Chapter 4 part 6 Clashing Titans

I turned to Cronos and Hathor a scream "Get out of here now! The real fight is about to begin!"

Cronos grabbed Hathor and darted of towards Yuri in the next moment I burst my Chakra and my body emitted energy with a black glow like the last time I used the creation orb.

Zeus seemed to be surprised and said "How can you be powerful like this son of Ra? Did that bitch Hathor enhance you somehow? Lastly where is that trash I call son?"

Zeus was atrocious and had started discourse and I knew it was just so she could buy time to power up an attack so I decided to power up Yuri's Chakra to form a power battery of sorts.

I replied "My power is like this due to the overwhelming obstacles I overcame. I still have greater power that I can use but I need the others to get away before I fight like that. Hathor is my wife and has not enhanced me at all and last but not least you son Alexander died a few days ago when caught him."

Zeus seemed to drop her guard and said "So that little bitch who hit me must be my granddaughter from you and Hathor. I'm glad Alexander is dead that little bastard failed to make me even more powerful since the Etherial and Etherious samples he used to enhance me didn't give me any new power."

I smiled smugly and said "So you wished to gain power like mine in the form of creation. That girl isn't our daughter she is the first and likely the only artificial immortal to ever be created. Her name is Yuri and she is my wife."

Zeus recoiled for a second then she laughed saying "I almost fell for that bluff son of Ra, you can't posses creation its beyond your parents so it's beyond you after all children are nothing but a parents toys."

My anger flared at those remarks and suddenly my body emitted fire, water, wind and gravity.

Zeus looked on with a slight tremble at the display then I pushed the power and the aura around me became more clear at which point Zeus showed true fear.

Zeus was shivering when she said "You using creation armour that's why my attacks are ineffective against you. Did you somehow cross paths with an Etherial and learn this power."

Zeus was flustered and then I replied "You tremble at just the armour wait till you see the orb."

Zeus appeared to be sweating as now she knew I wasn't lying.

Zeus started forming up a concentrated full power lighting bolt and said "Your armour and attacks are formidable however not even you have the power to out last my power."

The ground quaked and the air parted as the large lightning bolt struck me head on.

My first Chakra rapidly grew to the size of my eighth Chakra and vanished as my power flowed through Yuri completely powering her up.

In the next few seconds my eighth Chakra increased even more however this gave me no power up it just increased my maximum stamina.

I took up a firm stance and let out a flame directly beneath the lightning strike.

The land around us was already molten from the light the lightning released and now my flame seemed to turn the entire place into an inferno.

We were locked in this exchange when suddenly my flames passed over me and I decided to increase the intensity.

The lightning had not stopped even as I turned up the heat and in the next moment the flames melted her lightning.

That was impossible unless it was creation fire as explained to me by Cronos.

Zeus was taking quite the beating from the fire when she suddenly pulled away.

I dropped my flame and realized just how much damage should have been apparent but all that I saw was forests along the blazing path I had set.

Zeus looked at me in shock as her legs were slowly healing from the burns I inflicted onto them and it was clear to me that elemental creation was insufficient to kill an immortal however I still had an ace up my sleeve in the form of creating a black hole for seconds.

Zeus suddenly said "Creation fire you little fucken brat! That's what Etherious use and it hurts like hell. I can't beat you with your creation powers however it seems you holding back your maximum power for some reason and I'm pretty sure it's because your creation orb has an event horizon and time limit."

Zeus was of the mark but close enough to the truth so I replied "My creation power is ascending as we speak so I need to leave it to rest that's why I'm using lower level fire power!"

It was partly true my power was being consolidated into the white place and had started undergoing change making it something different to Chi.

Zeus didn't try to close the distance instead she tried to grow the distance and get away however I kept closing the distance throwing flames under her lightning forcing her to stop.

The fight had been made extremely slow at this point and then I realized if a fight of this magnitude continued for too long the entire planet could be destroyed.

I had another ridiculous choice to make and if I failed Zeus would win and I would lose, the next time Zeus tried make a break for it I could engage a black hole and use its gravity to absorb Zeus.

The catch was I needed Zeus to use a full power attack so that my black hole didn't instantly draw out my power worse still the possibility existed that my eighth Chakra would vanish mid fight.

I stood my ground and suddenly multiple attacks came flying in at me as Zeus tried to stall me and it was at that moment I launched a high powered wind to arrive directly from the back of Zeus as I launched it around the world.

Zeus had kept up her attacks when suddenly bursts of air started slamming into Zeus from the back pushing her into me and it was at that moment that I engaged the high gravity feeling and made up ground.

Zeus was suddenly close enough for the attack and she attempted to overwhelm me to get the space back unfortunately all it did was help me close the distance even more.

I felt my power give a sudden burst as I engaged the black hole and in that moment I knew I had no choice it was do or die.

The power compacted so tiny it was finer then you could imagine and as I closed in on Zeus the earth beneath me started to fold and crumble.

I pressed closer to Zeus and in the next moment all of Zeus was turned into spaghetti and was sucked into the singularity.

The battle field was suddenly calm and the gravity effect was in play as expected.

Suddenly the roar of water could be heard as massive waves crashed over me.

In the next moment the land exploded outwards and sent me up into the sky, this time I barely reached the clouds and then I came crashing to the ground.

The odd feeling of hitting the ground wasn't there in fact I felt perfectly normal, the ground exploding was nothing to me as I was still protected.

I had no fatigue or pain my body was in perfect condition however in the next moment I searched for my Chakra and it was totally gone.

I was now stranded out here in the middle of what appeared to be a blast zone.

I stood up and looked out towards the coast hoping to see someone arrive and help me.

My technology was all still on my bedside due to other activities I had engaged in I could still feel Yuri's presence meaning our bond was still active and her speed of movement was extremely slow.

My European crypt was extremely close to Cyprus all I had to do was cross the ocean before me.

I had contemplated how long it would take to swim across the ocean and decided that without my Chakra to enhance my physical strength I would be in trouble.

Cronos looked out at the battle occurring out on Cyprus while we stood in Europe near Turkey.

The day time sky flashed bright with light and faded continuously then all of a sudden a bright flame could be seen spreading across the world.

The island of Cyprus was now so bright that the sun appeared to be nothing in the sky as the battle illuminated the world.

Cronos dropped his powered up state and said "Yuri tell us if Horas loses we can't afford to let Zeus escape from the damage his inflicting on her."

I could not reply as I felt Horas enter a deep panic then the fight returned to its previous format of bright flashes I felt Horas let out a terrible inward desperate cry to his power not to abandon him and then all I heard from his thoughts were finally its over soon the island will explode.

I turned to Cronos and said "Horas won he sucked Zeus into a black hole."

Cronos started marching towards a large mound in the ground no more then 20 kilometres away.

We walked in and then we boarded a ship that was simply sitting here.

The ship was tiny and old with very few marvellous pieces of technology and in that instant I knew this was Horas's old ship made for his first love Hathor.

I looked over to Cronos and said "Go to Japan then return here or Horas will be extremely sad seeing this ship."

Cronos obeyed and the ship flew of at an extremely fast speed yet it was so slow compared to Horas's other ships.