Chapter 6 part 5 Tragedy and farewell

The entire night had been spent hunting for Zeus and Ra.

Fortunately for us we found Ra within 4 hours as he was chasing lightning strikes hoping to find Zeus.

It absolutely surprised me that Ra was not captured by Zeus as she was now far more powerful.

Horas suspected that Zeus wanted to evade combat to avoid him surprise attacking her with creation and somehow destroying her.

Zeus only needed to destroy the planet to accomplish most of her plan since that would flush out all the immortals then she could destroy all of them.

Yuri and Hathor were in a panicked mood as they tried to figure the next course of action.

Earth needed an evacuation plan and between the 4 of us it needed to be in acted while separating the immortals from the remainder of humanity.

My mind had started clearing from the emotional cloud the Etherious had placed on us, despite all my experiences I had never realized the power the Etherious commanded.

If the Etherious viewed immortals as a threat despite their immense powers that meant we truly were terrifying.

Their creation power could wither us away but we would reform and then there were Etherials who commanded even greater power to the point that they could vaporize us for centuries at a time and then we found out that if an immortal had that power they could kill other immortals.

Horas was now on the verge of surpassing the Etherious then he would enter the power realm of the Etherials and humanity will vanish from the universe.

Horas had been unusually calm as he kept hunting for Zeus, he knew my mother could destroy the planet however without the planet things would become complex.

Immortals could fight in the void of space however only fire and light could move freely when gravity is out of the picture.

Electricity was the greatest attack power in space with wind being the second most useful power for assaults.

Horas held the advantage in space fights so it was possible that Zeus didn't want to face him head on and would try to emotionally destabilize Horas.

Taking his father could be a perfect move or to hold me as a hostage could serve the purpose, in Zeus's possession lay 1 more ace my niece Cleopatra.

As I pondered the actions my mother took I realized just 1 other option remained Zeus was waiting for her partner to help.

Horas put a hand on my shoulder and said "Don't stress about the people of earth a planetary evacuation has been issued through the Illumanati all we need to do is buy a day to save most of humanity."

I replied "I'm actually stressed about my mother's strategy. Evacuating earth was something I hadn't considered after all there is no habitable world for humanity."

Horas then replied "There is a system being terraformed out there from before the immortals fall."

My father then spoke saying "That's impossible the only immortal who could possibly have planned the next settling is Gaia and if she planned the next planet Zeus would simply destroy this system and head that way unless Gaia isn't Zeus's accomplice."

Horas sat down and then he said "Let's add chaos to Zeus's plans and revive Isis and Gaia."

Ra suddenly spoke up saying "Why would you increase the difficulty of your objective?"

Horas replied "If Zeus no longer has to wait for her partner we don't have to hunt for Zeus plus I could turn this entire system into a black hole with creation and destroy Zeus permanently. I just need to fire a beam of power at the sun."

Cronos interjected suddenly saying "Only the creation orb can destroy an immortal. I understand that several immortals were temporarily destroyed by regular creation but there is no way to make that death permanent." Horas sighed and said "There is a way for me to use the orb even now however I need to keep it secret."

I knew what Horas implied he would use his swords to draw out his power and choose to not mention it before Ra.

Horas suddenly looked down at the panel before him and said "We taking Ra back to Mount Fuji, then Cronos will revive Gaia and I will revive my mother."

Ra suddenly spoke up saying "You need the power to override the primary defence shield plus there is the labyrinth to navigate and Isis left her pets down there."

Ra continued to argue with Horas saying that he should not open the great pyramids since he was the only 1 who could complete the task.

Horas then showed a small ray of light being emitted from his hand.

Horas opened up the coms inside Mount Fuji and said "All immortals prepare for destruction of this planetary system a ship will arrive here in 25 minutes board it and prepare for relocation, all outward bound immortals to return immediately our current enemy is the former great 5 Zeus. You will not be heading to a habitable planet so please note that if Zeus evades me or is destroyed in a manner that allows her to reform we will wait in the vast nothing for her."

Ra left the ship and in the next instant we took off.

I looked around me as confused and puzzled looks dotted the faces around me and then I said "Ra may still be the traitor! After we picked him up I noticed he had given chase and it's pretty much impossible for light to lose to electricity. The other problem was when Cronos said I needed the creation orb Ra powered up slowly as if he intended to destroy us so I exposed that I had a trump card without saying what it was.

If Ra leaves Mount Fuji then we know his the traitor however if we revive Gaia and she can prove her innocence the final proof lies with Isis. The control device Ra has could be hers and to confirm that all we need to do is unite Ra and Isis."

My stomach turned as a sad feeling engulfed me soon my home would be part of a ploy to save the universe.

Hathor suddenly hugged me and said "How are you feeling Horas?"

I was struggling with channelling my emotions and I suddenly broke down into tears saying "They are my parents. Why is it my parents caused me so much pain. Why do I not get a father or mother."

I knew in my heart that Ra was likely the traitor and I knew I had to destroy him to stop more trouble down the line.

Yuri then spoke up as she put her hands on my face saying "You will do whatever you need to do so prepare for whatever you want to do."

The ship had disengaged its cloaking technology as we suddenly descended into the Hiroshima crypt.

Horas explained that the base was already filled with millions of people and that after disembarking the ship most of them were heading to his super huge vessel while the few Illumanati members were heading back out.

We had just started leaving the ship when we saw Amun standing before the ship.

Amun instantly said "Cronos and Hathor follow me Yuri and Horas say your good byes to everybody you won't see them for an extremely long time. Yuri and Horas no questions or conversation continue as instructed."

Hathor burst into tears at this news and reluctantly Horas hugged me saying "It has been an honour to have been by your side Lord Cronos of Titan. Please take care of Hathor while I'm gone make sure she lives her life till I return!"

Tears were pouring down Horas's face as he approached Hathor, he moved her hair of her face and in a whimpering cry said "I will miss you no matter it be a day or years I will never forget you and when I'm gone move on with your life and be happy."

Yuri hadn't said a word she had collapsed into tears as she sunk to her knees and from behind her, her father spoke saying "Daughter do your duty no matter the price. Fight along side your hero Queen of the mortals."

Amun gestured silence and gave Horas a cold stare to which Horas suddenly spoke "Authority unlimited access grant to Cronos Titan and Hathor Cronos!"

The computer on the ship suddenly announced "order successful!"