Chapter 3 part 6 The key to power

The room was empty and lonely as I waited for Hathor to return soon I would become an immortal.

Horas entered the room and had drawn some blood into a special syringe.

I lay in the weird pod waiting for the return of Hathor.

It must have been only 5 minutes that she was gone for but I was so nervous that it felt like hours.

Finally Hathor returned with 4 tubes and started mixing the first clear liquid with Horas's blood.

The special container started to shake violently and then it suddenly settle followed by Hathor saying "That was so damn intense!" she wasn't talking to me just expressing shock.

Next she prepared a foul red liquid and extracted a small amount of the blood mixed with the clear substance.

The red liquid turned a stable black and settle at which point Hathor told me "Prepare for extreme pain this is just your first shot in 10 minutes time you will take the second shot and 20 minutes after that you will receive the last shot."

I didn't get to say a thing when suddenly I felt the needle enter my skin and the liquid poured in.

Instantly it felt like I had been set on fire then my muscles in the area around the injection started crushing my bones and the bones kept reforming and cracking.

Hathor panicked and grabbed an emergency package of adrenaline and injected me with it straight into the heart.

Hathor looked at me and said "I was mistaken the pain I going to get way worse you may even taste death and return a few times."

I couldn't say anything and it was at that moment that I realized how much pain I was actually in, I hadn't realized that I was screaming in agony.

The reaction had now completed taking over my arm and crept up my body as my chest started the process.

Hathor sealed the pod and started regeneration on me to keep me stable however the pain refused me the ability to knock out.

I don't know how long it had been but I was still in the chamber and the pain was just spiking and dropping continuously.

The pod opened and Hathor looked at me and asked "How does it feel to be super human!"

I sat up and looked at Hathor and said "That was the most painful 10 minutes of my life but I feel amazing now."

Hathor gave a sad smile and said "That was only 1 minute Horas's blood seems to super speed this process so prepare for worse pain when I finish of the process."

Hathor brought a probe to my skin and tested it then she looked at me with a sharp look and said "Do you want to rest for 9 minutes or progress?"

I replied "I would prefer to …" as I replied I was jabbed with the clear liquid and suddenly the pain returned for longer stints and then it would slowly fade instead of the instantaneous way it had been occurring.

I started coughing violently and my blood started pouring out of my mouth but in a shocking turn it pulled back in. It felt disgusting like I was being drank up threw a straw.

Hathor looked shocked as I suddenly started undergoing major spasms and kept struggling to hold together.

Hathor was scanning me and preparing the last large dose of Horas's blood however she suddenly exclaimed "Shit the black lily is slowing down its own progress in your body. Horas is a major fucken monster damn it. Yuri I can't slow or help you with this pain or the next set of pain you go through so please hang in there."

I felt my eye balls pop and then suddenly regrow the pain was unimaginable at this point trumping even the first round I had gone through.

Suddenly I felt the burning sensation spread through my arm followed by my body going totally calm at this point Hathor stared at me as I suddenly stabilized.

The process of turning Yuri immortal was far more violent then I could imagine.

Even using Ra's blood had not yielded such a powerful reaction.

The black lily had only slowed the healing process in Horas's blood and then it forced itself to heal to prime.

I was stressed about nothing all my mother could do against Horas was piss him off. Judging by the power his blood held if his body held the same power it would only make things more difficult.

Yuri had her DNA rapidly settle into the power source of her immortality then suddenly out of her eyes nose and mouth a slow stream of blood escaped.

The blood was the original samples of Horas's blood and it grouped into a puddle on the floor then it rushed of towards Horas.

Yuri hoped out of the pod and looked at me and asked "Is this all?"

I turned to her and said "We need to register you as an immortal and head towards Horas. Now follow me."

Yuri hadn't even realized it but her body was emitting power in violent waves like the beats of a war drum.

Her physical strength was immense atleast 30000 times a regular mans. I spoke once more and said "Yuri you going to need to choose your name for eternity it will be the name immortals know you as."

