Chapter 1 part 6 Lessons

The cafeteria started to empty as students started to head towards their classes, Yuri looked at the 2 of us as she stood up and said "See you later."

The room slowly emptied and myself and Hathor exited the room heading towards the office area, several students were heading in this direction from what I could see they were all an exclusive committee of sorts.

Finally they turned off into the Alumni block known as the Kaguya building, it had been named by me when I made a large contribution to upgrading the school that already belonged to me.

I kept walking down the hall and finally we were in the administration block where the office resided.

The teachers seemed to be in some kind of extremely important meeting and the period in which myself and Hathor joined the school was rather odd as it represented a 2 week late start to the orientation program which likely was the cause for the seriousness of the meeting.

Finally the meeting seemed to have finished and the office door had finally opened and on the table lay 3 itineraries I picked up the 1 labelled Miyazaki and Hathor picked up the 1 labelled Mitsubishi the only 1 left on the table was John Black.

The paper read room 1-1 making it the A grade class so our subjects had been assigned and at the bottom the paper signed of with choose a maximum of 3 clubs.

The list of things available was large and we had both been assigned to try-out for athletic clubs before the day ended if we wished to enter all other clubs would only be finalized on the first official day of school.

We had barely left the office when we saw Cronos running into the office accompanied by another student.

We were still within time to attend home room and as we walked along to the classroom a teacher called out to us saying "Miyazaki, Mitsubishi follow me and wait outside my class till I introduce the 2 of you. On that point Miyazaki know that your arranged marriages will be public knowledge in the school before the day is over so I suggest you present yourself with pride no matter the circumstance. Your situation is undoubtedly both political and business related so don't let anyone aggravate you to violence like Nagato did this morning fortunately you used minimum force to deal with his aggravation. Okay this is the class so wait till I call your names."

Hathor and I stood just outside the door, outside of visual range and waited for our introductions, down the hall in front of class 1-5 stood Cronos waiting for his introduction.

I listened carefully to the teacher as he said "So students today we have 2 esteemed students joining us first is miss Lino Mitsubishi 1 of the world's richest heirs and her fiancé who is also the fiancé of Princess Yuri, Prince Miyuki Miyazaki."

The 2 of us walked into the class and stood in front of the class next to the teacher, at this point the teacher continued speaking "Every one treat them with the utmost respect and as for you 2 please take a seat at the 2 vacant seats in the middle of the classroom."

The teacher seemed extraordinarily stressed just introducing us, then again he was dominating the conversation with an individual meant to tower over himself in status.

We took our seats and the teacher continued his announcements thereafter the bell rang for the first period.

The teacher picked up a bag and walked out of the room heading of to the next classroom to begin his lesson.

The moment the teacher left the class whispers could be heard all around the class, the students were undoubtedly shocked to here that a student was set to be married to a princess however being set to marry a second individual along side the princess sounded extremely ill convinced.

As I sat there looking forwards not paying any attention to what was being said I heard someone say "He likely is just marrying the princess for the title after all she is so sickly she will drop dead any day now."

The princess's illness was common knowledge to the school and it made my relationship with her seem to be either a power grab or charity.

A petite girl with pig tails was the first to approach me as the first period would soon commence and she said "Hi there miss Mitsubishi I'm Tanaka Kamado, if you ever need help with catching up on the work feel free to ask me to help you out."

The teacher entered the classroom and everyone took their seats we greeted the teacher respectfully and started the math lesson.

The class went on for almost 20 minutes when the teacher looked at Horas and said "Mr Miyazaki is there a reason you are no longer writing, wait why don't you try and answer all of yesterday's homework on the board since you seem to know it all."

Horas stood up obediently and answered the 10 problems in 3 minutes flat then he looked to the teacher and said "Sorry madam Shrogan I finished taking down notes the moment you finished writing on the board plus if you don't mind me pointing it out you made 4 mistakes in today's math if you wish I could correct it for you. Lastly you may call me Mr Miyazaki or prince Miyuki either would sacrifice."

The tone was devoid of emotion critical and calculating showing that he was not to be toyed with.

The teacher instantly recognized her mistake and spoke quietly with Horas who corrected her work and returned to his seat the teacher seemed to tuck her tail between her legs and leave the classroom as the bell rang to start the next lesson.

The next teacher to enter was a rather petite man who was no more then a few years older then the students, judging from his clothing he had graduated university several years ago the shirt he wore was slightly short and his jacket had holes where his university badge once was.

The man stood before the class delivering a lesson and the students refused to simmer down and listen at this point Horas stood up and spoke saying "Sorry to interrupt you sir but I failed to hear whether you said this section counts for 50% or 15% of our final mark."

The class seemed to silence as Horas voiced his concern and then they all fell silent watching to see what Horas would say next.

The lesson had almost ended when Horas went over to the teacher and spoke to him so hushed no one could hear what was said.

The teacher gave Horas a big smile as he left the classroom.

Horas was establishing his dominance over those around him so he would standout even more at the same time he was commanding respect and building up trust with the students.

The next 2 lessons passed perfectly well then came the break.

Yuri had been sitting alone at the same table we sat at in the morning, every few minutes several individuals would glance over at the table wondering what was going on.

Yuri was in high spirits and Horas seemed to talk to her with ease as if talking to his equal.

I had sat next to Yuri and she then asked me "Would it be presumptuous of me to ask to be your friend?"

The girl clearly understood everything she had done and this seemingly harmless gesture was nothing more then an olive branch to sooth out any ruffled feathers.

I put my arm around her shoulder and said "We going to be family soon so friends it is."

People all round the cafeteria were staring at the 2 of us as we put on this display, then I whispered in Yuri's ear "We are not gods just immortals. We the same as you and everyone else so don't feel so stressed around us. If you keep this up Horas will get mad and keep thinking you paying him respect instead of loving him."

Horas gave me a glance and said "No using middle names in public Lino we don't want problems."

Did Horas hear all of what was said, I may have exposed Yuri's feelings by accident and then I looked at Horas again and noticed that he wasn't flustered or stunned so all he had heard was his name.