Chapter 6 part 4 Immortal tribunal

Ra spoke saying "So this will be tribunal and sentencing? Will Cronos serve as Judge or will you seek a separate representative."

I than spoke up saying "No I'm here to execute Zeus before she is a threat again."

Ra suddenly burst out yelling "We are immortals who setup the order of law how could you violate it all and simply sentence her."

Cronos suddenly spoke up "Ra your rule is ended. Your son passed your law now you break your own laws."

Ra started emitting a light beam in his hand and I then said "Zeus is guilty she tried to stop all the immortals from reviving and tried to destroy the 3 of us so there will be no need for a trail. When I was a child I remembered that you would execute traitors the moment the evidence was enough to prove involvement."

Ra shrugged his shoulders and said "Very well I challenge to have the right of judgement!"

Cronos interrupted again and said "Are you insane you will destroy the entire system plus if Horas fights you it will end up being your permanent end."

Hathor chipped in with "Lord Ra, Horas has no limits to his power if you force him to fight you the entire solar system might go along with everyone else."

I sighed as Ra was being stubborn and said "Okay I will accept the challenge but with the condition we can only use enough power to destroy a human body."

Ra shrugged his shoulders and said "I will concede the challenge provided you agree to at least hold a trail of reason between the 4 of us here."

I was reluctant to agree however I had no choice and said "Very well let's hold a trail of reason. Please explain the procedure."

Cronos sighed deeply and said "A trail of reason determines if there is a use to the action you choose in the end you must cast several verdicts of reason and if the person is found innocent in any charge they are spared punishment. Zeus has passed 3 trails by reason so just note it Horas."

Ra now spoke and said "Was her reason for the attacks 1 of reason?"

Hathor answered saying "My mother planned to rule over the immortals her reason for the attack was for power."

Ra then interjected "Zeus lost a child at Horas's hands so would she not be justified to seek vengeance."

I then countered "Alexander was guilty of the crimes murder and rape. His death was a sentence of justice, therefore his mother could seek no vengeance for him. Further more Alexander had killed the children of other immortals making him an invalid reason."

Ra then stated "Zeus is a master of exotic particle weapon should the Etherious ever attack us we may need her to adjust the weapon."

Cronos then replied saying "Horas has secured himself in the 5 most powerful beings among the Etherious therefore they will not fight us."

Everyone remained silent for almost 30 seconds and then Ra said "She could tell you who her accomplice is and your problems would be resolved."

I instantly interjected "She loses nothing by lying and would give us false leads to gain more time or hurt other immortals."

I needed her base of operation to rescue Cleopatra however the problem was that Zeus could not be allowed to gain consciousness.

The silence continued for 2 minutes and Cronos declared "The trial concludes and we have to reason to stay her death sentence."

Next Hathor spoke up saying "I conclude we have reason to stay her death sentence."

I then said "I agree to stay her death sentence."

Finally Ra sighed and said "I hereby do conclude that Zeus will be the first immortal to die."

The ground shook and a bright thunderbolt escaped to the sky, Cronos's crypt had been decimated Zeus flew out and had escaped.

Everyone had their eyes fixed on me as if they were waiting for me to give chase I looked back and said "I can't fly at the moment we will have to hope my father can give chase."

Ra turned into a bright white light and vanished as he gave chase to the thunderbolt.

Cronos sighed and said "I'm sorry Horas I delayed the process and was being foolish. I thought I could take action instead of relying on you in the end I may have ruined all your hard work to save the planet."

I put my hand on Cronos's shoulder and said "You endured hell like training by my side and have supported me from the moment we met. Any time you need my aid I will come I don't care about the burden because my life only gained joy thanks to your family."

Hathor then added "Our family has also caused you the greatest trouble of all time. Alexander and Zeus are from Cronos's family."

It may have been seen as a painful jab but I understood that Hathor was trying to remove the root of the guilt and then I said "We don't choose our family some may hurt us and others may betray us. The only thing we are responsible for is our own actions and not those of our family."

Cronos suddenly embraced me the same way I had embraced Ra and said "Thank you Horas for being such a wonderful man."

The 3 of us sat in the crater as my ship flooded the crypt with nanotechnology and then I said "Ra can't capture Zeus and we haven't experienced any clashes of power yet our main hope to take down Zeus is Yuri since I can't fly. We may have to go get her and then continue the pursuit. If Zeus escapes we may have to plan to evacuate the planet."

Cronos sighed and said "Zeus likely has escaped Ra, now he likely understands the seriousness of the situation."

Hathor then said "Isn't Ra weaker then Zeus. So if she shocked him couldn't she end up catching him."

In that instant we panicked and I grabbed hold of both Hathor and Cronos and warped to my ship then warped the ship back to the mansion.

Cronos then said "Please warn us before you do that it feels so awkward that I need to adjust to it."

We ran into the mansion at max speed and then I said "Hathor please give me 2 minutes with Yuri before you come in I need to see how she is doing before we force this mission on her."

Hathor sighed and said "I've been fixing the 3 of you so take me with you since you haven't recovered from the emotional trauma yet."

I knew Hathor was correct and nodded as we finally arrived at Yuri's door.

I put my hand to my ear and said "Illumanati order apocalypse."

I knocked on the door and Yuri said "Come in!"

Myself and Hathor walked in and Hathor said "Zeus is back and there is a ton more to explain come with us quickly we need you to pin Zeus so Horas can catch her and destroy her."

Yuri stood up straight and smiled saying "Let's go kick that bitches ass."