Chapter 3 part 7 Zeus approaches

Hathor had a smile on her face as she looked at me then suddenly both myself and Yuri collapsed as pain shot through my body from rapid improvement and regeneration.

Yuri let out cries of pain as her body started to improve even more, the scary part of this transformation was the direct linkage of my body to Yuri's.

I could see Yuri's mind every thought flowing through it and then suddenly I snapped back to my own mind as the pain kept bouncing around.

I suddenly dropped into a deep meditation and started channelling Yuri's Chakra forcing her power and strength to grow more easily.

I extracted Yuri's consciousness into the white place and she looked surprised as she started looking through what appeared to be a looking glass.

I started speaking but no sound escaped my throat instead a white pane opened carrying my thoughts over to Yuri.

I streamed my mastery of Chakra and pain endurance to Yuri and in seconds her transformation was under control.

Yuri looked at me as tears flowed down her face and even worse I understood her so clearly it wasn't imaginable.

Yuri suddenly dropped into her body and our link seemed to seal itself.

Horas and Hathor both were on guard around Yuri who now boasted a power close to there own.

Yuri had shared power with me since becoming immortal and as such we were amplifying each others power.

It was pretty intense imagine 2 perfect rivers flowing uniformly when suddenly the source of the bigger river drops into the smaller river, at first the small river floods and destroys its perfection then it starts refining towards perfection.

The perfection isn't easy to achieve however I was an assistant and cut out the banks and cleared all the problems the small river would experience making it reach the same capacity potential of the large river.

The water now shared from the source made both rivers appear smaller however when both rivers were totally filled it would make the true potential of both rivers even greater.

Horas had been extremely soft and caring of me in the unusual calm space he pulled me too.

I had never experienced 10000 years of life but I had the experience and understanding of 10000 years of Horas's life.

My Chakra was clean and clear thanks to Horas he had made me under go millions of years of concentration and learning to overcome my flaws in an instant.

To say that Horas was helping me was an extreme understatement he was doing so much more then just helping me.

I was now extremely strong so strong I likely could defeat Cronos however the power inside me didn't obey me it belonged to Horas and seemed to only be willing to obey his will.

I finally opened my eyes, Cronos and Hathor were at the ready to fight me with their hands poised to strike me in an instant.

Horas suddenly spoke saying "Don't attack her she is under control! Trust me her new immortality is tied into me and that's why she seems to be going berserk. Considering how much power her development took we may need to both rest and recover for 6 weeks till we back to full power. Then again it could take 2 weeks."

I took a deep breath and said "I'm in full control and don't stress too much this is my current maximum my power can't enhance by my own will only Horas can do that since the power inside me is saying that!"

Hathor looked at me then exclaimed "The power is speaking to you! What is it saying after all Horas posses creation."

I felt uneasy as Hathor seemed to focus on me intensely then I said "Horas actually controls this power, be mindful of your connection. He is your everything and now it's even greater. He has more to learn do not over step your bounds. That's what its telling me."

Cronos suddenly interrupted the talking and said "I once met the Etherial Raphael he used creation to fight me and then he told me the power he has actually bows to a greater will. If Horas does not hear the voice his power likely bows to his will."

I then replied "My power has always acted to preserve me and every time I handled creation I commanded its will as far as I understood. My power was purely my own I shared it with no one."

Yuri suddenly put on a sly smile and talked to Hathor saying "I can't believe how intense Horas loves you. He wants to be with you every second of every day and he only hasn't broke you his virginity with you because he is afraid of Alexander repeating history with you."

Hathor looked back at Yuri and said "I bet it's easy for him to resist having sex with me?"

Yuri laughed and said "He basically undergoes torture as bad as the rapid change I went through every second he resists you and …"

I kissed Yuri to shut her up and then I said "Don't do that just ask for a kiss please."

Hathor looked at me and said "Why didn't you just block her mouth?"

Horas turned red and answered "It makes her horny and gets her in the mood plus we now share feeling so it would make me feel the same."

A small blob of blood suddenly impacted Horas and instantly was absorbed by him.

The 4 of us walked out of the room and then Cronos asked "So are we progressing to the mission Lord Horas?"

I felt uneasy as Cronos addressed me with respect and then Hathor spoke up "Lord Horas you achieved Rank 1 so in immortal tradition you are lord Horas now and we all will use that title for you."

I said "Forget that tradition I may be rank 1 and by far the greatest in terms of strength but I need no more respect then to be equal to my wives in title. This applies to you as well Cronos the only thing that changes is my command of our order."

Hathor looked over to Yuri and asked "Aren't you confused about any part of this?"

Yuri smiled grabbed my arm and said "The bond I have with Horas allowed him to educate me to the same level as he was educated the only difference will be the speed at which I can process information."

Hathor then looked at me as if she were scolding me and asked "What's up with the extra touchy Feely way the 2 of you are acting?"

I then replied "The information transfer went both ways so she pointed out that she wanted me to do this with her because I do this with you plus she is in an extremely passionate mood and could actually force herself on me if I refused."

Yuri then said "Hathor don't stress you will still have him first but you will have to let him do the same with me or this connection will drive us both nuts."

We had walked out of the facility for immortals and started walking up to the ship when Yuri suddenly gripped her head and said "Zeus is coming! Zeus is coming!"

I had the feeling inside however this time Yuri made the warning audible.

Cronos and Hathor froze all of a sudden and then I said "I detected a surge of power a few seconds ago so I put together a quick analysis and came up with the idea that Zeus was the source. I can't believe my power calculated the probability and gave the answer. I estimate we have a month till she can actually arrive here considering everything."

Cronos starred at Yuri and asked "How long do we have till Zeus arrives?"

Yuri answered "Lowest probability is 1 week with highest probability being a months time however there is no chance she will revive any later."

Yuri released her head from her grip and looked towards me saying "This warning doesn't seem to be a mild danger warning it's a huge flashing red light."

Yuri could tell better then anyone else how serious the situation was and then she looked at Hathor and said "Your plan stands no chance of success if you attempt to capture Zeus she will destroy you. She may not kill you but the torture will only end up causing Horas to be defeated."

This was extremely scary Yuri was not in complete control my power was overwhelming her out of her consciousness.

My power then seemed to fade as Yuri looked at me as if she were apologizing and said "I can't stop myself from doing as the power says. I'm so sorry."

The power was screaming in my head like someone screaming into your ear with a loud speaker.

I felt terrible for saying all that I did out loud but I had no choice but to left the information out.

Horas sat and comforted me on the bridge of his ship when Cronos suddenly gave orders to the ship.

Everyone around me seemed worried and then Hathor suddenly blurted out "If your power is screaming like this Horas it means she must be truly powerful."

Horas dropped his shoulders and said "From the power I felt she likely had enough power to blow up the sun in 1 shot."

I then blurted out "So doesn't that mean she is weaker then then you?"

Horas sat back and replied "No right now my power is extremely low at least 1 quarter of full power so if Zeus just resurrected to her starting power it will build to full power and be likely half my full power of possibly equal to my full power.

The danger warning is due to my power possibly only recovering after her power because Yuri is still recovering meaning my power is still draining."

Hathor had tears in her eyes when she said "My nightmare is going to come true and it's all my fault. I took your power and drained it. Now I'm truly a monster again."

Hathor was extremely distort and had totally broken down everyone knew she was correct and there was nothing we could say.

The ship had taken a position overlooking the Hiroshima airport and as soon as a plane pulled in everyone suddenly got serious and got ready for a fight.