Chapter 4 part 7 Etherious

Yuri had taken sometime to explain to us that Horas did not have his control bracelet on when he left the mansion so all his ships and crypts would enter primitive mode.

For the most part all the ships would operate at low power and move extremely slowly.

Yuri had also explained that the small ship we were in was meant for Hathor my doppelganger, Yuri had also taken time explaining to me that this ship was 7000 years old and extremely inefficient in terms of traveling.

Yuri had explained something privately to my father then returned to sit with me in a room that should have been extremely filthy however it seemed to be in a brand new state.

The flight to Japan took a full hour and the ship was emitting low vibrations from its old computer technology.

When we finally arrived in Japan the ship was sluggish and struggled to settle into the hanger, the express systems were all disabled and we still needed to head over to Tokyo to pick up Horas's bracelet.

We had left Tokyo early in the morning near 2 am due to Zeus attacking me and now it was almost 10 pm and we still hadn't picked up Horas.

It took us almost an hour to finally get back to Cyprus, the island was totally destroyed as the land had been raised and pulverized by the black hole Horas used.

If it hadn't been for Yuri telling me that Horas was still in 1 piece I would never have believed it possible to survive a blast like that.

The entire island was flat like someone used an iron to flatten out the place.

The scanners picked up no one on the ground yet Yuri insisted that Horas was here, my father had installed the second style of scanner into Horas's database so life forms could be scanned effortlessly.

Horas had made me so worried when he repeated what I had nightmares off, and now I felt guilty for all the extra effort I had him go through due to my uncertainty.

I had been sitting on the coast starring out into the distance wondering what I could do to get home when I came to the realization that my bracelet wasn't on my hand meaning my systems would go into safety mode.

I felt vulnerable and slightly exposed without the power I relied on.

Something else was off as I stood here on the field of victory my feeling from my body had vanished almost completely and it was only now that I noticed it a thin field around my body.

I was correct in saying my power had evolved and so I decided to concentrate inwardly to find the power.

I had been on the coast for hours searching for my power source when I realized I didn't even know what I was looking for so I tried to enter the white place.

It was only now that I realized I could not enter the white place as well, I kept searching for my secret weapon and all I came up with was nothing.

Time had kept ticking by when suddenly I heard Yuri mentally talking to me saying "We are right in front of you can you see us?"

I opened my eyes and there stood all 3 individuals however I could hear nothing and had to relay all my speech through Yuri.

Horas was surrounded by some kind of shield that cut him off from our part of space partially.

We could see him partially however it was as if he had faded out of existence, I knew that he had succeeded in his task and defeated Zeus however the price he had paid for victory seemed pretty steep.

Yuri had somehow managed to use her bond to Horas to let us know how he was feeling, the sad part was nothing could be done to help.

Yuri then said "Horas needs us to seek out a demon this is his greatest victory. He thinks that if we find 1 of the beings who use creation we may be able to help him bring down this field and gain control of his new powers."

I replied "I know where we can find the Etherious however the planet is extremely inhospitable so Hathor you going to need to be our eyes in the sky when we get there. There is 1 more problem the Etherious are currently at war with immortals so entering their territory may result in worse conflict."

Hathor then suddenly replied "Horas only zapped Zeus into a black hole so she is somewhere on earth worse still is I suspect she will recover in a third of the time compared to last time. If Horas isn't restored to full power before Zeus revives we are screwed."

We were not just in a tight bind but an impossible 1, Horas had confirmed to me what Hathor conveyed and shared even more with me.

If Zeus recovered from the black hole it was possible she would improve in power as the black hole would have helped her cells hyper condense the new power source before ripping her to shreds.

Horas did not want Hathor to find this out because if she did, she may plan something drastic again.

Cronos punched in coordinates to the computer and suddenly a long narrow part through space was plotted that would take us out of our local cluster of galaxies to a dark matter galaxy on the far side of the universe.

The journey was supposed to take the ship 3 years when Horas mentally told me "Put the bracelet on and tell the computer to override class Cronos code B1."

I repeated the instruction and the ship then showed that in 1 day the trip could be undertaken.

The special mode was a form of dimension warping where to parts of space time were bridged to allow a spaceship to literally travel great distance.

The ship had jumped to the coordinates punched in by Cronos and to my surprise I saw a large solar system where nothing was supposed to be.

There were 12 planets in this solar system and all of them were molten worlds with lava flows and weird cities having been built in the lava flows.

Yuri was capable of seeing my thoughts and was the only person interacting with me properly.

The odd field around me pretty much destroyed anything I held so I couldn't write back messages to Hathor or Cronos.

On the planet before me large beings walked across the surface and then 1 turned to look up at the ship and said "Immortal welcome to Purgatory these 12 worlds are where the 5 stay however you must seek them with no more then 2 companions. I will help you jump between worlds. We are the Etherious some of us are Spirits others are Demons, if you end up in conflict with anyone on the planet offer to them honoured combat. You fight all out but once the other calls out their defeat you stop, if they do not call out stop you kill them. My name is Shradow."

Cronos looked to me in surprise wrote out on the display "Where you speaking to a demon?"

I had thought the answer and seconds later Cronos typed out "No human has ever understood them before to us its just gargle."

The decision of who would go the planet was pretty simple even though it wasn't going to be easy.

Hathor could not sustain herself in the planets conditions while myself, Yuri and Cronos could.

The 12 worlds of Purgatory now stood before us and with it would be an extreme test by my estimation.

Yuri had given instructions that I alone would sit on the ship while the 3 of them continued on the demon worlds.

My father let out an outburst saying "I hate demon world's they torture your emotions and drown you in fear making you feel like you have gone through hell. Then there are all the tortures you have to mentally endure in their territory plus you have to listen to them speak till they bring the Devil kin to speak to you."

There was once a world that was shared by the immortals and nearly 40000 true Demons.

In the beginning misunderstandings lead to endless combat and the immortals eventually entered into war against the Demons killing all but 5 of them.

The war had started due to the Demons touch exposing a humans greatest fear and overwhelming the person with sensations, Demons devoured sensation from humans, and the symbiosis eventually ended when an immortal was forced to relive her greatest pain.

The immortal had been tortured and made to watch as a jealous man ate her child alive in the past the memory was then looped hundreds of times causing the immortal to rage out violently.

This type of torture had spurred on the war between immortals and demons, the Etherious did not mean to torture the immortal but help her open her Chakra.

The fighting intensified over years and the immortals defeated the Demons thanks to the 5 strongest among them.

In the end 5 male demons were left making it impossible for the demons to grow in numbers.

The Etherials then intervened taking the demons to a new world and granting them lower cast Etherious to mate with.

A human child had been taken by the Etherials to supposedly help the Demons to settle their new world.

The Etherials were vastly more powerful then the immortals and used a black orb to pin every single immortal to surface of the planet.

After 2 days the Etherials vanished and the great 5 agreed to never cross the Ethious or Etherials again.