eating.

2 attendants rushed into the bathroom ahead of me cleaning up the space so that it would be a comfortable shower.

The bathroom was not wet or steamy instead it was perfectly clean like it was ready for the first bath of the day, I got in and showered then I exited the bathroom and went straight into the changing room my uniform had been set out on the changer.

The uniform felt awkward it was a black pants with a white shirt and a black jacket that matched my pants when fully buttoned it had military like uniformity.

Hathor on the other hand was the perfect image of beauty, the long black summer dress the reached to her knees she wore long socks that covered up to half her legs, under her summer dress was a short sleeved T-shirt.

The uniform did have me tie my shoulder length hair into a pony tail and the same was expect of girls but the rules did allow for some variation.

We walked down from the room and at the door we picked up 4 bags each 1 with books, 1 with gym clothes, 1 with training equipment and lastly 1 with shoes.

We were now pristine examples of high society, despite high society being looked down on it actually was extremely important if high society gets tainted it spreads fast causing grief to the world.

The car pulled up to take us to school and the trip would roughly take 45 minutes as the city had started to return to its peak.

We both got into the car and the trip started our new identities were now going to be dominant.

The city of Tokyo was undoubtedly beautiful however the extreme traffic was its down fall.

The drive had been peaceful however Horas hadn't kissed me as yet, our cover had us act as an engaged couple so I understood having dialled down the frequency of kissing but he had to kiss me at some point.

Finally the car ride had ended and Horas reached out a hand helping me to step out of the car.

The school building was a large monument of times passed the outside scream I'm over 100 years old yet the face of the building was flawless.

We had entered the school and only a handful of students were in this early in the morning to my surprise princess Yuri walked up to us and said "Hi their Lino and Miyuki why don't I start up your school tour."

Yuri was almost as flattering in the uniform as me and she locked her arm around Horas's arm and started to drag him off.

I followed as well and decided to also lock my arm around Horas's other arm, Horas now had an awkward look on his face like if he was being burdened by weight.

Yuri finally brought us to the student lockers and we place our bags in them, Horas had started sweating and was slightly out of breath.

Horas wasn't just acting but he had actually been strained, this was unthinkable since Horas was incredibly powerful and durable.

I reached up on tip toes and whispered in Horas's ear "What's going on?"

Horas suddenly stopped and said "Princess Yuri if you don't mind I need to have a word with Lino in private."

Yuri walked down the hall and Horas whispered in my ear "It's tough to not just kiss you when the urge comes over me plus Yuri is also engaged to me so if I kiss you in the open it would be expected of me do the same with her or the public situation would be bad."

I started laughing hysterically not only had I panicked for nothing but Horas had thought out every step needed to pull of our act with the variation added.

He was still subject to emotional strain and it showed by the way he was sweating.

Yuri re-joined us and walked us through the rest of the building while explaining we were only here for 2 weeks of school under the guise of summer school.

In the last 2 weeks the weaker students would end up in catch up classes while the rest get 2 weeks of from school to enjoy the summer festivities.

Yuri finally took us to the cafeteria in the school where everyone gathered before the day started, we were informed that the first bell would call all teachers for a 10 minute morning meeting then the office would open so we could grab our itineraries.

10 minutes after the office opens a buzzer will ring signalling home room, everybody will then gather for home room where we will be introduced to our classes since we were first years in senior high school we would start of with 4 lessons followed by a break, then we would have physical lessons for the next 3 periods followed by a break then the last 4 lessons of the day followed by the main school day ending.

After school ends we would be assigned to social tasks like cleaning the classes or bathrooms which lasts for 30 minutes then started club activities till 6pm in the afternoon.

The school activities were undoubtedly intense considering that school lasted for 12 hours plus we would have homework.

The cafeteria was very extravagant and hosted a large menu to order from the third year students seemed to refrain from eating in the morning.

Yuri was a second year student and had cheerfully brought over food to share with us, Yuri puzzled me with her behaviour she was so cheerful with the man stealing away her chance of a happy life.

I watched around the cafeteria as students poured in as the time slowly approached the start of the school day.

No one approached the table the 3 of us sat at and I had realized that a lot of whispering was occurring around us.

After several minutes a large sized young man bumped into my chair and said "Ow the princess is being nice to you, still doesn't make you anything special."

Before I could stand up and say anything Yuri slammed her hand flat on the table and said "His my fiancé so he pretty much is the future king of Japan. Keep running your mouth and your father may need to find another job."

Yuri was a princess in an elite school meaning her status carried weight and association with her carried a great responsibility that almost everyone avoided, the brat harassing us was the chief justices son which made him feel pretty entitled.

It was 5:55 in the morning and 5 minutes remained till school would start, the brat seemed to have taken great offense to what was said and attempted to slam his lunch tray on my head.

I caught the lunch tray mid swing and pulled it from his grip, then I put it down on the table and said "If you damage school property you only show how unbecoming you are."

I was talking in a very proper condescending tone so the brat threw a punch and I stopped it with 1 hand and forced him down into a seat while barely being phased by him and said "If you keep this up little 1 you going to get hurt."

He attempted to get his hand free from mine with all his might and after a few seconds I could tell he was afraid by the disparity in our strength.

I let go of his hand and started walking back to my seat when he threw a punch to the back of my head so I spun on the heal of my foot and pushed his punch back lightly with my open palm, the large sized boy went crashing into a nearby table.

I returned to my seat and before I could say a thing the bell rang.