Yuri looked at me and said "Yuri is good enough!"

The 2 of us walked down to the immortals section of the base and I had her place her hand on the scanner and the computer then said "Unranked immortal! Please state your identification!"

The regular method was to state immortal ranking and standing then to ask for her name. Yuri firmed up and said "Yuri!" the computer processed her identification and then replied with "Yuri of Earth, rank undesignated standing undesignated!"

I placed my hand on the scanner and suddenly the computer said "Hathor Cronos, Rank 7 standing 7 spouse of Horas Ra."

I had just entered the hallway to the rank grounds when I noticed Horas's blood shot past me.

I gave chase at full enhancement and in the next instant Yuri ran past me like a flash of wind.

The ranking ground suddenly opened up and we witnessed the shields at maximum as Horas was concentrating lightning, fire, wind, water and gravity into a fine point and then he fired of his attack.

The entire room suddenly faded from visibility as it felt like night had suddenly fallen.

The room suddenly became visible and the computer announced "Horas Ra, Rank 1, class 1 power class 0 universal standard Etherious or Etherial. Great immortal."

I was stunned and moments later my father remarked "Class 0 power you on a term of power that is unbelievable. Horas that black ball you said you made is called the creation orb. Never use it carelessly!"

I heard stories of the creation orb back on Olympus supposedly the Etherials could alter reality using it and said that if they ever possessed the power the immortals did they could even take away our immortality.

The Etherials were impossible to trace however the Etherious lived on a world called Purgatory only 5 Etherious could use power and they were called the true Demons.

Hathor had asked me where in my body my power was the strongest so I draw my blood from there.

I used my nanotechnology to shield the blood from getting to me and had Hathor note that she had to work fast to complete the project as my cells had proven extremely resilient to most toxins.

I walked of the ship with Cronos and we headed straight to the ranking room where he announced "Horas Ra configuration special class exam power scaling for great 5."

Cronos had upgraded a sensor to read the energy output I displayed allowing the ranking to go effortlessly.

The first robot dropped in and I powered up to full power as shields erected around me. I focused gravity on the robot and almost instantly the robot fell over from the immense force followed by the room announcing "Rank 5 standing great immortal." Suddenly my body felt pain as if something had pierced my body sharply and the second robot dropped this robot wielded electricity and darted charges at me. I put my hands up and in an instant 2 large electrical bolts fired out blasting the robot back.

The room then announced power exceeding regular measurement deploy energy measurement comparison for power class 2 upwards. Cronos then said "Horas focus every ounce of power you can into a tiny point and launch your attack." I started to gather power when suddenly my head started exploding with pain and my gathering power reduced rapidly as my power started healing me rapidly. In the next few seconds I kept gathering power and knew I had up to 1 hour to gather all the power however the energy in my body started flowing into the white place and weakening me rapidly.

I started screaming in pain as I focused all my power into a black hole point before me and started to compress it to fire it.

The process was much slower for some reason and then suddenly my power returned and started to resonate.

The attack fired off and had it not been for the shields I likely would have destroyed the entire galaxy.

The attack energy bounced around and I started absorbing it rapidly at which point the computer announced "Horas Ra, Rank 1, class 1 power class 0 universal standard Etherious or Etherial.

Great immortal."

Cronos said "Class 0 power you on a term of power that is unbelievable. Horas that black ball you said you made is called the creation orb. Never use it carelessly!"

Horas was not just powerful but the only thing in known existence that could possibly erase an immortal.

Zeus didn't stand the slightest chance against him come to think of it the archangels wouldn't be able to fight him either.

The Etherials only lost to the immortals once and that was after the death of Titan the first time, Ra and Isis were the 2 who managed to out last the stamina of the Etherials and break free from the elemental cages they were caught in.

Had an Etherials held as much power as Horas they would turn our very existence to dust.

Hathor was truly smiling as we both learnt that now Zeus stood no chance better yet immortality was cured once Horas mastered his power.