Chapter 4 part 4 First time

The immortals all followed us out of the ship in an extremely orderly manner then as soon as we started pouring out drinks and handing out bowls and plates the feast began.

Healing consumed massive reserves of energy and the immortals had depleted all their strength.

The entrance area of mount Fuji was now packed with immortals, laughter roared and cheer reigned.

Hathor had been extremely happy and cheerful as she spoke with Jupiter, each immortal approached me and greeted me asking about various things in my life.

After 8 hours of talking I was finally left to my own devices and Jupiter sat next to me, the immortal sat in silence for almost 5 minutes.

Jupiter then said "I'm sorry Horas. I could have given you a crypt to start your new life and educate you however your father ordered us to shut down and lock down all facilities till humanity was extinct. Your ascension and the destruction of Alexander ends the problem, I hope that you are doing well?"

I looked at Jupiter and said "My life has been fine I experienced pain and suffering. Then I learnt hunger and sadness. Most of my life was pretty amazing as I learnt many lessons along the way. Around the age of 3000 I fell in love for the first time and suffered in a way I never imagined. Soon after I fought Alexander and ended up destroying his army, in the process I found a power. 4000 years later I fell in love again and I fought Alexander for a second time resulting in an absolute disaster. My life turned into a path of vengeance and I set out to Venus to trap the revived immortal and found Cronos. My education was rough with major learning curbs and finding crypts was almost impossible thanks to Ra's army destroying all traces of the immortals that remained. You don't have anything to apologize for because your advice allowed me to find the love of my life Hathor."

Jupiter let out a laugh that was almost mocking and said "I was your guardian my duty was to protect you and help raise you the best I can so that immortality was not an impossible burden. Hathor was also my charge and had suffered greatly through her life, I hope you the kind of man who makes her happy and is sufficiently fulfilled with the fact. The 2 wives thing I get but you pushing it with them both being so drop dead gorgeous."

I took a deep breath and replied "I'm not responsible for the 2 wives thing that's all Hathor."

Jupiter jumped up from his seat and scanned the hall for Hathor at which point I said "She has already aborted that plan due to my power being creation."

Jupiter had just about stumble backwards and said "You poses the power of creation? That's insane to imagine the key to all immortals happiness is your power."

I looked back at Jupiter and said "Unfortunately I can't manifest the complete creation power so immortals don't have an answer yet to how I will end immortality."

Cronos suddenly put his hand on my shoulder and said "Don't stop until you are honestly happy to be reunited with the greatest guardian of all immortals."

I looked at Cronos with confusion in my eyes and asked "Who is that?"

Cronos then answered "Your mother Isis!"

Cronos then explained several things to me while Jupiter looked on in awe, after 2 hours of stories Rank 10 to 15 issues a challenge to me saying "Horas you are ranked 1 so accept this challenge of 5 immortals vs you alone in unenhanced combat!"

I stood up with a smile on my face and said "With pleasure."

The 5 rushed up at me with blistering pace and I simply evaded and knock them down effortlessly then I powered up to my second Chakra and absolutely overwhelmed the 5 of them.

Everything appeared fine but as I tried to power up further my power seemed to stop.

I pressed even harder and suddenly the fifth Chakra opened causing a strong gust of energy to drive everyone backwards.

The 5 kneeled before me saying "You truly are powerful."

I hadn't even been afforded the opportunity to check myself up when Yuri and Hathor grabbed my hands and pulled me away.

Yuri and Hathor dragged me onto the ship where 5 private quarters had been formed and said "Give us 2 minutes please."

Yuri had given of such an anxious excited feeling that I could not explain if something was wrong with me.

I had sat outside the room when suddenly the door opened, the chamber had a large bed and on it Hathor and Yuri were in lingerie.

What happened next is pretty obvious and was the most exhilarating and enjoyable experience of my life.

All 3 of us were no longer the virgin immortals, Yuri and I were extremely difficult to handle in bed as her feelings flowed into me and my feelings flowed back into her.

To say that it was unpleasant would be a lie but to call it pleasurable was an understatement.

The morning had arrived and it was a pretty weird morning to say the least.

The elder immortals had no sense of privacy before the 3 younger immortals and walked around in their birthday suits early in the morning.

I had to explain the modern era to almost everyone and then started a 1 year slow reintegration project for the immortals to blend into society.

Cronos, Hathor and Yuri had departed with the limousine from Hiroshima while I stayed in Mount Fuji explaining the rules to the immortals.

I intended to arrive at school 5 minutes before the day started, so I would up hold a strong reputation.

Horas had finally been with me completely despite the fact that I was underwhelming next to Yuri.

Yuri had the perfect female body from the top down, her lips were soft and made me wish to accidentally be kissed by her.

The rest of her body was even more amazing and I had that to compete with for my first time, I felt like slapping Horas every time he stopped touching Yuri and was extremely jealous when he did touch her.

In no way did I crave to be with Yuri she just simply made me curious, Horas was extremely nervous and stumbled around a lot while with me however when he was with Yuri he was far more calm.

The bond the 2 shared definitely made any solo experience impossible for now as they needed each other to synchronize emotions to actually have sex.

Horas had seemed disappointed with that fact however Yuri seemed more excited by that idea.

Unfortunately Yuri and myself had to leave pretty early to make it to school by lunch time while Horas intended to use his ship to make it to school early.

It would be a lie to say I was disappointed about my first time having sex.

The experience was none traditional and way to intense to say the least, Hathor is unfortunately unable to sleep with Horas unless I'm there since our emotions need to synchronize to have sex.

Hathor was extremely beautiful and Horas's desire for her had flowed into me through our bond, it was my first time making me behave somewhat odd.

I kissed Hathor 1 or 2 times and to say that I didn't like it would have been a lie, Horas was odd in the fact that he kept desiring to be alone with us 1 at a time despite how over joyed he was with the situation.

Horas was also extremely worried about something and attempted to hide with all his might to keep the 2 of us happy.

The morning was extremely awkward as the immortals had preferred to sleep in the nude and were not shy to have been caught in the act.

Apparently the shyness we acted out had always been something mortals felt but immortals overcame that emotion.

Myself, Hathor and Cronos departed from Mount Fuji to Hiroshima in order to arrive at school around lunch time as ranking exams started after lunch today.