Chapter 7 part 3 Class 0 power origin

There was no gravity in space and all that remained of earth's gravity had been shattered to pieces.

Small chunks could hold slight gravity but earth had been completely turned to dust.

I tried to step on the outer haul but I drifted of moving forwards, my power was not returning at a good rate and I slowly drifted towards Isis with a cord attached to my waist.

The distance closed slowly almost like I was walking at a regular pace meaning in about 3 minutes I'd reach Isis, time passed by and the lack of air to breath was excruciating to endure and finally I was about 3 meters from Isis when I felt the cord around my waist tug me and in the next instant I was flying of away from Isis.

I scream as loud as I could and to my surprise no noise could be heard, I felt a slight vibration inside my body and then I realized I had no option but to pull myself back in and try again.

I had 10 minutes remaining to pull Isis into the ship and I had to think fast on how to reach her.

I launched of twice as hard and concentrated all my power to tug Isis towards me and as I reached her I tugged her with the gravity.

Isis dashed over towards me as she blasted a slight flame and I started to get dizzy from using the power.

Isis instantly grabbed the cord and pulled us in rapidly, we had managed to get into the door and I hit the closing mechanism.

My consciousness faded in and out and then the door panel turned red signifying that the warp had been engaged.

The ship ripped through space and I passed out.

Gaia had been left in 4 pods separated so that revival would be impossible and now they were reunited before me.

Horas had punched in a command to have the pods brought on board and now I would face my wife.

I pressed the button and the pod opened and Gaia stepped out and said "Cronos it's so nice to see you. How long have you had to wait? Is Zeus around because if she is I will lay low like normal."

I didn't embrace her or move to hold her.

I said "Zeus intended to dispose of all us and has partnered with Ra."

Gaia seemed to drop her gaze in disapproval and said "I'm sorry I didn't tell you but Zeus swore to tear our kids limb from limb if I ever uttered a word about her and Ra. She told me I could keep you when she took Ra and that all the other immortals would be disposed of."

I looked back at Gaia and said "You knew about all this madness! Do you know what she did to Hathor? My entire life had to cater to her genocidal personality and I witnessed her do terrible things over and over to countless people. If you warned me about this I could have stopped her."

Gaia smiled and said "I know you won't understand this but there is far more to this then what you know only myself and Isis know the hole truth."

The door behind me opened and Isis entered in and said "Sorry to intrude but there is a lot to talk about especially since there are secrets that need revealing."

I was back on the bridge and around me sat 3 of the former great 5 immortals, they had restored my power using a special technique that only Isis could perform.

Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus sat behind Cronos, Isis and Gaia and they all had been watching the carnage unfolding in the solar system where earth once stood.

Mercury, Venus and Mars had been totally destroyed while the planet Jupiter had been stretched and elongated in the fight currently unfolding on it.

Isis broke everyone's attention and said "We have important issues to discuss and along with the current issues are old issues pertaining to you Cronos. For now we need to find a home for humanity while we wait for my son and his wife to return to us."

I spoke up "Horas will not be returning now instead we plan to head to a planet Horas detected a few decades ago where our technology was present."

Isis shook her head and said "That planetary system is called Zatura in honour of its 2 future leaders. You need to find another planet and build up after my son and his wife joins us. I know it must be painful to look at my son since he resembles your previous love but don't hate him for that."

My father spoke up saying "Hathor is your sons first wife they have been married for over 3 decades and his new wife is just with him for a few short months. I have a secondary planet system planned for terraforming the problem is that the gravity there is much to high for the humans to adjust to it will take them at least 3 generations to adapt completely."

Isis sighed loudly and said "My son is yet another perverted horny bastard what a shame."

I stood in an almost fury and said "Horas is not a horny bastard. You know nothing of the situation stop judging us by your outdated laws."

Isis and I had fought over the old laws and new laws several times since I was much younger.

Isis had voted that I would not be allowed justice for my first love Horas back on Olympus since I was stabbed and I was immortal meaning that the murder was an accident.

Isis sighed and said "I do admit that some old laws have caused havoc in the past and we are still seeing there results. On Titan I refused Ra to marry Zeus and that is what brought about the crisis you see now."

The entire room seemed puzzled and all attention was on Isis as she explained "I'm 1 of 2 survives of the first world Eden from the family Osiris. All immortals on Titan are from the same family oddly enough. Osiris was the brother of Amun they were part of the first 14 humans ever. Both linages inherited power till Amun's family one day mixed with the blood of Osiris giving us Ra, about 500000000 years later I was born under the same circumstances only I was from the line of Osiris. My siblings were the ones taken to Titan by the Etherials in an Event we called the great calamity. Myself and Ra were the opposite sides of a war caused by the calamity and we all lived under the law Ra had established. Ra only dominated me by experience and then he managed to ascend to all new levels awakening a power completely. It took me 200000000 years to discover my own powers and awaken them. I insisted that Ra stop his campaign against the Etherials and have them return the humans they had taken however all this lead to was a war. Myself and Ra exterminated all of humanity in the end, and we fell in love and got married however we didn't have any other options and around the time I turned a billion years old the Etherials took the 2 of us to humanity on a world that was only half a billion or so years old.

Ra suppressed the immortals on this world and fell in love with a beautiful warrior women and asked me to allow him to marry her. I refused the request and she ended up marrying the second most powerful man. She killed her children in hatred of my actions and then decided to challenge me to be the second in charge and have my rule over turned. She failed and we had the immortal wars that lead to the leadership system we have now, eventually I fell pregnant and after the child's birth we had problems with a rebellion and were ordered to allow humanity to learn a lesson without us. Zeus challenged me and defeated me in my weakened state allowing her to be with Ra. I was then placed in stasis and would never be released and was told that if I were released I'd be free to do as I pleased."

Jupiter suddenly stood up said "Isis stop holding onto secrets Horas is the leader of immortals and has relinquished his authority to Hathor and Cronos."

I was surprised that Jupiter had learnt of that maybe on the ship to the crypt my father told Jupiter the entire story.

Isis laughed and said "Ra and I have the primordial strength because we were born on a primordial world and were born with primordial power. Dimensional energy can't be eaten or taken in by us so that type of power is beyond us and last but not least is the creation power of Etherials that ranks supreme. The last time it was possible to even inherit powers of class 0 was on Olympus in my garden via the yellow orchards, they were Etherials and Etherious blood grown plants. They died on Olympus so class 0 is unattainable."

I held my head and said "The lily plant I made was a hybrid of your plants and I purified it to produce 5 distinct effects. You fell pregnant due to the black lily since it strips you of regeneration or slows it down. In other words Horas has Etherials blood in his veins."

My father spoke up saying "I fell into Isis's garden the week before you were conceived Hathor."

It suddenly made sense to me why we had class 0 powers.