Chapter 7 part 4 Truth of the story

There once stood a star at the dawn of the universe it was absolutely unique as it had been trapped within gravity wells.

This star was called Eden, this star was unique as it had a plasma solid surface and beyond that it housed life.

3 races lived on this planet first was the most powerful beings of all the Etherials wielders of the creation orb the Etherials were only 1000000 in number and could never grow.

The second race of Eden were the Etherious a powerful and odd race who used the power of creation, this race held no dominance but an odd power that connected their minds, only 9 existed in the start of their race.

Last was the most feeble race of all 3 the human race numbering only 14 among the humans were 2 exceptional brothers Amun Ra and Osiris Apothus.

Amun was feeble in terms of power but was unbelievably resilient.

The 14 humans were broken up into 3 pairs of male twins and a solo male then 3 pairs of female twins and a solo female.

The solo male and female made the first pair and it had been decided among the twins that no 2 twins would share the exact same pairing so as to separate the blood lines as fear spread among them of a child born of both powerful boys blood.

Osiris was unusually strong and 1 day he decided to choose his mate and found his brother with the girl, unfortunately for him Amun had mated with the girl forbidding the pairing.

Osiris eventually was forced to pair with a weak ugly girl which lead to him being extremely bitter.

In the end Osiris murdered his twin in a jealous rage, that is where the true origin of the immortals began.

Amun's body did not decay or rot and an instant regret overcame Osiris.

Inspite of his actions Osiris pretended to be his brother and slept with his brothers wife.

Amun had 4 children with his wife and his brother had 1, a boy who resembled Amun exactly.

The child grew and 1 day at the age of 20 he killed Osiris in an act of vengeance as the child was the reincarnation of Amun.

Amun explained what had happened and revealed the truth to everyone however the blood lines had mixed as Amun had married and had a child within his clan.

Amun incarnated over an over again till eventually he inherited the powers of his original bloodline with his brothers bloodline.

Amun had a child with another member of the clan and named him Apotheosis Ra who would become the first immortal.

The secret of the first Amun had remained a secret from the rest of the clan.

The Osiris clan found out about Amun's child and the mixing of the bloodlines and attempted to exterminate the bloodline.

Amun survived the assault but the child had his throat cut in his sleep, Amun attempted to bury the child but by the time the grave had been dug the child was alive again.

Amun left the child at the age of 14 to find answers however the Osiris clan murdered Amun and then they faced the wrath of the child.

The child killed billions of humans and 8000 years after Amun had left he came to his child.

Amun had inherited 2 powers from his incarnation the first was prophecy and the second was the power of light.

The child became infuriated at his father when he asked him to stop his conquest.

The child learnt the power of light and murdered his father changing his name to Ra Eden.

Ra conquered all of humanity and grew his people till they occupied every inch of land and in an act of desperation Ra led a war against the Etherious killing millions of them leaving only the first 9.

Ra could not match the strength of the Etherious but his ability to regenerate surpassed their power and his conquest had taken 400000000 years.

Over the next passing of time humanity grew again and then came the clash with the Etherials.

The 9 original Etherious had begged the Etherials for help and the Etherials had stated that when humanity destroys Etherials their war would start.

Ra had killed the angel Samial and the Etherials removed 2 villages from Eden taking them to the planet Titan.

The Etherials destroyed humanity slowly till eventually a war broke out between humans.

The last descendants of Osiris had forgotten the sin of their bloodline and turned Amun to a monster this hatred was then used to fight Ra in an all out war that exterminated all of humanity leaving only 2 humans on Eden Ra and Isis.

Isis believed in absolute faithfulness and would 1 day come to love Ra and marry him.

Ra and Isis would be saved from the star Eden as it began to flare to life from its time dilation.

The angel Raphael would descend and take them to Titan telling them they were no longer the only immortals.

The angel then explained the power that was beyond them explaining both dimensional and class 0 to them.

The great 5 were then created in the wastes of Titan after Cronos had defeated both Gaia and Zeus.

Many battles and adventures plagued the great 5 including Zeus wanting to marry Ra.

The great Etherious war erupted along the way and Isis and Ra killed 4 of the 9 Etherious including the most powerful Etherious.

The angel Raphael intervened and negotiated several gallons of Etherials blood and Etherious blood for the release of the last 5 Etherious.

Using his power Raphael created a lower form Etherious female to reproduce the race.

Raphael had explained to the great 5 that only by growing in Etherious and Etherials blood could an immortal capable of destroying immortality be born.

Each of the great 5 interpreted the message differently.

Over the next few billions of years the blood was researched and Hathor managed to make 5 distinct infusions of the blood the black was an infusion of all 5 plants into 1 having massive negative effects that only immortals could withstand and the red lily that granted the power of an Etherials to a man temporarily.

The spider lily was a fortunate accident of cross pollination as a weed fertilized the plant.

The royal family of Japan were the children of Amun having ingested the red spider lily and impregnated his wife leaving a bloodline capable of mixing with an immortal on earth.

Amun had been privileged to the knowledge of the universe and had ensured that only the perfect future existed.

The moment in time that faced Yuri and Horas was engineered perfectly down to the finest detail as Amun had designed the labyrinth of the pyramids.

Amun had saved Horas of house Gaia and led him to meet Hathor so that she would extend the life of Alexander and lead the immortals to the birth of Horas Ra.

I was still infuriated with Isis and had been fuming as I turned back to the screen.

Jupiter started to pull back to normal however the entire planet seemed to be glowing from the internal heat and in the next few seconds beams of light scattered out in all directions and the planet exploded.

Four lights seemed to dart towards Saturn and then 2 lights vanished, in the next instant the sun itself began changing colour as it turned blue then white and then the 2 lights from Saturn arrived blasting away at each other across space.

It must have been hours that we sat there watching the fight however some space dust from earth had reformed into solid chunks and the 4 lights fought among the debris as I watched the distant outline it looked familiar to me and then everything in the solar system vanished as if it were an endless black abyss.

I couldn't help it the moment I witnessed the system vanish I dropped to my knees and started crying, my father had been busy with the Illumanati sorting out problems inside the ship as fights and people acting dominant had started becoming common place.

I had sat on the floor in tears for several minutes when I remembered that Horas would be back and I walked over to the main control panel and ordered the computer to open a channel with the entire ship at which point I said "Everyone on board this ship listen closely, on this ship are 6 beings who could exterminate you all so if you don't get yourselves in line you might as well say a prayer since we will kill you slow and painfully. If you think you have what it takes follow the red lights to the hanger and fight me for captaincy of this vessel."

My father looked at me and smiled then he said "You have no idea how badly I wanted to do that. The Illumanati kept saying it would be too hard to make people fall into line."

I looked back and said "I'm tearing out their guts and leaving them to bleed out to death. No one will challenge that type of fear."