Chapter 6 part 3 Ra

I retook my position to concentrate and had realized a few things about the primary state of my emotions.

My emotions were behaving as the fuel for my power however the emotions could turn into obstacles to my power if I haphazardly dealt with them.

Like a Chakra you have to clean the impurities the challenge was now streamlining the emotions and to not be filled with turbulence.

Emotions don't care for reality they only care for the perception we hold so this challenge would end up refining a person in chaos.

I started out with pain and suppressed all my emotions so that I purified the pain.

With the tetrahedrons all acting together I managed to refine an insignificant figures of my pain and as a result my power started to tame and I experienced more ease of usage.

Even with the ridiculous rate of improved time within a tetrahedron I could not rush through my emotions at the very fastest I could complete the refining in 20 years and at the worst it would take me centuries.

I opened my eyes and felt out Yuri from our mental link and she was in a very strange mood, she was gleeful, angry, excited, embarrassed and happy.

I needed to talk to Yuri again and make sure that she was okay after all we were still in a marriage despite its complicated nature.

Hathor had left the mention while I was training using a smaller ship from my fleet.

Yuri had spoken with me and we had finally resolved the situation and were now in a good phase of the relationship between us.

It was almost 10 pm at night when my computer sounded an alarm, the immortal Ra had been revived.

I was unbelievably excited to meet my father and as I watched the screen I noticed that Ra used his enhanced mode to finish of his regeneration.

I suddenly focused my gravity and warped my ship over the area where Ra had resurrected.

Ra was flying in the air in a bright orb of light, I stepped out onto a ramp and called out "I am Horas Ra your son please come with me!"

The bright orb flew up to my face and said "Very well my son thank you for bringing me a ship let me take this ship to receive the other immortals."

I didn't have time to explain everything when Ra pulled out a controller and swiped it against the panel near my ships entrance.

I sighed and said "2 of the great 5 have betrayed all immortals and as a result I have issued the order to stop all the great 5 from meeting."

Ra sighed and said "Child I'm the greatest immortal ever so you should understand that I'm to be obeyed. You likely don't know this but I am ranked 1 among all immortals."

I spoke up saying "You are the one hundred and eighty second immortal to be revived and I'm currently Rank 1 with creation as my power."

Ra looked at me with shock and looked down at his hand and asked "Why won't this ship over ride by the command device, and how long have I been incapacitated."

I looked back at Ra and said "Give me a moment I will take us into Mount Fuji and we can talk to the other immortals, I will bring Cronos to catch up with you in a few days time."

I warped the gravity again and the ship was before mount Fuji at which point Ra seemed to turn pale in the face as he likely realized he had been superseded.

I touched the panel and Mount Fuji started its opening sequence, at this point Ra asked me in a shocked tone "What did you do to the other great 5 immortals?"

I replied to the question with "I will explain everything to you this weekend when I arrive. For now let's just say that its complicated."

Ra watched as the ship started its landing procedure and had his guard up, I then said "I defeated Alexander ages ago and now my fight is with Zeus so don't be so stressed once she is destroyed we likely won't have problems again."

Ra seemed to shudder at the idea and then he said "Why would you fight 1 of the great 5 immortals we are all each other has, as immortals..."

I had been oblivious to idea of comradery between the immortals after all I had barely spent time with them.

Ra then seemed to ponder for a few seconds and said "Treason receives no mercy do what you must."

My fears and confusion faded away at that statement and I turned around and embraced Ra saying "It's so good to meet my father at long last."

Ra was oddly not returning the hug and who could blame him after all, 10000 years had passed and his infant son was a man fighting his dear companions.

The landing area only had a handful of immortals and 1 ran off the moment he saw myself and Ra.

I released my embrace and Ra looked at me with an awkward smile on his face.

In the next moment a loud cheer could be heard by the immortals as they scream "Hail the greatest immortals Horas Ra and his father Ra of Eden."

Ra placed an arm around my shoulder and gave me a light embrace as he suddenly seemed to ease up.

I suspected that Ra had treated me with suspicion due to having just met me, the immortals were once more excited and took Ra with them as they started catching him up on the era.

A female immortal came up to me and said "Do not be so distressed your father has only just met you and it will take time for him to understand the dynamics of a father and son after all he has killed his own father thousands of times."

My father stood over the stasis pods he had in his crypt over in Japan inside the pod lay my mother Zeus in a stasis mode to prevent her waking up.

Despite her slowed state the stasis was failing on her and by the estimation I had made Zeus would revive in a matter of days and in the worst case hours.

I didn't know how to confront my father about his odd behaviour, I needed my father to drop his concern over Horas and allow me to call him over to destroy my mother before her revival.

The future of the entire planet now lay in my ability to reason with my father so I said "Dad are you feeling alright ever since Purgatory you have been behaving odd?"

My father looked at me with a look of surprise and said "My emotions were unhinged and I was forced to face myself. Maybe I lost to my pride or maybe I feared my dependency on Horas after all he isn't my child. I will overcome these emotions after we destroy Zeus."

My father seemed capable to bare the truth and I said "We need to get Horas over here right away Zeus will revive soon and there is nothing that can be done to stop that from happening."

My father roared with anger and frustration as he likely felt defeated by the circumstances of this situation then he said "Very well we shall rely on Horas once more."

I stepped out of the room and then I heard my father crying in disappointed as he could no longer fight back the swelling emotional pain.

My suit struggled to find Horas for a few seconds then I realized Horas was at Mount Fuji.

I called Horas and when he picked up I heard the immortals cheering for Ra and Horas meaning Ra had revived.

I spoke saying "We have a situation my father has my mother in stasis and we need to destroy her before she returns to consciousness."

Ra had tagged along with me as I left the confines of Mount Fuji.

I had argued that Ra was not used to the world however Ra did not concede so I was forced to take him with me.

Cronos had a crypt next to Tokyo in the middle of nowhere, we were heading there with haste and worse still would be the news I had for Cronos with Ra having a control device it meant that Zeus was most likely partnered with Gaia, Isis was a possibility but it was extremely unlikely considering what Hathor knew.

The ship had finally arrived and Ra followed me of the ship towards Cronos's crypt and standing outside the crypt was Hathor and Cronos.

Cronos had an expression of despair as he saw me standing side by side with Ra, Hathor then asked "Is Ra clear?"

I dropped my head and said "He has a control device meaning his clear since Zeus's accomplice gave Alexander a control device."

Cronos dropped to his knees and broke down in tears he now knew that Zeus could have only 1 accomplice and that was Gaia his second wife.

I stepped over to Cronos and said "Nothing has been proven as yet we could still be wrong and her accomplice could be someone else."