Chapter 6 part 2 Yuri and Hathor

We had just finished our student council work when we noticed Hathor at the door waiting for us.

Since Purgatory our emotions had all been fluxed by the Etherious emotional control states Hathor had to serve as the voice of reason to bring us under control and had been slowly trying to help each of us.

Horas smiled and said "You look happy how was the last 30 minutes of practice?"

Hathor replied "Still unbeaten on pitching. Plus I'm not that far ahead of the new rising star."

I smiled at Hathor as she had given me a compliment in the sly, I knew what the comment had meant and had prepared to talk to Hathor in private.

We had started walking towards the entrance and I said "I need to use the bathroom, Lino will you come help me out?"

Horas continued walking on saying "Meet you 2 at the car."

Horas had finally turned down the next hallway and I looked to Hathor and said "Okay what's the story?"

Hathor took a deep breath and asked "Do you think that myself and my father have burdened Horas too much and possibly are responsible for him failing in Purgatory."

I already knew the answer and said "In Purgatory the only thing we truly faced was ourselves. If Horas held onto an emotion it would be something that he truly felt regret or guilt for."

Hathor sighed and said "My father found Zeus and has decided to try and destroy her between just him and me as revenge for the past."

I carefully thought things over and despite Cronos being wrong on the reasoning if Horas found out Zeus was caught he may try to destroy her, in order to gain more power Horas would plunge himself into the emotions that are troubling him and could end up right where he started.

I replied "Your father may be onto something because I suspect Horas would go overboard to destroy Zeus and end all the current drama. If you can't keep Zeus contained then we get Horas to destroy her."

I had only noticed now that Hathor relinquished the title of mother from Zeus meaning she had just made her own decision on the past.

Yuri then outlined a plan saying "Cronos, Horas and myself are not all right. On Purgatory we suffered our full emotional spectrum and even though Horas helped us channel emotions and use them we did not completely resolve the emotions. You are going to have to force us to confront our instabilities so we can face everyday life properly and so we can train. I know this sounds selfish but can you work on me first so I face my problems and learn to channel them to only power. This will allow me to help out with both Cronos and Horas. This will also help buy you some time to weaken Zeus so we can destroy her without stressing Horas. Once we resolve Cronos's emotional stress we likely will be able to have Horas back to normal and he will likely be able to destroy Zeus."

I looked back at Yuri realizing she had helped guide all my actions towards overcoming my problems without much difficulty.

I started walking of towards the limousine and Yuri followed me all the while I thought of what I needed to do to help Yuri.

Just as we were about to leave the building I asked "What are you struggling to come to terms with?"

Yuri looked at me and answered "Jealousy and Envy."

The shortest answer with likely the hardest time to overcome.

Jealousy was always compounded by things outside of an individuals control and would require much more hard work to help the individual.

We had arrived home and despite the Illumanati having all the knowledge and tools I had at their disposal they still kept working for me.

Cronos had moved out of the mansion to likely establish new roots for himself.

The immortals were still mainly in Mount Fuji however a few had started wondering around the nearby cities to see how humanity had progressed in their absence.

Jupiter had insisted on seeing both myself and Hathor as he still felt responsible for the 2 immortals he had guardianship over.

Jupiter may not look extremely powerful but he was 1 of the toughest immortals of all time having even faced Gaia in combat his only downside was that he was an emotional individual who could not refine his Chakra and for that reason he never manifested a power.

The mansion had no secret facility or any kind of base of operations so over the backyard I had a ship stay hovering so that I could train.

Opening a window on the empty wing of the mansion I simply stepped into the ship.

The sudden shift of nothing to seeing a hallway was pretty intense several Illumanati members could not stand the entry feeling and had chosen to limit their studies to what the suit could show them.

I walked deep into the ship and dropped down a deck to finally arrive in the training room, the shield technology could withstand the power of creation however just that power alone also created holes in the shielding meaning if I ever collided with the power of creation for to long a dimensional tear could form in space time.

The emotions I had were extremely difficult to maintain and were just out of my reach to resolve, the feelings I had for Yuri were not enough and needed to be improved so that I could openly tell her that I loved her meaning it perfectly.

Every time I faced this emotion and tried to improve it I failed, I could never ask Hathor for help as it would be cruel to have her teach me how to love someone more strongly.

Yuri had followed me into the backyard of the mansion and we set in the middle of the field at which point I asked her "Yuri who is it that you are jealous of?"

Yuri clenched up and as she eased of she said "I'm jealous of you."

The answer shocked me as I didn't truly stand above Yuri in anyway, Yuri was an absolute beauty with a perfect figure her only disadvantage had vanished when she became immortal.

I nervously asked "Why are you jealous of me?"

Yuri replied "I'm jealous of how deeply Horas loves you and from what I noticed thanks to Horas I see how much of your beauty you hide and I'm jealous of your beauty to."

The mental bridge between Horas and Yuri made things even more complicated and had escaped my consideration however I had an idea.

I took a deep breath and said "Horas feels love for me due to his pain think about how Horas considered himself a burden on you, remember the sappy stuff he said. Think about why he said those things Horas believed you were far to beautiful to be a second wife to any man. He knew you would be the greatest joy of anyone who had you as a wife and he cared for you. Today his love may not seem to exist but trust me in a few months he will love you."

Yuri looked at me and said "He has started to avoid me."

I embraced Yuri and put my head to next to her and said "Horas is likely fighting the idea of how much he has come to love you. Horas is always consumed by his guilt."

Yuri broke down in tears and said "I need to hear him say it to me. I need to know he loves me to."

I held Yuri in a deep embrace and decided to approach Horas.

We had arrived in the ship where Horas was sitting in training Yuri was still blabbering as we marched through the ships halls.

I reached the training room and scream "Horas! Yuri is terribly upset come help me figure out what's wrong!"

Horas moved so quickly that even with my eyes open I didn't notice any movements.

Horas put his hands on Yuri and gently raised her head up and asked "What's wrong? I will do everything in my power to help you."

Yuri cried even harder and I said "You have been giving her the cold shoulder idiot she feels like you don't give a shit about her. Tell her how you feel of you will be responsible for her misery."

Horas clenched his fists at his sides and said "There are words I want to say to you with as much feeling as you have however I feel that I would insult the depths of your heart by saying such a thing. I more then care about you. I definitely more then just like you. I however have yet to achieve the simplest of things and that is returning your feelings to you. I'm sorry that I ever made you cry and I will ask you to have me make penance till the day I finally return your feelings."

Yuri was howling in tears and she suddenly threw her arms around Horas and said "Idiot! I just need you to be near me and to not avoid me. Idiot!"

Horas kissed her in front of me and said "I wish I could repay your kindness and love to me."

Yuri stopped crying and slapped Horas hard across the face and said "You are my childhood hero you gave me a chance to live dreams greater then I could ever achieve. You have nothing to repay me for, you are the kind 1 I'm the greedy bitch who wanted in on your perfect life."

Yuri turned and stormed off leaving Horas dumbfounded and likely more confused then he already was.

I knew at that moment that Yuri had over come her emotional burden however Horas still held guilt inside and it could be seen on his face.