Chapter 6 part 7 Infinite labyrinth secrets

I had grabbed the tiny pin out of my father's hands and as I fell to the ground everything went black once again.

There was nothing once more and then I suddenly saw small white lights appearing before me.

Each white light had what appeared to be a window and no matter how close I got they all remained purely white.

I kept pressing up against an almost impossible number of windows when I remembered seeing Amun in this place and window cleared up showing the world from the stand point of a baby.

I realized then that it was Amun as he was right this second.

Reincarnation was an endless cycle of death and rebirth and I then pressed myself against another window and focused.

I saw Amun on Olympus he was walking through the streets and then he suddenly jumps into action saving several kids 1 of them was my first love Horas.

The window kept going and suddenly everything changed Horas fell to the road and had his head was crushed by a landing ship.

The image skips forward to the end of Olympus and in that moment Ra and Zeus kill Alexander and kiss while all the other immortals are torn to shreds.

I backed away from the glass and realized the white windows were the prophecies Amun made or gave.

I started attempting to count the windows and they went on to eternity as far as I could tell.

I sat cross legged on the floor and focused on Horas and suddenly grey light appeared in a loop around Amun's windows.

I started to walk against the windows and the grey windows were now in a straight line.

I put my hand on the grey window and the entire place started to shiver and shake as wild energy flew through the space.

I looked at the window and saw Horas fighting against hordes of people then he threw a creation orb and sucked in the enemy and corrected the land.

The window suddenly regained control of itself and pushed me back violently slamming me into the ground.

I knew at that moment that Horas had extreme amounts of power connected to him making it dangerous to interact with his memories.

I started to think about Yuri and nothing appeared so I decided to focus on my father and small red windows appeared all about the place.

I had only started pondering what Amun had told us when suddenly a tunnel appeared in the ground.

I started walking down the tunnel and to my surprise the entire place changed.

The sky was not blue and in the environment were ripped up pieces of earth floating about as if gravity had been destroyed.

In the air were 4 beings fighting, 2 beings were attacking a lone dark figure while the second figure attempted to prevent the rapid attacks.

In the background the sun had started to change colours as it began turning bright white the figure trying to disrupt the rapid attacks got blasted to the ground right next to me.

It was Yuri and she didn't even see me instead she charged up to fight once more and jumped head first into a blast.

The entire world suddenly turned dark and I was shot out of the tunnel back into the labyrinth of windows.

I didn't understand what was going on and decided to view Amun's memories in hopes of finding an answer.

Each white window now faded and only 5 remained bright likely meaning this is what you seek.

I walked up to the first panel and suddenly I was looking at a shore line with rocks all about.

Amun had sat an a large rock on this vast open beach and then he said "Hathor Cronos master of the infinite labyrinth do you wish to know something?"

I was shocked and as I was trying to speak no sound came out.

Amun chuckled and said "Yes you don't understand how this power works and let me explain that this is called memory walking its rare for anyone to sense you or notice you in this plain of existence all the Demons and Angels can see and interact with you if they see you so bare that in mind. Your power is the ability of memory of all time past, present and future if you use it for education you must understand that you control the time it takes for you to view these memories. Every second in the labyrinth is determined by your will, however if you accelerate the perception to far the labyrinth will zap away your strength.

In combat you can focus on yourself and the fight you started and you can control your power from inside the labyrinth I'd suggest that every second in reality be 5 hours in the labyrinth while fighting. In terms of creation level powers you can only use 1 like most beings so you must choose what you will use. I know that this will sound kind of strange but Horas can change the element you use in combat plus he is the only person who can grant you the power of the creation orb. After this fight you will be exhausted so I suggest you find the element you choose and bask in it to replenish your power. Now this is all for now I have matters to attend to."

The white window was now before me and 3 more lights illuminated my path.

I readjusted my flow of time in the labyrinth and started walking to the next window and placed my hand on it.

Once more I was in a memory however this time I was on a planet that seemed extremely odd.

The ground was white and radiant with small houses and a horizon that seemed to be infinite.

I looked around and there was Amun he sat with his eyes closed and said "Hathor Cronos of the past. I suggest you find yourself she will answer your questions here."

I wondered about the landscape and noticed what looked like tiny mounds on the surface.

I walked over towards them and that is when I spotted Yuri who looked me straight in the eye and said "Go to the furthest mound down this path inside on the right you are waiting."

Yuri ran off gleefully and I followed her instructions.

I looked at myself dressed in a beautiful plain white dress that was as radiant as the sun, the dress was absolutely with no alterations on it whatsoever.

The future me sat on the floor and said "You want to know what power to pick. You will be fighting Ra who uses light so your best weapon would be creation gravity. I warn you that this power has side effects even at this level so brace for a lot of difficult times ahead. On that note you will likely be wondering what the other 2 windows are and I'm going to tell you that the first is an instruction on how to use the power while the second is instructions on how to bask in its power. You only have a few short minutes in this time so I suggest you imagine gravity till you leave."

I closed my eyes and imagined the immense force of gravity the entire room began rumbling then I was back in the black space.

I wondered to myself what was it that I had experienced as I definitely couldn't exert gravity as force without a body.

I walked over to the third window and I noticed that I had the sensation of being hit hard in the chest.

I had to rush through this or I would get nowhere.

The memory opened and I was in a field lush and green continuing as far as the eye could see.

In the middle of the field was Yuri and myself training, it was another me from another moment in time. I approached the 2 and then I heard the voice of Amun say "You will not speak to yourself today just listen to what they say to each other."

I listened attentively and future me said "How in the world did you master the junction power." Yuri dropped into the grass and I heard "It's similar to gravity control, you imagine the weight and pour the power in however its like when we had power limits so you need to be mindful of how much power you dedicate.

I can't use Horas's Supreme decahedron to control my powers and its so weird to know that…"

the memory cut off and I was back in the black space.

I walked over to the final window and when I entered it Horas was standing before me.

Horas wore a black cloak with a black swat uniform beneath his clothing and stood before Amun saying "Amun you need to hold on while I talk to Hathor from the past you know how important this is."

Amun didn't speak as blood poured from his mouth.

Horas then said "Gravity is always weak you can bask in it near black holes with astrophysical jets. You sit between the disk and jet and the gravity is overwhelming so all you do is absorb it and accelerate you speed of learning in here. On that note I love you and remember to enter the black space mediate on your power…"

I was back in the infinite labyrinth and knew I had to use all I had learnt.