Chapter 7 part 5 The life boat

The hanger was packed with bodyguards and their leaders and Hathor marched in and said "If you do not wish to die a slow painful death stay out of here!"

The men mumble and the guards pulled out their guns, before a trigger could be pulled Hathor vanished from their sight and all that they saw was arms flying in the air and their guts ripped out before them.

Several massive gangsters had been pushing to enter and when they saw the carnage in the room they simply fell back choosing obedience over death.

Several doctors stood at the door and as Hathor walked towards the door she said "If you help any of them your guts will join theirs."

I understood her actions however Hathor was not acting like herself, she walked of towards the bridge and the Illumanati reported that all fighting had died down with people peacefully requesting changes and staying out of any kind of combat.

The American contingent were all dead since they had chosen to attack Hathor, on the ship a movement had started to pass on a saying that all women were stronger then man.

The fact of the matter was that men and women each had their own strengths, Hathor was only the second strongest immortal after all and if she heard this would likely throw all the men and women into a bay and have them fight each other to pull out a result.

Isis had been chewing out my brain having me explain how ridiculously powerful her son is and the entire situation that had unfolded.

The first problem had been sorted and now I had to plot the course to the super earth I had previously discovered.

The control panel suddenly popped up a special protocol that read expand and replicate.

Horas had been to my crypt at some point in his life and it seems that he had taken the knowledge of terraforming and advanced it allowing his technology to terraform a planet in a few short months compared to my technology that needed almost a century to complete the task.

The ship itself was a terraforming platform and would thin out all walls to allow for the rapid process.

This meant that the stops I believed we needed were not necessary.

I started up the warp process on the ship and had decided to return to the others giving them an update.

I had just opened the door and found that Hathor and Isis were at odds again plus Gaia seemed to be at odds with both of them Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus seemed to side with Isis while still wanting to side with Hathor.

I walked up to the 3 and asked "What's going on?"

Hathor replied "Isis said we can't trust Amun his a murderous traitor so we should bust open the event horizon and rescue Yuri and Horas."

Gaia then said "Amun isn't always on our side he does things for purposes we can't tell if we rescue Zeus and Ra as well we may be able to negotiate a divide plan between all of us."

Isis then said "You don't understand what I know about Amun compared to you I know more about him."

I was about to chip in when Hathor said "I can view Amun's memories and find out the truth that way since all you going on is legends passed down through generations."

Jupiter brought the small cuff link to me and said "Okay settle this then."

My father seemed concerned but felt sure Isis could hold me if I lost control.

I held the cuff link and instantly took control of my body and started to view the corridor of Amun's memories I opened the memory of Amun killing his brother and as I stood watching Amun said "Brother why did you kill me? For my wife or just to say you were better then me?"

The man identical to Amun on the ground replied "I loved her and wanted her, I wanted to sleep with her once at the very least so you can take my life now for taking your life."

I had to see the memory before this and as I reached the memory I could see that the light here was oddly coloured.

I went into the memory and there stood 2 young man in heavy combat fighting with all they had the 1 seemed to take no damage while the other was monstrously strong.

The 2 stopped their sparing and as the resilient 1 turned around the stronger 1 grabbed his head and snapped his neck.

No words were said and I pulled out of the memory instantly.

I needed to now find Osiris's memory of the incident and as I watched the memory unfold the truth remained that Osiris was the monster.

I pulled back my consciousness and said "Osiris murdered Amun and then when Amun reincarnated he killed Osiris. In case you don't believe Amun's memories I went through Osiris's memories and they were identical."

Isis clenched her fists as I dropped the cuff link into Jupiter's hand Isis said "We are the clan of justice and honour, Osiris was supposed to be the ideal man never seeking beyond his own possessions. Now I find out that my blood has always been the monsters."

The room was bitter and sulky as many thing had been revealed, Hathor had not spared sympathy for the mother who was reunited with her son only to have him stripped away in an instant.

Jupiter was now sulking at the manner in which he behaved towards Amun, Saturn and Uranus had lost their playfulness due to atmosphere of the room.

Gaia still held to her belief and was terrified that Hathor would torture her if she tried anything.

Hathor was miserable without Horas or Yuri around and was wishing deep down inside that they were together.

According to Hathor Horas had a powerful energy around his memories and if they were interacted with they would explode sending her flying in her power space.

Yuri was even more confusing as she did not appear in the space although Hathor did say that she experienced the last moments of the fight we witnessed.

The ship had taken 30 minutes to jump and as it arrived in the new system it was clear that humanity would have to learn to cope with several things firstly there were 2 stars at the centre of the system both being blue super giants and the estimated life span of the system was 500000000 years.

The Illumanati had done several distasteful acts before we had arrived, firstly they killed all members of governments internationally and secondly they killed all liberation organizations on board.

Both actions were distasteful and for the betterment of humanity.

The gravity on the ship had gradually been dialled up to prepare everyone for the gravity of the new home world.

It would take almost a year to have everyone adapted enough to set foot on the planet as the gravity was increased by 1 unit a day.

The new world was terraformed by the nanotechnology and had all the transport vessels aid in the process.

The planets surface was untouched as minerals needed for production were extracted and replaced with dense balls of waste from the air. In 3 months the planet had turned into a lush green landscape and Hathor and Isis decided to settle their arguments the immortal way in an all out fight where the first to be out matched loses.

Hathor grabbed hold of the cufflink and squeezed it tightly as she disembarked from the ship, Jupiter had joined me to watch the fight while Saturn and Uranus had decided to stay behind.

Hathor had 3 massive advantages and said that Isis would lose this fight in a spectacular manner, Isis still had no idea just how powerful Hathor was at full power.

The 2 starred down each other and then Hathor sat on the floor and said "Losers strike first!"

Hathor was incredibly disrespectful towards Isis and Isis flared up and attacked full power.

The first advantage Hathor had was the infinite labyrinth, second was the power of creation and last was the fact that gravity could bend all attacks back to the sender.

Isis had flung her attacks and Hathor simply spun the attacks around herself accelerating them in a gravity well and then Isis attempted to punch Hathor.

The accelerated power struck Isis full force reducing her to 2 legs floating in the air.

Isis had her upper body regrow and said "I concede that defensive power is bloody powerful."

Hathor started to stand up when her legs gave out beneath her due to exertion.

Isis then sighed and said "Using power like that is a bad idea as the power will increase and make you incapable of having children. Trust me power may have its appeal but the way you truly want to improve is naturally and not through absolute fatigue."