Chapter 2 part 6 Hathor’s nightmare

We exited the room and the king kept giving me a look of shock each time he gazed my way, princess Yuri seemed to be caught in a day dream and Hathor had a smug satisfied smile on her face.

Everyone in this room was a high ranking military official and they had gathered here after I called the king explaining that we needed to have a tactical meeting.

The military were very well aware of the threat Alexander had made and as such were waiting for orders I may pass.

I cleared my throat loudly and said "Today we are here to take advantage of critical Intel gathered on the greatest threat we may ever face.

Alexander is about to come to us here in Japan.

His secret network will need to be terminated and then we will approach him in heavy all out combat in Hiroshima.

Should that fail we will require evacuation plans for any city he pops up in now let Cronos Titan address the issue of taking down Alexander's spy network."

The military advisors all looked in awe as Cronos stood beside me and said "Alexander has infiltrated your black market and likely your police force. We need to infiltrate the black market and put down these agents in Tokyo without killing them. If we allow the black market to continue functioning its possible we may get the Intel to apprehend more agents of Alexander. We will plan the execution of the agents and have the police stand guard while using advanced trackers to trace the escape of agents in so doing we will track the police culprits and follow these agents to secondary locations. Now for the extremely difficult part we need to exercise this strike tonight so that in the next 5 days Alexander's network is functioning as a skeleton crew."

The military advisors and generals started talking about the complexity of this operation and then I spoke up "If we do not pull this off Alexander may have a weapon greater then the nuclear weapons he dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It may be an antimatter bomb or worse still an immortal weapon call a planet buster if he uses this you will have no life to live."

The general stood at attention and answered "Lord Horas please design the strike we need to execute! We bleed for you lord Horas."

The room had fallen into order and we all started designing the strike plan that would be executed in less then 2 hours.

The generals had their men ready and would debrief the men mid attack as for the tracking devices they were handed out to the generals and told to simply have their men dip their hands in the jell like substance.

It was a special nanotechnology tracking suit that kept splitting as it came into contact with others. It did have a limit of 10000 contacts per suit so all together we had enough nanotechnology to track hundreds of millions of people.

The plan from the outside was simple however Cronos pointed out that the police would undoubtedly attack the military to protect their side income however Cronos may be able to help with that situation.

The drug dealers and other ruthless criminals would be left alone while we took down the spies of Alexander.

Cronos explained that the criminal elements hated them but accepted them due to fear of conflict.

Something was off as we stood their planning I could feel it inside me red flags started going up like what happened the last time I attacked Alexander head on.

The meeting had been intense my father and Horas had a flawless plan set out to kill Alexander and I knew that Horas would defeat him.

I was now worried that my mother would be back soon and despite my vanguard being even greater then her I kept having flashes of my mother fighting Horas on equal footing.

The nightmares were odd things tied to my power and caused me to perceive events a short period in the future.

If the fight I saw in my nightmares were true Horas had monstrous power enough to destroy multiple solar systems at a time maybe even galaxies.

My mother had no crazy power to match a primordial class power so I figured this was merely a nightmare.

The meeting was dismissed and my father accompanied the military while myself and Horas had to return home.

It was around midnight when the military General called Horas and said "Lord Horas mission successful we caught all of them. Interrogation starts in the next year hours plus we have no casualties or side fights."

Horas replied with "Brilliant general but remember this is just the start have all your men ready for a second strike."

Horas turned to me and excitedly said "We will have Alexander by the weekend looks like we going to mount Fuji on Friday night then Hiroshima on Saturday to catch Alexander."

Horas looked at me as if I had a panicked look on my face then he asked "What's wrong Hathor?"

I took a deep breath and said "I had a nightmare a few times now of you fighting my mother and in the end of the dream you always order myself and my father to run."

Horas paced up and down then he said "Remember those swords I received I read 1 of the prophecies and it said at your triumph starts your greatest despair. It was written by Amun. The other 3 have yet to be read but it may give us more insight into what's up with your dreams."

We walked down to the library and Horas opened all 4 scrolls spreading them on the table.

The first read "At your triumph starts your greatest despair" the second read "Triumph in battle then seek out the true demon" the third scroll read "In time do we see shores of white" the last sword scroll read "Your victory is truly your defeat".

I looked over to Hathor and in that instant we both realized a much greater storm was on the rise.

Hathor may have had a nightmare of my defeat but clearly Amun saw despair for me.

The prophecies had never betrayed me before and I knew to prepare.

Hathor looked to me and said "This seems to bad news after all you said these are Amuns creations."

I replied with a slight crock in my voice "These weapons and prophecies have never let me down and considering what is said we should prepare for the unexpected plus in reality I can't be beat there is still 1 more level of power I know I can reach that not even Zeus could fight against."

Hathor looked at me with surprise and said "You manifesting your power doesn't make you invulnerable its just a power up."

I looked at Hathor and said "I become invulnerable as I approach manifestation maximum then my power becomes ridiculous, trust me if I'm in a pinch I will reach that power."

Hathor nodded suddenly and head back up to bed.

The sky was black as night and suddenly lightning ripped through the land with 2 huge strikes that melted the earth.

The 2 beings wielding the lightning were Zeus and Horas, suddenly Zeus glows into lightning form and the next blast hits Horas sending him tumbling backwards.

Horas stands up from a pile ash and screams "Run get as far from here as possible."

My eyes open and I'm back in bed staring at Horas who is sleeping soundly before me when suddenly I see flashes of light in the room, I look outside and in the night sky lightning was bolting around in waves.

I returned to bed and settled into a deep slumber as thunder roared through the air.