Chapter 7 part 2 Earth's end

The light had dashed away and avoided us as it definitely tried to head to counter Horas and Yuri.

The ship in the crypt was boarding people and we had approximately gathered over 300000000 people everyone else would now be abandoned as a fight of disastrous proportions was about to take place.

The evacuation would only have by my estimation 2 hours to complete and everyone who remained would be left in the crypt as the entire solar system would be destroyed.

I headed over to where the fight had been going on between Hathor and Ra and as we landed I noticed Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus.

The 3 had Hathor in hand and were tending to her as she was exhausted from fighting.

I stepped of the shop and Jupiter spoke saying "We fought at her side to buy some time however it looks like your daughter drained herself completely."

I looked over at my daughter and felt as if I had let her down once again considering the fact that I had taken on the easier task and charged my daughter with the duty of fighting a warrior of the highest stature.

Jupiter seemed puzzled and asked "Why didn't Ra go all out and destroy the planet? Wouldn't that have won him this battle?"

I answered "Horas implied he could trap Zeus in the solar system using creation if he had to so I suspect Ra decided in order counter that action he had to wait and catch Horas before he could use that power on the sun. Horas may have made a mistake in what he said because of me I revealed that Horas couldn't use a creation black hole to kill an immortal so Horas said he could create an event Horizon."

The flight back to the crypt was the last and I announced the evacuation of earth should be done immediately everyone obeyed in disgruntled and disappointed obedience.

As the ship flew to the crypt a large shockwave ripped through the air and the western horizon ignited in light as a large chunk of the earth had been destroyed.

The fight was now escalating between Horas, Yuri, Ra and Zeus.

As we finally started to land in the landing bay the ocean began to recede meaning the earth had shattered.

I had lived through this several times in the past and following the planetary shattering the disaster truly began.

The planet shattering would cause oceans to pull back and have great waves of heat and cold pass through people then balance would start fading in and out as gravity started to alter.

The planets rarely lasted past this point but a few did, and that's when lava came pouring from the sky blanketing regions followed by the magnetic field disappearing and concentrated light burning away everything but this was nothing next to the planet exploding.

Earth quakes would rip through the planet and no one would feel it till the entire crust rapidly stretches and the sudden remaining density or the planet core fades in an explosion that rips through space.

Only immortals survive disasters of this magnitude as most technology fails in the light of such power.

The entire facility started to rattle and shake as the chunk of land that Japan occupied was now blown of the planet.

I had just woken up and Saturn and Uranus had hoisted me up carrying me around with an arm behind each of their heads.

Saturn spoke for me in a childish manner telling people to make way while Uranus moved just my right hand side to gesture statements made by Saturn.

The people boarding the ship were in a panic as they shoved and pushed each other around, Jupiter could be heard scream saying "Stop pushing and just keep moving forwards everyone can get on board if you listen to the instructions! Follow the person in front of you with a single footstep between you! Children should stand between their parents and are excused for the breaking of rules however if an adult is caught breaking rules they will be sent to the back of the line!"

People moaned and groaned as they marched into the huge vessel that looked like nothing more then a full sized bunker.

I knew that time was likely not on our side and we had less then an hour to complete the boarding, my father stood near the entrance of the ship slowly shepherding everyone into order inside the ship.

I felt the rattle from some kind of disturbance outside and remembered what it felt like when the Olympus system exploded the waves shock up everything then suddenly came a burst of heat ripping ships to bits and scattering people all about.

In about 1 hour everyone was on board save the few who distrusted our advice and ran about to find things in the base.

The ship was no cake walk to control in fact this ship required 1 hour to complete primary ignition just to start up planetary escape thrusters.

It could be seen as fortunate or unfortunate the planet had been destroyed and we now stood on the bridge preparing to open the bay doors and then instantly warp of to the next solar system, I now had enough strength to walk on my own 2 feet and my father was busy reviving the immortal separated into pieces.

The fight outside was now moving venue as 4 lights could be seen on the screen before me traveling to Venus.

The earth was now tiny chunks of space dust a drift and I suspected that Horas spared no quarter when Ra arrived.

Horas likely tried to capture Zeus into a black hole and when that failed he likely tried to melt her away or electrocute her.

The major problem would have then been Ra entering and aiding the combat forcing him to stop pulling back and striking full force so that he could destroy the sun.

The ship rattled as the bottom of the base expended allowing the large vessel out, in a shocking appearance there stood an individual blasting open a path for the ship to jump into warp.

It was Isis, he beautiful features could be seen with every action and as the sun scorched her you could see the ray scatter from the tears flowing down her face.

Isis braced herself onto the ship and I opened the closest emergency hatch and watched the ship initiate countdown to warp.

We had 30 minutes to leave, Isis didn't seem to have noticed the door opening and only an immortal could retrieve her so I decided to fetch her myself.

The hallways were packed with people arguing and bickering over quarters inside the ship and this slowed my progress through the ship.

I had reached a point were a line of muscular men refused to grant anyone passage and I roared out "Get our of the way I'm the captain of this vessel and need to head to the other side of the ship to attend to some business."

The big man before me pushed his hand into my face and said "Too bad captain this ship is now the property of the United States government."

I punched the man back with a full force punched charged in and asked "Who is the leader here?"

A frail old man walked up to me and said "Missy I'm the Supreme leader of the people of earth so I'm in charge here if you have a problem with that too bad."

I had no choice and back handed his head off his shoulders and said "Anyone else wants to try to order the crew of this ship about."

Everyone dispersed and I started running again pressing hard to reach the hatch.

I had covered 3 quarters of the distance by now and then came people holding funerals before the hatch door.

The moment I tried to pass people pushed me back yelling that I had to wait my turn.

I stood up tall and scream "Let me pass I'm the captain of the vessel and need to help with something on the other side of that door."

A woman grabbed me by the collar and said "My children died to this disaster let us at least mourn the dead."

I ground my teeth in frustration and scream "Let me pass or you all can join the dead! Let us get put of this system to a safe spot then go about your foolishness!"

Everyone scattered from my path and the ship opened the doors leading to the hatch.

I ran as fast as I possibly could and not more then 15 minutes had passed now all I had to do was grab Isis and get her inside.