Chapter 7 part 1 Hathor vs Ra

There was no time to waste all I had to do now was focus on the fight I was in.

I was focusing on the fight and a window appeared I kept focusing and still I had no control.

I remembered that I had to be specific while concentrating and as I did that I could see the world around me.

In front of me there was a bright light about to hit me and I decided to use gravity to slow the light unfortunately this was not a simple task and my physical strength started to drain rapidly so I stopped and had barely got out of the way.

Ra was in full enhanced state and launched light waves at me 1 after the other.

I had been slowly experimenting with the power and had used the gravity to weigh Ra down, making me seem faster and this was far lighter then slowing down light beams.

Ra seemed to be getting frustrated as he was being evaded by me.

Ra kept up his endless barrage of attacks and it was then that I realized I can't keep this up for more then a few hours I needed to use small bursts of gravity.

I dodged to the right and released Ra from the gravity which caused him to stumble it was at this point that he said "You have gravity powers bravo too bad they drain power like crazy."

Ra had guessed right but I did not reply instead I remembered what Horas had done with creation fire and decided to alter the environment.

A punch darted to my face and all I did was blast out a gravity wave turning the ground around us into a swamp.

Ra stumbled and seemed somewhat surprised as he smashed into the ground.

In the next strike that he attempted I drew gravity to his face and punched him however it seemed to do no damage.

Ra laughed hysterically and said "All you can do is dodge, to bad!"

Ra jumped up into the air and started flying and the infinite labyrinth showed me how to stop his escape.

I opened a gravity point above him causing him to reverse his flight pattern then in a huge burst of gravity I pulled him through buildings.

Ra had become frustrated and started launching light beams at me in an endless sequence.

I bent the light and redirected it away all this did was aggravate Ra even more.

He suddenly exploded into a pillar of light then his form seemed changed as he had powered up and said "Very well let's see how you fair now."

Ra was now so fast that even with 1 second turning into 5 hours to plan and act was not enough.

I made a gravity point just above me as he got close and full force punched him in the gut.

This time Ra flew backwards from the impact and put up his defence for the follow up attack.

I hadn't capitalized my advantage and Ra was back on his feet and seemed to be strategizing his next attack.

I needed to do more damage and keep Ra completely focused on me to buy time that was all I had to do.

I decided now that petty tricks would help me more and as Ra sprung in action I weighed down only his big toe causing him to tumble over and I ran in to strike him from the side.

Ra seemed to see me coming and launched a light beam to stop me I deflected the light beam away and before it hit a wall I deflected it back to Ra.

The blast skipped Ra on the newly formed swamp like a rock across water and then Ra looked up and tried to fly away once more instead of pulling him up I decided to pull him to the side and make his organs super heavy.

Ra scream with pain as he crashed through another building he had bent over to try and fight the rapid burst pain and it was then I realized I could really hurt Ra by destroying his internal organs using gravity to implode them.

The fight was now going for just a few minutes and the attacks kept coming my way while I contemplated how much power I had to conserve to keep the fight going I only had an hour of delays in me then I'd have to release Ra.

I kept going only using gravity for the slightest of tricks and Ra had started countering my attacks forcing me to stay on the defensive even longer.

I hadn't had a moment to view the environment around me and as Ra broke through my defences I used gravity on the inside of his eye balls bursting them like balloons.

Ra pulled his hands to his eyes and I jumped back and noticed that in the distance things were moving far faster.

Ra had been so preoccupied with our fight he to likely didn't realize the swamp was a gravity terrain effect and as a result it had dilated time around us.

I had likely lasted hours in this fight despite my slow time perception all I had to do was either increase the swamps effects or just keep this up.

Ra got up and charged at me so I burst his knee and drove my foot into his face which resulted in his leg tearing apart.

I pushed in to follow up the attack and as a light beam came my way I fully redirected it to Ra's face.

The light beam struck Ra in the face and he dropped out of his powered state causing my vision to have bright spots spread through out it.

The sound of people running and a sudden beating could be heard followed by the splashing impact back into the swamp.

My eyes had cleared of the bright spots and fighting along side me was Jupiter, and his wives Saturn and Uranus.

It didn't spark confidence being next to Saturn and Uranus the 2 had the mind-set of teenage boys exposed to women.

They would behave irrationally in any combat situation which made them extreme wild cards in a fight the only person who could count on them was Jupiter.

Jupiter called out to me "Hathor don't worry about Saturn and Uranus the 3 of us will only capitalize your advantages in this fight or help create openings. For now all you have to do is kick his ass."

Uranus scream "Don't worry Hathor my child we will feel you up after the fighting is done."

My skin crawled at the thought, it wasn't malicious or perverted the 2 immortals had grown up during an explore phase of humanity and had that as a foundation of being.

I spoke to Jupiter saying "I use creation class gravity so prepare to have an extremely difficult fight since you likely will be injured."

Ra attempted to blast me with a huge light blast and all I did was reflect it back at him blasting a hole through his body.

The gravity only had 2 offensive capabilities crush and black hole, unfortunately for me I could not use black hole.

Ra jumped into the fight over and over again and surprisingly he had managed to defend against us even when we attacked 4 against 1 Ra knew he had to get away from us to save Zeus.

This sequence continued for almost 50 minutes till finally I knew it was do or die.

I decided to splurge my energy and fight Ra who hadn't noticed the change of day to night.

I continued fighting and now I pressed the attack using gravity to both myself and Ra plus I reduced Ra's weight and increased my weight at the moment of impact.

The hit was so hard that Ra dropped his enhanced state, Jupiter got behind Ra and bashed in his head with a kick that sent him flying towards Saturn.

Saturn doubled kicked Ra in the chest sending him flying toward Uranus who kicked Ra between the legs up into the sky.

I pulled gravity between us and as Ra impacted into my punch I felt it my power had completely faded out.

I landed back on the ground and told Jupiter "We need to retreat I'm powerless now."

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and myself ran off taking cover behind some debris.

Ra regenerated and you could hear his bones snapping back into place then he turned back into his enhanced light state and shot of at that point I blacked out to the overwhelming fatigue.

I was now in the black place with no window leading out and as if the entire place had rebelled I was pulled from the infinite labyrinth and was now sound asleep.

I could feel Saturn and Uranus touching me everywhere but I could not open my eyes or even move my power had been depleted that far.