Chapter 5 part 5 Grand trails

Molgath had been extremely patient till Cronos started bragging to him about the power I had displayed in my ranking test.

Apparently only Etherials had power on the level I had displayed so Molgath wanted to fight me at that level.

Molgath poked at the field around me and said "That field around you is crazy powerful likely strong enough to destroy several galactic clusters if it were turned into assault power. I get it now you can't control this crazy power that's why you are here. Am I write baby immortal?"

Molgath was extremely annoying to handle as it stood and Yuri suddenly said "Let's go for it I'm ready to get moving."

Molgath wasted no time and suddenly the emotion of peace overwhelmed us to the point that it actually washed away at our mental defences.

I struggled hard against the overwhelming feeling and as I remembered the waste land my mind cleared up.

I noticed that the tetrahedron had started to expand into a new shape the tetrahedron had doubled itself over making 2 tetrahedrons forming into a new shape almost like a crystal.

The field around me started shifting making itself stronger with no more control handed to me.

It was then that I realized the tetrahedron controlled my power every time the tetrahedron expanded my power would expand with it and the answer to control the power was still outside my understanding.

The equilateral triangle was the strongest shape in the universe each time you multiplied its dimensions you compounded its strength.

The answer starred me down in the greatest complexity you could ever imagine, what did a 4 dimensional object look like in 3 dimensional sense.

I was now conscious once more and looked straight at Molgath and said "I know how to master my power however traveling your worlds undoubtedly has a benefit to my training."

Molgath smiled and suddenly 4 shadows descended from the ceiling of his palace.

The 4 smoke figures now stood before me and in unison they said "Display your power! Display your might! Show us the truest fight!"

Cronos and Yuri were still recovering from the onslaught of the emotional stress so I spoke up "The others will need sometime to recover and I need to experience all the emotions at once to be able to fully display the power.

Molgath sighed and said "Alzac and Nalfiem are ridiculously powerful so fighting them is out of the question so Horas you alone will fight Malcous, Arzoth and myself."

The entire room seemed to fold and bend as we moved along and I stepped my consciousness and awareness into the tetrahedron preparing to use it as the centre of my power.

In an instant every emotion was forced on me love, hate, anger, peace, pain and sorrow I fought them taking over and channelled the power into the tetrahedron which started shifting to 5 tetrahedrons expended perfectly.

The field around me dropped in power instantly and my physical strength peaked at an all time high next I focused my power and despite them having returned they were vastly different in feeling and handling then they were before.

Malcous stepped forward and declared "Horas son of Ra you will now face my full power prepare yourself!"

The shadow that was Malcous changed into a giant humanoid figure with sharp claw like fingers and the entire room started to shake as his body arced with black lightning.

Malcous stepped forward and in the next moment his giant figure was before me throwing a punch and all I did was shift my power into a black lightning field before me both myself and Malcous shot of in opposite directions.

I started thinking about how I could improve my movement and realized I could use gravity to compress the distance before me into a single step and expand the power back to normal the moment I wanted strike.

I tried it and in an instant I had over shot my punch landing behind Malcous with the new found ability, this was just the start and as Malcous fired a lightning strike at me I dodged it and ran towards Malcous so quickly that light vanished and when I finally stopped and delivered the punch, I had missed Malcous by inches however the force from the near miss was no trifling figure of power the air vibrated so violently that a bright white flame erupted from the Shockwave and knocked the giant Malcous to the ground.

Malcous got up from the floor and laughed followed by saying "Impressive power Horas however with poor control and the lack of understanding your power you are nothing more then a reckless demolition hammer. Tune your emotions up and down to control your power and make sure you grasp your actions understand what you desire when using your power."

I knew I could do this and as I started to move again Malcous launched lightning however it disappeared and struck me from behind sending me flying towards Malcous.

Malcous didn't hold of every time I tried to predict an attack the attack would reach me from another direction.

I was getting frustrated at the onslaught of attacks and decided to pull up the protective field and at that moment my power diminished, the tetrahedron seemed to cycle directions as I altered the direction of my power and I realized that the five tetrahedrons either could be used to enhance a single ability or balance my abilities.

The 5 tetrahedrons were fire, lightning, gravity, wind and water based elements when combined they granted me the field I used for protection and I suspected that was also how I created the orb of creation however I needed to grasp the fourth dimension view of integration to effectively use my power.

The strikes had no effect on me as I tried to figure a counter and once more I rebalanced my power and altered the gravity around me causing the attacks to miss the target.

Malcous smiled and said "Very well done learning to control your power next you will have to fight Arzoth so get ready kid."

Malcous changed back into a black shadowy smoke like figure and Arzoth began transforming.

Arzoth turned into a large muscular bold guy with a thick horn sticking out of his forehead.

No element could be seen around Arzoth instead he seemed like a muscle bound egg head.

Arzoth took a fighting stance and let out a growl like an angry dog then he started running at me.

My first thought was to use gravity to smack him around however I wanted to test out my physical strength.

I struck Arzoth in the face with a full force punch and he seemed totally unaffected.

Arzoth smashed a punch into my gut and it felt so terribly powerful that I dropped to my knees and before I could even look up to counter the next hit landed sending me flying.

I refocused my power trying to only enhance my physical strength and as Arzoth came in with the next strike I countered and to my surprise I was only slightly weaker then him.

I got up and kept exchanging blows with Arzoth in casual manner when suddenly Arzoth increased his power and once more he hit way to hard for me to out right win.

I refocused my power once again this time making the distribution 3 tetrahedrons to strength 1 to the defence field and 1 to the central control.

I was stronger than Arzoth at this point and clearly had an advantage in hand to hand combat however Arzoth seemed more excited then fearful of my strength.

Arzoth started to growl more fiercely as his mouth started to foam with spit like a rabid dog and in the next instant I was being bounced around like a bouncing ball.

If I wanted to match or beat Arzoth I needed to sacrifice my human nature and embrace the none logical processes of instinct while fighting.

I had done it and instantly I could tell my power sky rocketed however I had no control over my body.

The fight was an all out slug fest and then Molgath sent a flame between the 2 of us and I instantly restored my original balance.

Arzoth was tamed by the flames and spoke saying "I went a bit overboard now Molgath shall burn you to a crisp."

Molgath had no transformation to undergo and was just about ready for combat however he did not move as if he was waiting for me to do something.