Chapter 6 part 1 Cronos’s Gambit

We had returned from the demon world and returned to being students, Hathor was oddly calm after hearing that Yuri could use my old powers when I focused the enhancement.

Cronos had broke away from our group in school and started to hang around another group of kids in hopes of further integrating into society.

With no surprise the student council elections had gone in my favour and now adding to the daily rituals of social life was meeting with all the council members.

Yuri had joined the student council as deputy president and was now propelling herself to even greater fame among the student body.

My relationship was no longer as awkward as it once felt instead it was now much more peaceful despite the fact I had hidden my feelings for Yuri from everyone.

In school our marriage had been explained and was accepted as a non violation of school rules.

Zeus had not resurfaced since I beat her soundly by crushing her into oblivion, Hathor had explained to me that Zeus could have become far more powerful or totally lost her power due to my actions.

The first situation would be a disaster as Zeus was tough to beat and worse still Zeus could enhance herself over again.

Horas had been very odd since we had returned from Purgatory he had avoided me slightly.

I suspected he had overheard my jealousy for Hathor or possibly my envy of Cleopatra and his first love Hathor.

These were emotions that had sprouted within me as my crush and admiration for Horas turned to pure love.

The return to school was extremely odd for me as I felt anxious and nervous all the time however Horas had managed to gain me the rank of deputy president of the student council.

I originally was placed in as secretary of the council and the deputy president instantly insisted that I be made deputy.

Horas had been caught kissing me in school and at that point the entire situation of our marriage had been spilled out to the school.

My old near death state was used as the excuse for the rushed marriage and the head Master had decided that we were exempt from expulsion under this circumstance.

I had lost my strong connection to Horas's thoughts and as a result I could now only see 1 of the tetrahedrons in Horas's mind.

Our emotions were still strongly bound and I could tell that something had been of with Horas since we left Purgatory.

Horas, Yuri and my daughter continued there blissful existence.

I had come to the understanding of just how pathetic I was for leaving everything to Horas.

I was the third eldest human alive and relied on a child to clean my mess, I had failed my children countless times and put them through pain due to my lack of willingness to stop their mother.

I intended to stop Zeus myself and had found her body recovering from the gravity sickness, so I took 4 stasis pods and separated out her body.

I knew this was a temporary solution as Hathor explained the red spider lily enhanced healing factor and if 1 was bonded to the lily and a great power source the healing could potentially overcome stasis.

I intended to have Hathor assist me in finding a way to stop Zeus from ever being reformed without informing Horas.

I felt tremendous guilt for how much of my burden had been placed Horas so I decided to stay away from Horas for a while.

I had made friends with 8 exceptional young man at school and was on route to forming my own secret society among mortals.

Horas had proven that even if we did not directly rule over the mortals we could be their guides hidden in their choices.

Horas was now my greatest treasure along with my new best friend Yuri, the 2 made up my entire world.

Horas had been slightly different after the events of Purgatory and had explained to me that Yuri was miserable inside due to his lack of love for her.

He also admitted to me that he did have feelings towards her and that they paled in comparison to his feelings for me.

Yuri had been in a marriage with someone she loved and in return he did not love her to the same extent making her jealous of the 1 who received the unfathomable love.

I knew this however Horas was an individual plagued by morality that was impossible to uphold.

My father had been in an extremely downwards spiral and I suspected he either felt guilty or incapable next to Horas.

Horas had achieved more than any human in 10000 years of life, his intelligence was beyond anyone around, his physical strength had grown beyond the limits of immortality, his powers were actually on the level of being called God like and he still remained reasonable, kind and compassionate.

This alone could make anyone envious but Horas never stopped improving himself or striving to achieve greater heights.

My father had asked me to meet him in secret after the school day had concluded.

Apparently there was something of great importance to be discussed.

Horas was not called meaning this was something purely between father and daughter, was my father going to have himself augmented like my mother or did he have some other objective.

School for me had become all about enjoying the subtle things in life, Yuri had several new friends and so did I.

The student council occupied both Horas and Yuri in the morning and had them both leave club activities 30 minutes early to help with council reports.

As a result of Horas being occupied I had joined into a group of girls in the class who enquired greatly into the relationship dynamics of Horas and Yuri.

Horas was seen as a chivalrous righteous man who gave his entire being to bring joy to a dying woman when I explained the story I had expressed that Horas was set to marry me and after that I discovered a second proposal was left for him.

I read the proposal and insisted he would accept her as a second wife, Horas did not want it and insisted that the marriage would be purely for companionship.

Horas only found out that Yuri was a princess in school on his first day and when he found out previously that Yuri was terminal he agreed to marry her early to allow her to have an heir.

Several girls considered him sleeping with Yuri to be purely for his benefit however I explained that I made him do it if he wanted his marriage to me.

The club activities had concluded for the day and I was out 15 minutes early so I walked of till I met my father.

My father spoke first saying "Lino let's have a quick walk this way I need to explain something urgently."

We turned away into quiet and empty hallways and then he said "I found Zeus and have placed her in stasis, she currently is still under the pressures of gravity sickness so I need to know if you have a way to put her into stasis for 100 years so she can be destroyed."

I replied "We can have Horas use creation gravity and obliterate her even now with stasis at its minimum she would be totally destroyed."

My father then took a deep breath and said "We can't just keep dumping our family problems on Horas, did you ever think we could be the reason Horas can't use full power creation."

My father was never a proud man and this made sense to me Horas couldn't help us because we had burdened him with things that effected his emotions.

My father then said "Please don't tell Horas about this till we have exhausted all our options."