Chapter 6 part 6 Hathor’s awakening

Yuri and Horas had left us in tears as soon we would be parted for a considerable amount of time.

Amun had remained silent till finally the ship had exited the hanger as soon as that happened Amun said "They will only be gone for 30 years and all of you will see them again however for them it will be thousands of years possibly even tens of thousands of years. Horas isn't ready for the fight his about to face and Yuri will need to cover him when he goes to a last ditch effort. Horas and Yuri will end up in a different place while Ra and the immortals in Mount Fuji will be stuck in an event horizon. Inside the event horizon time will be dilated tremendously and they won't even know that they were stuck in time for 20 years. Hathor, you and Cronos will remain with humanity till Ra finds you then you will retrieve Horas and Yuri. This is all I can tell you but understand I only can see the future when the future has set to its course if you intervene in this future results may become far worse. Okay all of you have work to do so I'm going to head of with the refugees."

I suddenly spoke "Amun what did you mean by Horas and Yuri would end up in different places?"

Amun said "Yes I saw this coming…"

A gunshot splattered Amuns head across us and the entire crowd around us stared on in a shocked daze as the man scream "You bastard how could you. I've lost my daughter thanks to you."

Several officers ran in and tackled the man to the ground and still nobody moved.

1 officer looked over at us and said "Can I please explain what has happened here?"

Hathor and the king nodded in unison and then the officer said "Amun didn't do any thing wrong. The man who shot him was a kidnapper who has had a girl captive for 10 years in his house. When the ship arrived the man evaded arrest and Amun told us that he would soon part from us so we need to tell the people present at his death what had transpired. Please help us carry his body so those he had saved can pay a last respect."

The king dropped into a kneel and said "My family thanks you Amun sage of incarnation."

I then spoke "I Cronos wish you a peaceful death in your next life Amun the despair of Eden."

The officer looked at me with a distasteful look in his eyes and then Hathor said "Amun has many names so bare with us since my father has known Amun for billions of years. I personally knew Amun as the first sin. We all know him in truth so we all are correct."

The king stood up and said "Amun was also called the demon caller in the early days of our empire so please don't take offense."

I was now more depressed then anyone could ever imagine my entire life would be gone for 30 years and all I had was the hope that he would return to me.

I don't know how or why but as my father and I hoisted Amun's body a power awoke in my body.

The entire room went blank and my consciousness was sucked away into a black oblivion.

The place where my consciousness was in, was pitch black and in the next moment a light appeared descending from above me.

The light finally took shape it was Amun, he walked right past me and then he turned back to me and said "Hathor Cronos true love of Horas Ra let me introduce myself I am Amun Ra. The first killer, father of house Ra, Eden's despair and lastly the Harrold of the infinity labyrinth. At this point you likely lifted my dead body and have gone berserk so when you wake up tell Cronos resonance metal. Right now I will answer your questions so ask away."

I was a bit stunned and asked "Don't you already know my questions?"

Amun laughed loudly and said "I know only the occurrences of the world we live and interact in. This world you have entered belongs to your power it extends to before existence and after existence. Within this space only you know what is to come and you need to know this your power is called dark creation since you can choose the outcome for those who command creation."

I was still shocked and said "How many beings command creation?"

I couldn't hold any larger conversations since I was so shocked and then Amun said "There is 1 in our universe however saying that Horas is the only being to command creation would be wrong since it gets more complicated when you enter the dimensions labyrinth."

The answer only made me ponder even more and finally I exclaimed "Teach me to use this power."

Amun sighed and said "Only Horas has that ability since he can create the control. He still hasn't figured out that he himself is the immortal life force of the universe while you are the memory of the universe. By the way Yuri is special as well for now I will keep it a secret but you will know when the time comes unfortunately its time for me to reincarnate again."

Hathor had grabbed the cuff of Amun and in the next instant she was totally berserk. Hathor threw a punch at me and with it was so much force that I had to enhance myself to full power.

Hathor had never exhibited such massive power before and worse still she had no consciousness guiding her actions.

I had tried to pin Hathor down however she was much stronger then me almost on the same level as Horas.

If I couldn't defeat her I could contain her in the crypts nanotechnology.

I instructed the technology through the neurological controls and with each passing heavy blow we were being contained.

The hits got heavier and heavier till Hathor stopped punching me and said "Resonance metal!"

I was happy to have my daughter back to normal and then I asked "Why did you lose control?"

Hathor was standing over me ready to land her next punch and she said "According to Amun my power is dark creation, it's a power that controls the outcome of creation. So when I touched the resonance I left my body and entered in to my power."

I looked at Hathor to make sure she was fully in control and said "Disable defence."

The nanotechnology that had sealed us in slowly sunk into the floor and Hathor stood up straight dropping out of the stance she had for hitting me.

I walked over to Amun's body and pulled of his cuff link believing that 1 day it may come in useful for Hathor.

We were rushing about the base Horas had built making sure everything was in order when over the communication channel we heard "Mount Fuji just exploded with light, there appears to be some light killing everyone heading west."

My father grabbed my shoulder and said "You going to have to delay Ra, I can't put up a good fight against him plus he likely has enhancements like Zeus. You may be the only person here who could at least fight him properly and help save lives."

I looked at my father and said "I don't know how to use that power."

My father lifted a tiny little cuff link and said "This is your resonance metal if you use this you could enter your enhanced state while fighting Ra. You won't win the fight however you will buy us time to save people. If I'm correct his heading towards Horas and Yuri to prevent Isis from being resurrected."

It made perfect sense now that I thought about it Isis was the former second greatest immortal and could throw a wrench in the plans Ra and Zeus had.

I was nervous never had I even managed to block my mothers attacks, now I'd have to literally take to the offensive against a man far greater then she was.

My father and I ran towards a ship that had just arrived and we told the Illumanati members using the ship "Take us to light that's killing people we intend to delay it so you can save people in his path. I warn you even with the delay tactic you may still die."

The crew of the ship reluctantly agreed and started changing course giving the vessel that was in charge of that region orders to take their region.

The moment we got outside we could see the destruction caused by Ra, a massive cloud of dust had formed where he had attacked and Hathor looked terrified as she gazed on to the path of destruction.

I looked over to my daughter and said "We are immortals and if you want a reason to fight remember everything your mother did to you and remember that this is how you throw a wrench in her plans."

Hathor seemed to take up stance to jump out of the ship so I said "Grab this as you jump you should go completely berserk and attack the greatest threat you sense."

Hathor got ready to run and jump and then the computer on the ship announced "Drop zone detected deploy now!"

Hathor ran grabbed the cuff link and started falling to the earth.

In all honesty I wanted to join Hathor in combat however I may just become a distraction and help Ra instead of delay Ra.

A piercing scream could be heard ripping through the air and I knew Hathor had started her combat.

The ship pulled up to a town 14 kilometres ahead of the path of destruction and we started grabbing every person we could find and getting them on board.

Most talking was inaudible as the loud thunderous explosive sounds came from the battlefield.

We had advanced to nearly 50 kilometres when suddenly a thick beam of light blasted to the sky escaping combat, Hathor had bought Horas 36 hours and sadly that was all we could contribute to the struggle.