Chapter 5 part 6 Power to destroy galaxies

Molgath still had not moved so I decided to take on the first strike and released a flame.

My black flames were underwhelming as the fire did not roar out like I had done against Zeus instead Molgath sent his flame down the centre of my flame squashing my flames and blasting me backwards.

Molgath laughed loudly and said "If you this weak it simply means you have yet to truly expand your power. In full power with my balance of power perfect I can output the same power as Malcous plus I have the strength of Arzoth you are simply unworthy to fight at my level or above. Do not be disparaged if you train for long enough your power will undoubtedly reach my level for now you can submerge that field around your body into your body however you cannot totally use the force from it due to some emotions you are not truly facing, accepting and channelling. Your trial to be trained in the power you have ends here for now as you are defeated."

I stood up and scream "I can win all I have to do is face you!"

Molgath then sighed and said "Very well let's see what power you secretly hiding."

I thought quickly and came up with the idea to use my gravity ability as an enhancement to my speed and power.

I had decided to use 1 tetrahedron in control, 1 in fire, 1 in strength and then use 2 in gravity.

I instantly weighed down Molgath to the point that he was almost still and reduced my gravity to enhance my speed.

I felt confident as I charged in and Molgath smiled at my optimistic motion and as my punch reached his face I shifted our gravities landing an extremely hard thunderous punch.

Molgath bounced of the ground and as I tried to repeat the motion Molgath used his gravity control to counter my strike.

The punch landed this time and Molgath didn't move instead he countered my punch with a hit and I instantly activated my field and struck Molgath yet again.

Molgath suddenly vanished and then flames struck me from every direction, the moment I attempted to counter Molgath got up close and punched me back.

Molgath smiled widely and said "You still fail however if this were an all out fight you undoubtedly would win against me over a period of hours. Your trick would have been much more effective had you pushed all your power to strength. However you still need at least 4 times your current power to beat the 2 above me. 1 last thing that I noticed is that your power does not diminish so take advantage of that and use it to build up your power."

I had not noticed it but my power did not shift or change no matter how much I used, unfortunately for me using a fourth dimensional power had a considerable amount of difficulty.

I looked up at Molgath and asked "How do I enhance this power? I'm not used to using this type of power."

Molgath smiled and said "We don't understand either all we know is once you defeat the 5 of us you will learn what you need to from someone who understands your power. This is the instruction we got from Amun so we followed it."

The room shifted and I found myself in Molgath's palace Yuri and Cronos had started to stir from the intense mental pressure they had undergone however they were totally unconscious.

I reached into the bond between myself and Yuri and the first thought I heard was "I wish Horas loved me like he loves Hathor. I know I'm not much next to Hathor she's so much prettier and nicer then me. If only I could even earn 1 tenth of that love..."

I grabbed hold of Yuri's consciousness and pulled it into the tetrahedron and woke Yuri up having her settle her mind.

Yuri was unaware that I had seen her thoughts.

Horas helped both myself and Cronos recover from the full range of emotional stress and had got us ready to depart as he suspected it would take decades for him to be ready to complete the test he faced.

Cronos had tried to talk Horas into continuing when Molgath told us that Horas was defeated by him soundly.

If Horas continued the challenges he would fight the 2 strongest Etherious who were many times more powerful then Molgath.

Alzac was 100 times more powerful then Molgath and Nalfiem was 50 times stronger then Alzac.

All 3 Etherious had enough power to destroy a galaxy however none of them could do it as the full release would destroy their own form before they actually destroyed anything.

That was exactly as it was explained to us by Molgath.

Horas had managed to lower the field around himself and just after I got up Horas kissed me taking me completely by surprise, my ability to read his thoughts was now totally void as his power emitted an interference blocking his thoughts from being heard by me.

Horas had likely kissed me due to how much he missed Hathor and all the sadness he had from not kissing her when he left her on the ship.

Horas didn't love me but the care he gave to my feelings and the care he took in making sure I was happy made me love him truly.

The man had been forced to take me as bride when he didn't want 1 and he felt like scum when I was turned into an immortal.

My bound to him had likely weakened him greatly and made his fight with Zeus that much harder.

I honestly hated myself for the burden I was to Horas however he would never want me to feel that way so I intended to hide all this deep down in a corner of my mind.

Horas had started disappearing and reappearing using 1 of his new found powers and it seemed that not only did Horas have no power loss but he also gained power at all times yet he could not tell how rapidly his power was increasing.

Horas had lost some of his old powers to the change from what we could tell Horas could no longer fly as he couldn't use gravity like he used to.

The armour and gravity powers could no longer absorb power however Horas was totally immune to all powers instead.

Horas could no longer enhance his physical attributes directly with powers instead he had to use the power to augment physical movements or attacks.

Horas had trained with Molgath before we left and the speed and power the 2 displayed was so intense that it should have destroyed everything around them however according to Molgath the power of creation had a will that reacted to the users intentions so the power they used was harmless to all things despite it being great enough to destroy everything.

Molgath had said that Horas not hearing the will of his power meant that Horas was the only known being to hold his own will in creation power, according to Molgath my power was exactly like the Etherious power of creation and he suspected that once Horas gained full control I'd gain creation powers.

Cronos and Molgath said their goodbyes and Horas transported us up and into the ship with the same random space shift we had experienced Shradow doing.

Hathor looked at us in surprise as the ship suddenly took on new life and unlocked dozens of functions.

I was back and free from the field so the ship unlocked all its hidden functions.

I looked at Hathor who was shocked by what seemed to be and extremely fast return and then I grabbed hold of her hugging her in a passionate embrace.

Hathor kissed me the moment I picked her up of the ground.

Yuri had not moved but was watching us with a heavy heart and I knew what pain she was in however I had to work up the courage to admit to her that I loved her to.

Hathor grabbed Yuri and dragged her into the embrace making things just that little bit more complicated and awkward.

Yuri was jealous, glad and happy all at once and I was pretty much in her head viewing her thoughts and feelings.

I spoke to Hathor saying "We were in Purgatory for almost a full week. 1 of the Etherious had explained to me that time flows differently in Purgatory so that's why it seems like we weren't gone for long."

Hathor replied "Horas I've been on the ship for 6 hours expecting you to take 2 weeks to complete you objective so I'm actually not even slightly lonely yet."

Yuri then chirped in "Purgatory was rough the Demons and devils made us face and embrace our emotions."

Hathor gave a nervous worried smile and said "I don't think I'd ever be able to embrace my emotions completely. Just be glad that you succeeded."

I put my hand behind my head and said "I failed to complete the tests of the Etherious, for now I have an impure power and 1 day I will return to face that test."