Chapter 4 part 2 Alexander's final death

I had punched Alexander in the gut several times after asking him who was the second accomplice to his rebellion.

Alexander had not said a word so we started torturing him in hopes of extracting all the information he had true and false.

The interrogation would escalate to either a quick death or an extremely painful torturous death where every bone in his body would be broken and his death would come from the extreme pain lasting several minutes to hours.

Hathor and Cronos would soon start with the light beating before we truly laid into Alexander and crushed his bones.

My punches all landed in the soft tissue around the gut, in the next instant Hathor punched in from the right hand side forcing Alexander into even more pain as she aimed to harm his kidneys.

Hathor then asked "Who was mother's partner and what did they enhance themselves with?" Alexander kept his mouth shut as the light beating intensified.

Every strike was extremely painful and to make it worse Alexander wasn't tied up.

Cronos then jumped in and the punches were now making all Alexander's muscles go limp the questions kept repeating and finally Alexander replied saying "Go to hell, mum and her partner are way out of all your leagues just you wait and see if you kill me you all totally fucked!"

Cronos lifted Alexander off the ground by pulling his hair and said "You have nothing to offer us since Horas won't need to negotiate he will simply obliterate Zeus if she attacks us. Your are dying soon boy."

Alexander started screaming and begging for help and in the next moment Cronos crushed all his toe bones to force the pain to start from the outside in.

Alexander started to shiver and cower as he knew his death now approached, with every blow you could hear the bones breaking and finally Alexander started to speak.

In extreme pain Alexander cried "Please stop I will tell you everything!"

The 3 of us held our next strikes and Alexander started to say "Mom used the power generator to fuse her cells with quantized energy. The black lily made mother capable of accepting the power and now she has the same power in every cell that destroyed Tartarus. Mother also mixed the blood of an angel and demon into her. Her partner is also a monster like that now but her partners name is my revenge. Kill me quickly!"

I didn't acknowledge his request and the moment he stopped speaking I started breaking his bones again.

Hathor had stopped and Cronos also pulled himself back stopping the torture.

You could see the pain flash across Alexander's face as Horas broke his bones.

Horas had absolute anger flashing across his face and in the next few moments Horas had left the broken Alexander on the floor as blood started to pour our of his nose and eyes.

Alexander was dying in excruciating pain and you could hear his screams escaping his broken body.

I decided to end Alexander's slow death and as I started to strike Horas grabbed my hand and said "Cronos don't end him, that right belongs to Hathor, she can leave him to bleed out or she can finish him this is vengeance for all he has done."

I looked at my sons dying on the floor and Hathor then said "Vaporize him! Erase every last trace of him! Please Horas!"

Horas turned his hand to Alexander and then his body was electrocuted with so much power that it Vaporized.

Tears rolled down my face and Hathor too shed tears however Horas didn't shed a tear instead he seemed relieved as if he had triumphed over the burdens of his long life.

Horas took a deep breath and said "Don't hold in your pain I know what its like losing people you once cared for. Alexander was my monster but he was your son Cronos and Hathor he was your precious baby brother so don't hold back on my account."

Hathor started crying loudly as you heard her cries you could hear the hurt, the love and joy she felt in this moment.

I walked out of the room as Horas led the way in this huge crypt, apparently Yuri had decided to sleep in 1 of Horas's ships since it was in her words a marvel.

We all boarded an elevator and the elevator travelled at neck breaking speed across the crypt.

This place was a marvel capable of housing every human currently on earth plus have them expand for a few years.

Suddenly the wall of the elevator went transparent and a huge chamber became visible.

In the chamber sat a huge ship that trumped the size of any usable ship the immortals ever made and as we looked at it we understood what Yuri wanted to see.

We stepped of the elevator into the large chamber and started walking towards some kind of boarding cart.

I wasn't very talkative since we had got rid of Alexander however I suddenly had a question and in a soft voice I asked "Why do you have such slow transport in this base?"

Horas put on a very disappointed smile and said "I once lived here with 4 of my best friends and since they were mortal I kept the place mortal level safe."

Yuri suddenly appeared on the entrance and said "So are we preparing to hunt down Zeus and Cleopatra or are we going to complete resurrecting the immortals?"

I looked at Horas who had a somewhat surprised look on his face as he asked "How did you know about that?"

Yuri sighed and said "You blaring thoughts to me, or did you suddenly let your guard down so much that your thoughts are leaking. I'm surprised you have such tame thoughts even now."

I shook of the shock and said "The plan will be to go resurrect the regular immortals at current I may fail to take down Zeus so I need a few weeks till I face her. For today everyone rest Yuri that applies to you as well your body will suffer with rapid recoil from the healing so rest up."

We all headed into the ship and the luxuries of the vessel were pretty much unnoticed as we all had extremely heavy mental burdens to workout.

The rooms on the ship reset to the perfect idea of comfort and were the cleanest rooms you could ever sleep in.

Any recreational activity could be performed on the ship so it was basically the ultimate pleasure destination.

Hathor and Yuri stayed with me that night and we were absolutely silent, Yuri did receive recoil and felt almost completely drained she was totally in a mood to have sex but she was just so exhausted that she passed out.

Hathor had emotions to overcome and I was totally exhausted just like Yuri, the moment she fell asleep her thoughts flowed through me like a river down a mountain side.

Yuri was young but most of her life was spent in hospital with the terrible feeling of pain in her body to top that she was treated extremely cruelly by kids in school.

She once had a crush in school and confessed to him, the boy hurt her so badly she never wanted to love again the boy threw her valentines chocolate on the floor and smashed it saying he could never love and ugly diseased leach like her.

She then wished death would take her and 1 day while sitting with her parents a message arrived from me saying I would arrive soon.

She had totally died inside and was pretty lifeless emotionally, when her parents asked me to heal her she felt excited to meet the hero.

She wasn't supposed to propose to me as her parents told her it would be insulting to offer herself up while she was sickly and useless to him.

Her parents weren't being mean they simply didn't want to see her hurt.

I then saw her propose to me and she feared I'd insult her however Hathor honoured her by accepting the proposal.

Yuri didn't expect for us to be friendly with her all she was expecting was to be treated like a servant however she found a love for life spending time with Hathor and found someone to love unconditionally no matter how he felt about her.

I felt terrible sitting in the room with all those thoughts and wished I could love her back equally but I hoped that the fact I saw her as a beautiful strong woman worthy as a life long companion would suffice.