Chapter 5 part 1 Demons and memories of pain

Cronos was uneasy as he prepared to drop to the planets surface Cronos kept speaking to Yuri then pacing to and from the main door.

Hathor seemed to be anxious and all I wished to do was hug her and kiss her, the odd field surrounding me made even that pleasant experience unreachable.

Yuri went over to Hathor and spoke to her likely due to my thoughts and in the next moment Cronos opened the door and jumped down.

Yuri ran off jumping down as well and then I followed, the planet had an incredibly heavy gravity to the point that I imagined a regular human would be made into a pancake.

The towering demon walked over to me and spoke saying "My father told me that humans once lived on a world with gravity many time greater then this. On that world there were many true Demons and we tried to help humanity overcome their pain in the end humanity destroyed us and we were saved by the Etherials we gave up blood from the most powerful demon as part of a truce. In turn we had a human come over to our world and help us grow once more the human was called the incarnate sage Amun. The human told us that 1 day 4 immortals would come to our new home and that we were to help them the same way he helped us, normally humans can not understand us however Amun told us that 1 out the 3 would be more bright to us and he would understand us."

I then spoke saying "I indeed can understand you Shradow. I am Horas Ra."

The demon blinked twice as if he was totally surprised and then he replied "Very well Horas it's time for me to open you to feelings you don't wish to face."

I was suddenly back on Earth at my wedding to Hathor and before I could even say or do anything I witnessed her dying in my arms again.

Pain poured over me and I had already over come my pain so what did I need to do now.

The dreadful scene played over and over and no matter what I still felt the pain yet I had learnt that these things happen so what did I need to do now.

The memory replayed thousands of times and finally I accepted the pain and embraced the hatred and anger I had felt at that occurrence.

The memory started over once more and suddenly I felt the white place again however it now occupied most of my body leaving only small pieces of my body unoccupied.

Creation was an irrational power and my realization let me understand that to use the power I had to be irrational and keep my rational will at the same time that's what it means to create something with this power.

The field around me grew brighter all of a sudden and then it may have been just a whisper but I heard the sound of the blazing hot ground, it was much to soft for me to make out what was happening but clearly my feeling would return through the Demons help.

Yuri and Cronos were still in there subconscious when suddenly Yuri woke up and in what seemed to be a soft voice she said "You have to learn to channel this dreadful experience to become better what utter horse shit."

I understood that she took this exercise as channelling ones emotions to grant you strength I also suspected that if you used enough emotions from all your life you could gain greater control and power however that may take a great deal of time to accomplish.

Cronos lay there unconscious for almost an additional hour after Yuri and then Yuri explained the purpose of the memories to Cronos.

Cronos had come to terms with his emotions long ago in a time before I was born likely under worse circumstances then myself.

Cronos spoke with Yuri and all I heard was the slightest whispers that were barely audible.

After several minutes Yuri seemed to take the lead in searching for the 5 demons who could help me.

The gravity may have been extreme but the planet only got worse as we walked around, the surface was extremely hot to the point that most things on earth would be molten.

The planet was not beautiful but mainly desert with odd little caverns leading to other places.

We had attempted to steer clear of most large demons however it became clear that only they could help us.

We started walking up to a large demon and the moment it saw me it declared "Fight me in honoured combat!"

I tried hard to remember what Shradow had said and then I suddenly got it and answered "Fine let's engage in honoured combat."

The demon dropped a large kick on me and the field engulfing my body glowed bright as it absorbed the attack power.

I tried to strike back however the energy field slowed me down and made it hard to land a blow.

The demon continued landing strikes and then as I watched an attack almost crush Yuri my power kicked in and I held the Demon of by punching his attacks back.

The demon was much larger then myself and the power I used now consumed no strength or stamina it felt almost effortless to use it.

The demon started attacking me faster and faster and all I did was counter strike as I got used to this almost effortless movement.

I was having fun and this was not an actual serious fight, finally I blocked the demon, gripped his arm which caused him to scream out in pain and then he said "I surrender! What is it you seek?"

I looked up to the demon and asked "Do you know where I will find 1 of the 5 Etherious."

The demon looked at me with a stiff gaze and then he suddenly started dragging forth my memories of pain I had suffered this time it was the torture I suffered at Alexander's hands.

I raged on embracing the various elements and suddenly I woke up to see Yuri and Cronos standing over me along with the demon and then the demon said "You are awake sorry to have dragged up such a large memory. 1 of the 5 is 10 kilometres in that direction I warn you that fighting him will be painful so please try to stay out of combat with him."

I sat up and replied "Thank you for all your help. I do not seek conflict but assistance from the 5 Etherious."

The large demon nodded to me and continued to walk on in the opposite direction.

Yuri looked to Cronos and said "That speech sounds so horrible I don't know how Horas can do it."

I then replied saying "It comes naturally to me and I don't hear it as being foul in fact to me it sounds pretty normal."

Cronos and Yuri looked at me with shock on their faces and after several seconds of blank staring Cronos asked "Is it okay if we leave now you can speak again right?"

I looked at Cronos and could tell that he had been extremely tortured by his memories and I answered "If we leave now there maybe even tougher things to face then the past. If Zeus blows up the entire solar system instead of fighting there is nothing I can do as is I need to connect to my power once more."

Cronos looked down at the ground and I then said "We have a 10 kilometres sprint to the first of the 5 Etherious, so common let's get this done."

I started jogging with Yuri and Cronos following close behind me till finally we reached what looked like a deep canyon.

All 3 of us started dashing down the path and slowly yet surely our heads started getting heavy we finally reached a large door and before we could even open it we were plunged into our memories.

This time the painful memories occurred over many incidents spanning hundreds of decades.

I watched myself look at Cleopatra after she committed suicide then I spent decades outside Hathor's tomb shedding tears back in Phoebs.

I felt as if my heart was ripped to shreds millions of times over and the emotions now built up till it almost represented a Chakra this time however the Chakra balanced many disruptions into its flow without clogging up.

I woke up and found Yuri and Cronos on their knees breathing hard as if the torment they suffered was actually physical.

I put my hand on the door and it swung open revealing a large chamber with a being 4 times taller then a human who could be described as a smoke human.