Chapter 4 part 3 Immortal rebirth

Horas had picked through memories of mine as I slept last night and felt extremely apologetic.

The new bond that we shared was way to sensitive our personal space might as well have been none existent.

I was the actual invader when everything was considered in the end, Hathor had no way to stop the connection or even dampen it.

Horas was actually totally fine with me seeing all his thoughts the problem I had was that I fantasized about doing things with him a lot.

I had always daydreamed intensely and now the streaming memories from Horas plus the fear of being exposed made me uneasy.

Horas had explained to me that he can't see my thoughts unless I sleep however his thoughts were open to me all the time.

Horas claimed he was extremely perverted deep down however the reality was his dirty thoughts were to simple and his intensity or being depraved he simply choose beautiful public spots making it tame and open.

Horas was more pure in his depravity then myself and was blatantly unaware of the various levels of pleasure that existed in just the thought of depraved things.

My new life as an immortal felt much like my old life the only noticeable difference was the strength and lack of fear.

Horas was absolutely incredible to have lived for 10000 years and be the way he was.

Horas had many small peaceful lives before Alexander messed up his entire world and I had the chance to see it.

Alexander had left scares on Horas emotionally and mentally and they had forced him to guard his heart with all his might in the end Horas had no social life for a quarter of his life thanks to Alexander.

Yuri and Horas were closer then I ever imagined, the immortality I had granted Yuri appears to have been a once of and worse still the reverse process was now impossible on Yuri, I had doomed her to eternity.

Horas was totally immune to the effects of the spider lily plants even the red lily was ineffective on his cells.

The power of creation was absurd from the legends we heard, apparently the Etherials on Eden had turned the star habitable and altered the flow of time on Eden so that for every year elsewhere in the universe was equal to 2 years on Eden.

The Etherials also split the universe into 3 dimensions of parallel space time leaving only 1 or 2 worlds in each universe connected together.

According to my father the Demons also used creation and they could twist and crack worlds at the very request of their power even scarier was the fact that even the great immortals had suffered long term injuries from fighting the true Demons in the great demon war.

In the end Ra and Isis left only 5 Demons to live as they pleased.

My father had once expressed to me just how terrifying the power was according to him he had been burnt by creation fire while in his lava state and the burns took 8 years to stop burning and almost 400 years to totally heal.

Horas had gone to the upper ship bay as 2 ships arrived 1 from Venus and the other from Mars, on the Mars ship Horas held all the pieces of a great immortal separate to ensure they did not resurrect.

Horas intended to have all the immortals put into pods and moved to mount Fuji then woken in the immortal facility there.

The early morning was filled with apologies and tests as Hathor poked and probed me for information and samples.

Apparently my cells had become immune to the effect of the spider lilies and it made Yuri extremely unusual since she would be the only artificial immortal.

According to Hathor no other immortal could make an immortal my very nature was unique to begin with so when my cells imparted their uniqueness it created a new immortal.

I had started moving towards the resurrection pods and soon all the immortals would be complete except for 3.

Ra, Isis and Gaia were all potential monsters and as such they were not to be resurrected.

Isis was in a chamber that only a pure energy beam could open, Gaia was in pieces in the pods on board the Mars ship that meant Ra was forming out in 1 of the oceans as we spoke.

I was extremely calm after Cronos explained the power ratings starting with class 0 which was creation power that was infinite then was class 1 dimensional energy followed by class 2 primordial energy, class 3 was elemental energy followed by class 4 which called trace power this power had enough potential to rival class 1 but generally was harmless and ineffective in enhancement then last but not least was class 5 know as weak force energy this power could not be gathered or used making it the most abundant energy force in the physical universe.

Among the immortals class 2, 3, 4 and 5 were present before me and now we had a class 0 immortal.

All the pods had been filled with the body pieces and suddenly the entire room started glowing as the control pads all read "Reconstruction complete stasis engaged!"

Cronos had gone up to the ship that arrived from Mars to overlook all the pieces of Gaia hoping she was not the other helper of Alexander.

The pods were then all moved to my other ship and the transportation of the immortals had began.

Cronos had joined me on the bridge of the ship however Hathor and Yuri had got together to have a little discussion about how we will end the night.

Cronos had explained that immortals had no reason to drink so we would end up eating and drinking non alcoholic items making party planning a bit difficult.

Hathor and Yuri used my connections above ground to organize all the supplies.

We had waited for nearly 2 hours and finally the girls arrived unfortunately the surprise planned by the girls had become obvious to me based on Yuri's emotions.

The ship had taken off and Cronos had a dull sad face as he was leaving behind the love of his life.

The ship had arrived back to mount Fuji and we started to awaken the immortals. All 180 chambers opened and suddenly the immortals started sitting up and looking around, Cronos stood next to me in silence as everyone slowly woke up.

After 2 minutes a black haired fair man hugged me and said "Son of Ra it's a pleasure to see you. I don't know how long it's been but it's nice to see you."

I looked back at the man and realized it was Jupiter the immortal, the man who had looked after me as a child.

In the next moment chatter could be heard as the immortals all chattered then Cronos spoke saying "Horas Ra has taken the trails and has Ranked 1 the great immortal and is now our leader. Listen to him under our oath as immortals."

The entire room cheered and then I spoke up saying "It has been 10000 years since you were forced into your exile. In that time I fought Alexander and uncovered his plan today we rejoice the gathering of immortals and tomorrow we talk of times to come. In our ranks there is a new immortal who was made immortal by Hathor Cronos my wife, the immortals name is Yuri Earth and she is currently my wife and the only artificial immortal. Now everyone let's celebrate the new era!"