Chapter 4 part 1 Alexander in a cage

Yuri had taken the lead with my scanning technology, and the plane had been empty. Alexander carried nothing not a single weapon clearly he was not here to fight instead he was about to plot something.

What could Alexander possibly have up his sleeve this time.

The lack of weapons or any kind of weapons meant I had to ready every defence possible.

Alexander maybe planning another weapon drop or possibly a rebellion.

The most likely plan was Alexander had decided to use his mother and Cleopatra's pod to negotiate for a healing pod.

Zeus likely had a huge power up and with both the super powered Zeus and Cleopatra's body there could be a way to trade for a pod with me.

Yuri seemed unusually aggressive in the ship as she anxiously paced up and down the bridge.

Hathor asked "Yuri what's up with the angry pacing?"

Yuri exhaled loudly and said "Horas has toned down a ton of what went down between himself and Alexander unfortunately I'm completely tied into all of the emotions Horas has. So if I seem aggressive this is likely what he feels like."

I then spoke up saying "We are brand new with this direct link give it some time so both of us can come to terms with the new link we share."

Hathor seemed to be scowling at me when I gave that response and then Alexander stepped out into the day light.

Alexander was extremely old in appearance looking almost 80 in appearance his hair was white and thinned terribly his skin was pale and wrinkly with a great deal of sag.

I had enough of the waiting game and opened up a door on 1 side of the ship and jumped out.

Hathor and Cronos noticed nothing however Yuri likely felt the change in my feeling as I moved out.

Alexander looked me in the eye as I disembarked the ship and said "The baby immortal who resurrected my sister well done. I was hoping to meet you in Tokyo in a few weeks time when I was all ready to fight you. So are you going to torture me for my toys location?"

Alexander may have been old but his bravado was still the same as ever I wanted to crush him instantaneously however I needed to find out what he had in store for me and possibly find Zeus.

I replied "You a scumbag however I'm willing to trade you a heal up again provided you turn over the location of Cleopatra's tomb and tell me what you planning."

Alexander surprised me as he answered instantly saying "Deal! My mother has been completely resurrected and will be moving out soon she has Cleopatra with her and they should be here in about 8 days time so I will relax with you till then Horas."

I scissor kicked Alexander at full power and he died instantly.

I dragged his corpse onto the ship and Hathor appeared in the door way and said "What are you doing you killed him so haphazardly! What if he has a nasty surprise in store for us?"

I replied "He resurrected your mother and intends to be resurrected by me since I traded that with him for the information however I'm going to torture and kill him now."

I dropped Alexander's body into the resurrection pod and then charged of outside killing every person in the airport.

With Alexander's network down he had simply vanished from the face of the planet.

I had pulled up to my base in Hiroshima and entered into it effortlessly.

Hathor and Cronos seemed amazed as the ship dived into the ocean and then we entered a base dozens of times larger then mount Fuji.

This crypt was my most prized possession inside it was my greatest manufacturing line capable of releasing a starship every year, the starship were a size of ship that was large enough to house 600 million people it spanned kilometres in each direction.

At current just 1 complete starship was housed in the deeper underwater bay. Cronos suddenly exclaimed "This place seems a lot more advanced then your last crypt."

I then replied "This place uses nanophase doors and has way more space to move around in. Just by the way I have 1 more base near this size it just hasn't been used by me in 600 years give or take a few decades."

My nanotechnology could terraform an entire planet from a lava world to habitable world in a maximum of 10 years if I continued producing the nanotechnology for a few more centuries that time would be reduced to a year.

This facility boasted way more then it ever needed to boast and was used by 5 people in the past.

Hathor then asked "How big is this facility?"

I smiled smugly and then Yuri answered "This facility is 65 kilometres in every direction with a depth coverage of 20 kilometres it boasts Horas's most prized invention."

Yuri smirked at me smugly saying she knew everything this place had, this facility was likely crystal clear to her as I had done most of my Chakra training in here.

Only the final enhancement occurred with Cronos in Mount Fuji and that was merely forming the last loop of power.

The 4 of us marched through the facility while Horas dragged Alexander's lifeless corpse across the floor.

Horas had explained that he would have Alexander revived and then he would allow us to torture him to our satisfaction.

Alexander was my kid brother and 1 of 2 children I raised from infancy to adulthood.

The 2 boys I raised were exceptional in hand to hand combat, along with having been educated to be extremely resourceful.

Alexander was the more unfortunate of the 2 boys I raised, when he found out about me being his elder immortal sister he wanted it so badly that I devoted years to achieve the goal and shockingly Rameses made the break through with the healing technology that extended life spans to hundreds of years.

I then improved Rameses technology in the next 200 years and my entire world was turned on its head, Alexander had somehow met my mother and informed her about everything we had worked on.

In the next few years I met my true love Horas from the line of Gaia, the weird part of my meeting with Horas was he was from my father's second wife Gaia.

The family had been kept secret by my father and the other members of the Gaia family would disappear later on to form the second families like many of the immortals families.

On my wedding day Alexander showed up and in the midst of my wedding Alexander drove a blade through my heart and pushed me into Horas.

Alexander had taken many steps to ensure Horas would die and as I lay there lame Alexander said in my ear "Mother sends her regards and didn't she tell you to come back so she could tear you to pieces."

I went insane and lost control of my Chakra flows the grief controlled me and eventually my father and brother Rameses had taken me down and helped me come back to some kind of hope.

When Alexander waged a war on the immortals I fought and then I became even more deeply angered by what my brother had taken from me.

Now that little boy was being revived before me to let me exact my vengeance on him.

After this death Alexander would be gone for eternity and in case he escaped Horas had put nanobots in his blood that would disintegrate him.

After today Alexander would be nothing but a memory.

The resurrection had completed and Alexander was once more a young handsome man, he looked around the room he was in and noticed he had been moved.

Alexander had started to panic as Horas stepped forward and said "Deal complete now prepare to die!"

Alexander scrambled backwards and said "You can't kill me you know you may still need me if I hid something."

Horas smiled and said "So you didn't tell me what you were up to I guess that means killing you is the only way to go."

I stepped into the room where Horas and Hathor were preparing to kill Alexander.

Yuri had wondered of to somewhere special in the base since she had no need to personally experience death as yet.

Hathor was extremely agitated and was ready to pound Alexander into the ground however she had raised him and some part of her likely wanted to spare him.

I had already made that mistake along time ago.

Alexander had just stabbed Hathor and Horas during her ceremony, due to the healing pods for mortals I didn't even bother to punish Alexander.

It had been 50 minutes till the pod was fixed and Horas had died seconds after being stabbed, I watched Hathor's heart break as the healed body refused to move.

The body was alive and the person know as Horas Cranel was now gone for good.

The body vanished a few days later and so did Hathor.

Myself and Rameses caught Alexander within a year and then I let him go, Rameses begged me not to let go and warned me that Alexander was extremely cruel.

In the next few years Alexander started a terrible war and the mortals turned on the immortals, had I killed Alexander back then Olympus would never have been destroyed.