Chapter 2 part 2 The fishing net

The boat had the foul smell of fish and the large trawlers net was filled with foil bags, there were 8 men in the crew and as I came up on deck 1 of them took me straight to the fish hold.

The boat didn't just trawl for fish but they also went fishing on each trip pulling out sword fish and tuna.

The man who took me to fishing hold gave me a hand scale and told me to weigh each fish and have them organized by weight class.

Fish was once the staple diet in Japan but after a severe issue with waste dumping and oil spills fish became toxic as a result nobody truly eats fish in Japan despite the fact that the issue has cleared up.

I had completed weighing out all the fish when 1 fisherman came up to me and asked "So kid where are you from?"

I answered quickly saying "I'm from a small town in Europe."

The fisherman then followed up asking "So why did you come here to find work?"

I had to think for a second and I answered "I'm here on scholarship to school so my rent and school fees are taken care off if I want to eat I must work or I will starve again."

The fisherman snickered and said "So you a pampered kid who can't go without a meal?"

I answered "I'm an orphan raised in a small town where people beat me black and blue daily, on top of that I was lucky to eat 1 proper meal a month if that counts for a rich kid then I guess I am 1."

The entire crew became silent and the man who punched me in the stomach seemed to filled with regret, the fisherman looked at me with a sad look in his eyes and said "Kid I'm sorry for what I said I know what its like to be orphaned, all of us on this boat were orphans so don't hold it in let it out."

I looked up and said "I have nothing to let out I just want to eat at the end of the day at least once a week."

I had carried of all the fish on to a small table the fishermen had told me to layout the fish on then 5 men in suits came on-board the boat and carried of the foil bags.

The entire crew then gathered around the table and said "Kid do not give us your name or tell us anything about where you stay or where you go to school likewise none of us know each other's names. If you keep to that and meet us here at 2 in the morning we promise you fish everyday."

I walked of out of the market place and as I was crossing the road the man who punched me in the stomach came running up behind me with an excellent piece of tuna and said "Kid take this and enjoy your meal, I'm sorry for punching you in the gut I thought you were a cop or 1 of those spies for the great Alexander. Anyway hope to see you at 2."

I replied with "Who is the great Alexander?"

The man put his hand to his chin and said "His a sick bastard who is looking for this kid name Horas Kanji supposedly his the immortal demon who tried to conquer Japan."

I walked of immediately heading straight to the apartment and the first thing I did was knock on the landlords door and said "Do you wish to part take in the meal and quest?"

The landlord sat cross legged and asked "What tidings do you bare Cronos?"

I replied "Agents of Alexander are in the harbour spread the word that Horas is Miyazaki and take their offering."

The landlord diced up the fish into straps to cook and strip to eat after dipping them in vinegar.

The knowledge I gained was shared and the landlord seemed pleased and then he said "Lord Cronos forgive my asking but how did you come by this information so quickly?"

I took a deep breath and said "When you see the truth of a person you can easily gain their trust, some honesty and a little tale of deceit can make people trust you. I shared with those around me the story of my life while removing the age I am so they believed my past was tragic and choose to show me trust and kindness."

The landlord served the fish in a bowl between us and took a piece of fish into his plate and began eating, there were 3 bowls on the table 1 with cooked tuna 1 with raw tuna that was cured in vinegar and lastly an odd green paste.

The meal was oddly pleasant with the green paste being some kind of hot sauce meant for fish.

The landlord had finished his meal and asked "May I enquire to how you see immortality?"

This question was 1 I had heard many times and I answered with "Immortality is a curse of pain and loneliness, the long life may bring some advantages but they are easily numbered and nothing can out weigh the pain. Horas offers anyone in his cause a possibility to taste immortality but know that every person who tasted immortality craved death."

The landlord then said "Lord Cronos in order to spring the trap you have set I will sacrifice my life tonight, I will not betray Horas till my blood has been spilt so forgive the narcotic I used on you."

I realized in that moment that our cups were extremely distinct and fell asleep in the next few seconds, the landlord was a follower of Horas from a family that nearly died in Hiroshima so he choose to repay his families debt to Horas with his life to ensure Horas got vengeance on the fiend who caused the disaster.

The landlord had left the note beside me as I fell asleep.

It was 1am in the morning when I woke up and was already far to late to stop the landlord from performing his sacrifice.

The note was easy to understand and as soon as I left the house I headed to the harbour I had to keep up my Intel gathering.

I arrived at the boat early and put on a sulky look and the first fisherman showed up and looked at me saying "Kid did something happen?"

I looked him in the eye and said "I saw a man get killed by those great Alexander followers, they tortured him to death."

The fisherman replied "Kid stay away from dock 10 of them are here if you don't they will do the same to you, that's their secret port in and out."

The rest of the crew arrived and then the boat set out to start fishing I was the only 1 fishing and had landed nearly 12 fish when the rest of the crew arrived and the fishermen from earlier asked me "Did they kill someone you knew?"

I replied "The man who cooked me lunch and was allowing me to rent an apartment."

The fishermen all looked at each other and the man who punched me said "Kid get out of the docks we will get your landlords body and then we will tell you if they are looking for you meet us at the train station at 5:30 if you in trouble don't come back."

My plan has been accelerated drastically thanks to the landlords sacrifice, if I didn't take advantage I wouldn't be able to track down Alexander.

The boat pulled into the harbour and over 4 dozen men were waiting on the dock for the boats crew, the men suggested I dive into the water behind the boat and swim my way out of another dock.

I jumped into the water and swam off as instructed, I quickly swam to the furthest dock and powered up instantly drying my clothes then I walked of towards the house.

The place was crawling with men tearing up the landlords house I jumped up onto a nearby roof and snuck into my room and gathered my stuff exiting quickly.

I rushed to the train station and waited in the station till 1 of the fishermen showed up at the station and said "Kid they think you may know where the immortal Horas is and the crew said they have your back if you tell us what you know."

I sighed and said "Horas is the name of an immortal who is here in Japan to protect the country from being destroyed his the 1 who saved me from Europe."

The fishermen looked me in the eye and asked "Is he good or bad for the people of Japan?"

I looked at the fishermen and said "Horas has protected Japan for nearly 600 years if the people of Japan prove unworthy he won't save you from coming disasters."

The fishermen seemed confused and said "Kid we don't like those Alexander spies so we will trust you but trust me you need to get out of this place quick. Get to your school and pray they find this Horas before the day is over that way you may have a way to escape. Stay clear of Hiroshima the leader of those spies is supposed to arrive there tomorrow night. Bye kid!"