Chapter 2 part 5 The surprise

I no longer needed to exercise extreme dominance Alexander was already inbound my 3 clubs would make me standout enough and then I realised I hadn't spoken to Hathor or the princess about which clubs they were in.

The 3 of us had exited the music club room and I asked the 2 "Which clubs are you 2 going join?"

The princess gave me a weird smile and said "I will be joining which ever clubs you join at least that way we get to spend more time together."

Hathor then answered "I think Baseball is a definite for us and you seem to love playing the piano so classic piano. I'm not sure however if we will do Kendo or Judo."

I looked back at the princess a said "Aren't you already part of clubs Yuri?"

The princess smiled and said "I wasn't allowed to join a club because my parents had me going to the hospital everyday to make sure my condition didn't get worse."

It had actually slipped my mind that just yesterday Yuri was terminally ill with a very short life expectancy.

Her experiences today were likely the first experiences she has had in years considering she would have been treated from the age of 10.

The bell rang as we were still walking down and I said "I have decided to do Kendo, Baseball and classical music so feel free to join in."

The princess had started walking off when I noticed she pulled out her phone and made a call undoubtedly to tell her parents she would be joining clubs starting from today.

The last 4 lessons of the day were uneventful and went by like any other lesson only giving us basic information.

We had our end of day clean up and had the classroom returned to pristine condition all the students had packed up their belongings in the lockers they had and started moving out to clubs.

I had to go to both the Kendo and baseball clubs first to announce that I wished to participate and as we walked down towards the cafeteria Yuri was waiting for us outside the Kendo practice gymnasium.

Yuri started smiling the moment she saw us and then started skipping from foot to foot like a small child to excited to wait.

We walked into the gymnasium together and asked the teacher "Good day sir we 3 would like to enrol in this club as 1 of our after school clubs."

The teacher looked at me and realized the price he paid for my talent was allowing the 2 girls into the club.

The teacher looked me in the eye and said "Very well and which other clubs will you be enrolling in?"

I smiled and replied "Baseball and classical music!"

The teacher almost seemed to choke on the idea and said "Those are 3 extremely practice intensive activities you chose are you sure you don't want to try and do something easier with your other 2 club choices?"

I replied "This is perfectly fine for me and I'm sure that princess Yuri and Lino will keep up as well."

The teacher sighed in defeat and handed us our forms to fill out, we filled them out and handed them in at which point the teacher seemed shocked looking at the 3 forms.

We then marched on down towards the baseball club and the teacher instantly grabbed Hathor's face and said "You joining right we need someone like you on our girls team."

Hathor replied "Actually all 3 of us want to enrol together we don't mind if we just training with the team once a week."

The teacher looked princess Yuri over and asked "Princess are you sure about this if you end up stressing out won't your health decline rapidly."

The princess then replied "I had a special treatment done so I should be fine."

Once more we had our forms accepted and the baseball teacher did a fist pump when we walked away and then she scream out "We practice every break and we do pitch practice on Wednesday hope you 3 enjoy yourselves."

We walked up to the classical music class and the teacher looked at the 3 of us and said "If you wish to join you will have to perform the set piece I give you."

The teacher handed me 2 set pieces the first was 'Loves sorrow' and the second was 'Rondo Capriccio' the 2 pieces were not extremely complex but they were senior level set pieces.

Hathor was handed Rondo Capriccio and that meant that Yuri was handed Loves sorrow I looked at the 2 and asked "Can either 1 of you 2 play piano well?"

Yuri smiled and said "I'd gladly take on the piano for loves sorrow."

The 3 of us read the notes and prepared for our turns to try out and then the teacher said "Right time to start everyone prepare for judging the newbies."

First up was myself and Hathor, Hathor absolutely had the performance down she nailed it perfectly and I managed to perfectly play the piece.

Next was myself and Yuri this song was not new to me I actually played it on my violin in my crypt every week to remind me of Rameses, Helen, Kaguya and Jackie.

I started to play the piece and what stunned me the most was Princess Yuri was upstaging me so I started to pick up my pace and finally I had reached the perfect level to match her at that point the teacher clapped and said "Bravo to the 3 of you the music stops now since you 3 are amazing, so let's get to class to bad none of you play other instruments."

All 3 of us replied in unison "I play mote instruments."

The teacher looked at us with a smile and started giving us instrument after instrument having a blast with the way we played and then the teacher said "Mr Miyazaki you will need to practice your piano a little more and if you lucky by next month you could possibly enter the knock out stage of the country wide performance with the 3 of you playing piano, violin and accompanying each other for duets."

At first all 3 of opted out but the teacher twisted our arms till we finally agreed to participate at which point the teacher asked "What are your other 2 clubs?"

The moment she heard Kendo and baseball the teacher burst into tears and told all 3 of us not to hurt our precious little fingers.

It was hilarious the way the teacher behaved, the fun and games ended there as the music teacher worked the class into a harmony for the set pieces she had set out and we worked on matching the group tempo.

The class ended 20 minutes early and the 3 of us headed towards the entrance at which point I pulled out my phone and called the driver to pick us up.

The driver rushed over and while we drove to the palace I called the king to tell him that the princess was on her way home with us.

We finally arrived at the palace and after entering the main court yard sitting in the chair opposite the king was Cronos.

The king seemed a bit worried by Cronos's conduct and I immediately said "I would like to introduce 1 of the great 5 immortals the Titan Cronos!"

The king suddenly looked at me with an expression of shock and said "So this is the man you said was to be respected above all others."

I understood the shock considering that he was called the titan you would expect him to be rather large but in actuality he was average in size with extremely distinctive muscles.

I spoke once more to everyone and said "Cronos could you and the rest of the delegates move to the next room myself and Hathor need to talk to the king and princess."

The room cleared and the king looked at me with an expression of worry and I said "Your majesty if you would please remove any expectations you have on your daughter to marry me I would like to return to her the choice of whether or not she wants to marry. I understand that was a gratitude for saving you and I accepted it however it was selfish of me to not let you have your own choice princess."

The king replied "Lord Horas we actually had no intention of proposing marriage to you after all it was strongly advised in journals from my predecessors not to do that. My daughter choose to do that of her own free will."

I looked at Yuri now and she said "I don't take back the proposal but if I am a bother to you I fully accept you rejecting me."

I looked back at the princess and said "I accept your proposal however your future is yours to decide till you are considered of age to marry and for that reason I ask you to consider the burden I bring with me should you marry me."

The princess smiled and said "I'm 19 years old thanks to my illness I missed tons of school so I'm legally 3 years pass marrying age. I honestly had a crush on you from the moment my father told me stories about you so I was kind of being greedy with my offer."

I was a absolutely stunned by the answer and then Hathor started laughing hysterically slapping her hand on her lap.

Hathor pulled up from her laughter and said "Horas you such an idiot to not catch on to the fact that she liked you."

I sighed and said "I suspected she may actually like me after the baseball batting cages. I'm not so forward to think every girl wants me."

Hathor looked at me like she wanted to laugh out loud and said "Trust me every girl sees you like a piece of delicious meat they just want to eat but you don't use that thing between your legs so…"

I put my hand over her mouth to stop her completing the sentence and as I turned to look at the king and princess the king exclaimed in shock "You a virgin!"

Normally that would have been considered a compliment but I was married and my wife was a bomb shell so it basically was the worst insult imaginable.