Chapter 3 part 1 The strike

The meeting had concluded and I was set to accompany the military special forces to capture all Alexander's spies.

The idea was simple but execution would be a different story, Horas could not assist with this strike as my identity was to remain a secret till we caught Alexander.

I boarded a helicopter with the military General who would be accompanying his troops on the ground.

The troops inside the helicopter all carried a heavy looking tranquilizer gun and I then started my explanation of the plan.

I then started addressing the plan saying "We will land near the harbour and start closing in on the marked harbour myself and the General will head out to these 3 major criminal factions and have them know we only intend to removing the spies for Alexander in hopes they won't jump in. After you get the word we will be executing the mission to arrest all the agents and escort them straight to jail. We will inform the police of the operation as soon as we commence. Now men stealth and accuracy are crucial do not fail in your action."

Everyone seemed worried then the General filled in the holes in my plan while I took of my headphones and got ready to depart.

I had some idea of where 1 fishermen stayed thanks to him arriving early and he would help me pass the message around.

There were a total of 12 helicopters that had just pulled in and as such we expected the criminal element to be on high alert.

Myself and the General marched of to a building near the docks that was according to military intelligence a smugglers den.

I walked into the den and to my surprise a fishermen was at the table closest to the door, myself and the General took seats next to the fishermen.

The fishermen seemed worried then the General said "This kid was caught by us running with a group of terrorists earlier today however he said he did not belong to the group called Agents of Alexander and was running from them. We interrogated him and decided to offer him a deal if he leads us to their operation here in Tokyo we let him go. So now for the deal he struck he made is agree to leave your illegal market alone and for us to turn a blind eye to what we see while apprehending the agents of Alexander. So do you think you can take me to the heads of the criminal underworld to make this proposal or do we need to just catch you all at 1 go?"

The fishermen had laughed at the General then agreed to his terms and we went over to each criminal organization and to make things even better the criminals agreed to catch any agents of Alexander and kill them if they found hiding among their members.

The raid team had gotten into position and as we got confirmation from the last criminal ring we got an extra target to hit in Tokyo.

The Agents of Alexander had setup a secondary emergency base of operation in a building near the heart of Tokyo.

Myself and the General had decided to strike the building as a 2 men squad while the rest of the men took down the Agents in the harbour.

We had to delay our strike till myself and the General were in place or else our offensive may be in vain.

The building was a new office building for Lofty tech support, surprisingly the Agents existed only on the twentieth floor and numbered under 50.

We were in the elevator 2 floors from the room when the General said "Commence operation and deploy jamming."

A small box was pulled from the General's pocket and he presses a button on it, all transmissions went dead and 20 seconds later the elevator door opened.

The 2 of us went in guns blazing and fired of rounds in rapid succession nearly 20 men had been downed in just under 30 seconds, most of the men had been caught by surprise.

The next room was a major challenge the wooden door could be hiding a wide open floor with men far apart and even if we fired of 10 shots each before they reacted there were quiet possibly 26 men in this room.

We clenched our teeth and opened the door, the men were all in front of PCs facing away from the door about 8 of the men were fast asleep at their stations.

We opened fire and in seconds everyone was down we scanned around the room and found that these PCs had listed every port they used to smuggle in items.

We had the items all listed and organized surprisingly everything was easy to follow and surprised me most was Alexander was aiming to storm Mount Fuji.

I had been reading over everything and decided to contact Hathor with an abridged form of the plan.

It was nearly 4 am and the General had called Horas hours ago with the good news however the intelligence we had gathered was not part of the briefing.

I would be escorted to school by the army then back to the lock up of Intelligence.

The morning sun had already risen and school was set to start in minutes the General much like myself was exhausted from reading the intelligence.

Horas likely could process all the information and make deductions much quicker then I could however his cover had to remain intact.

School was considered easy to control due to Horas owning every aspect of the school plus Alexander likely couldn't influence teenagers easily but the possibility was still there.

Horas had deduced that I could join them as a friend in school as phones were not permitted to be used during school hours plus our raid would force the network to go dark for months.

The intelligence had outlined that in Japan the centre with all the control was the 1 the General and I had taken down.

The emergency centre being taken down meant that no proper channel for intelligence existed.

Social media had been totally down in Japan since the unthinkable occurred and a military top secret facility was exposed.

The General escorted me to school and when we landed I heard the bell ring for the teachers to hold their meeting.

The General marched me straight into the front door of the school and vanished.

Students scattered across the hallways leading to the classrooms and all of a sudden a member of the discipline council started shouting at me for walking with my regular shoes in school.

I had forgot to change my shoes and had received the punishment of cleaning every hall in the school after school.

The punishment definitely fits the crime and apparently if you received 5 in a month you'd be assigned to scrum down every bathroom in the school for a month.

When I arrived at my classroom Nagato was standing in the doorway and made a big bow to me saying "Sorry for how I behaved yesterday!"

The big sized guy then sat in his seat as quiet as the dead.

The teacher assigned to our home room showed up after 15 minutes and looked at the class saying "They still have rif raf in my class how deplorable."

Princess Yuri suddenly popped into the class and said "Madam Shrogan if you speak like that again to guests of the royal family by my father's authority your family will be stripped of their title."

The princess walked over to me after that and said "John the nurse needs you back in her office for a check up after yesterday."

The princess escorted me to the nurses office and had a good giggle saying "That madam Shrogan is going to be furious today I wonder who she will take out all that anger on."

It was somewhere near the third period of the day that madam Shrogan was brought to the nurses office having broken both her hand and her right leg.

The nurse spoke to the kids and had a laugh before treating the teacher apparently she attacked Horas after he just ducked her attacks leading to her hitting walls in his place.

The nurse had called the police and the office had informed the king of her actions.

Madam Shrogan had ruined her family for pride and to top it of had Horas been able to be himself she would have died on the spot.