Chapter 2 part 3 Cronos in school

I had got on the train and changed into my school clothes and realized I had to get the message to Horas that the plan had been accelerated.

Unfortunately being in school and under cover was now a hindrance to our plans the school would be heavily monitored and Alexander would be plotting to take action on Horas.

While we were confined for 12 hours a day Alexander could plot away at us and attack worse still was if Alexander found out there were 3 immortals together he would likely try to run for cover till Zeus emerged.

I was already late for school as the station was a good distance from the school plus I had taken a late train to school by the time arrived Horas was already in route to his classroom and I still needed to get my itinerary from the office.

Since we weren't permitted to interact will under cover Horas likely wouldn't talk to me so I needed to get a message to him without blowing my cover.

I had studied the floor plan of the school and knew my way around so I rushed over to my new classroom and stood at the door as I had been instructed by the teacher.

Finally the teacher introduced me in a condescending tone saying "Well we have a new student joining us hopefully he can cope with our easy syllabus. Get in the class and take a seat John Black."

I walked straight to the empty desk and as I walked by a kid attempted to trip me, I could evade his leg or be tripped and fit the role of nerd more.

I decided to allow myself to be tripped and went stumbling onto the floor.

I was down on the floor when the teacher said "Nagato no more stunts like that, you will dirty your social standing touching trash like that."

The teacher had shown discontent with me being lower cast and treated me like filth in her class I wanted so badly to stand up and shout at her for her ill convinced notions of standings.

I got up and sat in the empty chair at the back of the row as soon as the bell rang students were talking to each other and the student named Nagato walked straight towards me with a clenched fist.

Nagato grabbed me out of my seat and started laying into me punching me in the face and stomach after 3 minutes the teacher entered the class and said "Nagato stop that this instant if your father hears about your conduct today he may end up disciplining you. Unhand the new kid and get back to your seat now!"

The teacher walked to the back of the class and looked me over then he said "Sorry about this kid we can't do much about that kid your only hope is someone higher in standing saving you."

The teacher walked back to the front of the class and started his lesson I did my best to look like the pace I wrote at was my maximum while delaying slightly.

The class seemed to be going well when suddenly a desk came flying at me, the kid Nagato was a wild unruly brat and it seemed like no one could keep him under control.

The teacher rushed to me and called another student from the class to take me to the nurses office.

The bell had rang as I walked out of the classroom and my form teacher passed me and said "Get your hands of that filth…"

The teacher behind me said "You should watch that crap you sprout if the prince or princess get ticked with you, you'd be lucky to be low class."

The woman was extremely proud and seemed to be infuriated by the tone the other teacher had taken with her.

I had been left in the nurses office and the student who accompanied me ran off back to class, in the corner of the room sat a young woman dressed pristinely.

The corner of the room had a multitude of equipment to check a person's health, the girl suddenly noticed me and came up to me asking "Are you alright, the nurse should be back in 5 minutes she is just getting fresh instruments to test my condition. If you need urgent help I can assist you?"

The girl was extremely happy and seemed to be floating on cloud 9 and I said "No I just need to hide away from this kid in my class."

The girl looked at me and said "You must be hiding from Nagato, so what's your name?"

I looked up at the girl and said "I'm the new kid John Black."

The girl suddenly bowed and said "Lord Cronos it's a pleasure to meet you I'm princess Yuri."

The documents I had processed for our identities were passed through the royal family so this made sense.

The princess sat back down in her corner suddenly and acted like she hadn't noticed me meaning she likely heard someone approaching.

The nurse entered the room and set the testing equipment on the table before the princess then she came up to me and said "That's got to hurt let me put some ice on your forehead. Bust lips and no major bruising looks like you used to getting beat up kid so what happened?"

I replied "Someone threw a desk in my face in the middle of class and he beat me up before that."

The nurse took out a soft swab and put some medication on it then wiped down my lips, the medicine gave slight stings as it was applied to my lips then she pulled out what looked like a white piece of paper and put it on the swelling on my head it was an ice pack and brought down the pain almost instantly.

The nurse then said "Sit here and stay awake till the break starts that way you won't end up back here."

The nurse went over to the princess and started her tests and after 10 minutes the nurse exclaimed "That's not possible, you in great shape and you healthy no weird lumps or spikes in pressure or blood sugar."

The nurse walked out of the room then the I asked the princess "What's wrong with you princess?"

She looked back at me puzzled and replied "Lord Horas cured me of my illness yesterday and agreed to marrying me."

That was an absolute shock to me Horas loved Hathor dearly and would never accept another woman, was he so dedicated to achieving the attention goal that he was willing to go this far.

I was shocked to say the least then I thought out everything and realized it was possible that Hathor accepted the proposal on his behalf.

I looked over to the princess and assessed her several times thinking why Horas was marrying her, she was extremely beautiful and would appeal to most men's desires.

Horas was a very special case and had a will so strong that he hadn't slept with his wife in decades despite being extremely attracted to her all for the sake of avenging 1 he loved and giving her a chance at life.

The nurse came back into the room and said "Feel free to return to class princess you in good health and we can now confirm that we won't be stressing you to death."

The princess stood up and walked out of the nurse's office almost skipping then the nurse turned to me and said "Don't stare at the princess like that she is engaged and from what I heard that kid she got engaged to is far more dangerous then Nagato Nakamura. Plus if you do anything stupid and stress the princess out you may get in trouble with the office."

I suddenly blinked my eyes and said "Sorry ma'am I was day dreaming and staring of into space."

The nurse let out a little laugh and started checking me out once more then she said "You a handsome and strong young man why didn't you fight back?"

I put my right and on my head smiled awkwardly and said "I didn't want to get in trouble."

The nurse looked at me and let out a sigh whispering under her breath "If only he was 8 years older."

The nurse took a seat and rested while looking up at the clock, I just sat on the bed and looked around the room while time ticked away till finally it was break time.

I had to make contact with Hathor or Horas without blowing my cover.

I had walked into the cafeteria and Nagato spotted me so I tried to keep my distance.

I walked away from him and entered into an empty hall then I sprinted down till finally I thought I was clear unfortunately Nagato had caught me from the other side and I had no option but to take another beating.

I had been beat down for nearly 5 minutes when Horas showed up and said something into Nagato's ear then he helped me up and walked of.

The classes merged at this point so I could easily speak to Horas in the next period without making a scene.