Chapter 2 part 4 The 3 clubs

I got into the change room and took of my uniform and got into the school tracksuit when suddenly Nagato pushed me into the locker I was standing in front of.

Nagato attempted to follow up the attack but I grabbed his hand and slammed him to the floor and said "I promised you 10 times the beat down so get ready to feel pain."

Nagato had peed his pants the moment I slammed him into the floor and then everyone in the changing room started laughing at him.

I let go of his arm and as he stood up you could see that he was crying as tears flowed down his face.

Most of the boys laughed at the fact he had peed in his pants then after a minute of not knowing what to do he attempted to hit me once more, I simply jabbed him lightly in the stomach and he fell over unconscious.

I pulled out my phone from my bag and dialled up his father who answered with "Hello Mr Miyazaki it's an honour to speak to you, what can I do for you today?"

I answered in a low mournful voice with "Your son attempted to attack me in school today and I was forced to defend myself and other students from him. Could you please talk to him and have him behave himself Mr Nakamura."

Nagato's father then replied "My most sincere apologies for his poor behaviour I will be there in 10 minutes to discipline him."

I replied once more "Mr Nakamura bring a change of clothes for your son he just soiled himself."

The entire room was pin drop silent as Nagato had balled up and started crying loudly, the teacher in charge of the gym class rushed in and saw the scene before him and asked "What happened here?"

I calmly replied "I knocked him out when he attacked me then I called his father to pick him up."

The gym teacher looked almost frightened at the announcement I had made and rushed of to the office.

Everyone had changed up and left Nagato on the floor in a pool of his own urine.

The teacher returned to the class 10 minutes later with Mr Nakamura at his side and Mr Nakamura bowed deeply to me and said "Mr Miyazaki forgive my sons actions after today he will never hurt anyone again."

The class seemed stunned as the grown up had bowed and apologized to child, the big secret was Mr Nakamura knew who I truly was as his father had introduced him to me when he was a boy.

At this point Mr Nakamura turned and headed of towards the exit at which point the teacher came over to me and said "How did you do that kid Mr Nakamura never listens to us when we report bad behaviour from his son."

I replied "Old family friends that's all."

The teacher looked at me somewhat bewildered then he announced to the class "Everyone 20 laps move it!"

We all started running and surprisingly Cronos had approached me and passed me a small note, I opened the note and it read "Alexander the great study group Saturday in Hiroshima."

The code was obvious to me Alexander was going to be in Hiroshima on Saturday so we needed to make a plan.

I let Alexander catch up to me and said "Meet me at the imperial palace today after the clubs are out."

This was information the royal family could also use, our cover unfortunately could not be blown and we had to keep up appearances.

My father had kept up with Horas something was up and worse still if my father played something this risky it was important.

The gym class was pretty simple for us girls as we were on the baseball field with the female gym teacher both us and the boys had to do 20 laps around the grounds.

Several girls had sat down on the side while the rest of us ran laps it was a part of biology I was glad not to have to experienced yet I still wished I could experience it once.

Immortality was undoubtedly a torment but 2 things we golden for immortals the first was being at our prime and never losing it the second was only for female immortals who would never feel the pain of the monthly cycle.

The trade of was that immortal females were always in their prime for pregnancy so it sucked for some immortals who were nymphomaniacs.

The entire class stretched and then we began training on the athletic track, the boys had a race then the girls had a race.

The teachers apparently had separated the class due to some students who would make-out while the class trained.

The class had trained in track for the first full lesson then came the second lesson where we trained with field events.

The girls struggled with throwing a short put ball 5 meters while the boys were competing at nearly 15 to 20 meters, my father had suddenly started holding back severely after the 20 lap start where he spoke with Horas.

The students all seemed to be totally finished by the end of the last field event then came the third period in this session the teachers joined the 2 classes and started a slow cool down exercise then they simply sent us to change.

Hathor had just passed out of sight entering into the girls change room.

Everybody rushed into a shower washed down in a minute and changed and within 10 minutes the entire class had assembled outside the change rooms.

The slight wetness left in everyone's hair made it sparkle and then the 2 teachers stood before us and said "Tomorrow will be sport activities, on Friday we will have field and track again so be prepared."

The bell rang and everyone scattered of to either 1 of the grounds or the cafeteria, on the side of each grounds was a row of vending machines to get beverages.

Hathor grabbed my hand and pulled me to the cafeteria undoubtedly she wanted to hang around the princess a little more.

When we entered the cafeteria the princess was sitting all alone the moment she noticed Hathor and myself she had came to life with a blissful smile and rushed over towards us.

We headed out once more and this time we ended up at the batting cages where the teachers watched over the students attempting to perfect their baseball swing.

I joined the line with Hathor and the princess and suddenly I had been pushed to the front of the line I entered the batting cage and the teacher asked "Want to try out or is this just for fun?"

I replied "I want to see what this sport has to offer."

The teacher smirked and had me stand at the ready on the batting plate.

I knew the basics of baseball and simply smacked each ball at a target that read home run.

The teacher kept accelerating the ball and altering the pitch to which I adjusted and planted it on the bullseye.

Finally the teacher said "If you want to join we got a spot for you kid."

The teacher then called in Princess Yuri and said "Princess the last time you tried out batting you ended up falling over are you sure you don't want you fiancé to teach you?"

The princess seemed to ponder for a second and then she said "Miyuki please teach me."

I got the princess in place had her adjust her stance correctly grip the bat then I put my arms around her and said "Teacher can I have 3 balls down the centre."

The first ball went straight past us as I helped her swing the second ball got knocked along the ground then the last ball got smacked up to the home run target.

I released the princess and noticed that she had become flush red in the face and the teacher started releasing more balls and the princess smacked them each time with most simply striking the ground 3 to 4 meters before her.

Hathor walked in to the batting cage and struck every ball on the home run target and gave a smile to the princess saying watch and learn ironically baseball had once been an immortal sport and it would sound like thunder when the ball was hit.

We left the batting cage and walked on to the arts facility 3 other sports clubs were practicing however the other 3 were particularly time consuming.

I headed into the arts building and saw the classical music department, the room had several classical instruments lined at the back of the classroom and in the centre was a beautiful black piano, in all my time I had only not learnt to play the classic piano and had played every other instrument.

I looked at the piano with a child's curiosity and the teacher in the class asked me "Do you want to try and play the piano?"

I replied with "Yes ma'am I'd love to unfortunately I've never played a piano before."

The teacher had me sit in the seat and showed me a standard play through and it was exactly like a keyboard so I started playing unfortunately my keystrokes came out hard and of tone.

This was my first ever failure then the teacher explained to me to play with perfect timing between each tone and I started to adjust, the piano suddenly came to life and I kept at it till a shift down occurred in the notes and once more my tone was off, the teacher then explained to me how to operate the piano and change the tone while playing.

In the end I had spent 10 minutes in the music room and had found my 3 clubs Kendo, Baseball and classical music.

Yuri had been excited while spending time with Hathor and I realised that in marriage to me the princess would gain companionship I had no true desire for the princess and still needed to leave her the option of freedom to have her own life.